Comments on: Christmas, classic memories and a change of direction… Fri, 07 Feb 2020 10:16:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gail Tue, 14 Jan 2020 11:33:01 +0000 to you and 😘 to Karen xxx]]> Hi Ali, just want to say that I do indeed remember you leaving a comment at the end of your blog re Karen, and it was rude of me not to thank you at the time.

😘 to you and
😘 to Karen


By: Alison Keenan Mon, 06 Jan 2020 13:13:30 +0000 Dear Jane, thank you so very much for your kind comment and supportive words. I am no different to any other woman, the job I do may be different but that’s all. I really appreciate you having taken the time out to write a review because they are what will really help anyone who is struggling to understand their diagnosis or how to move forwards. I very much hope you enjoyed your Christmas, and every happiness to you in 2020. With love, Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Mon, 06 Jan 2020 13:10:51 +0000 In reply to Tricia.

My dear Tricia, I am so sorry to hear your news, and understand completely how overwhelmed you must be feeling, especially having lost your mum so recently too. I’m sure Christmas was difficult too… I pray you had family and friends to support you. I wish the same for you now, and I do hope you will find comfort in reading the book. At least they know what it is, and you are being treated so you are on your way to recovery. Stay strong, and please do keep in touch with me here, Love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Mon, 06 Jan 2020 13:08:01 +0000 Dear Judith, always good to hear from you although I’m so sorry to know that you have been so poorly. It seems lots of folk are falling foul of various colds and flu, but it sounds as though you have really been going through it. I have everything crossed that you’re feeling much better now, and that you had someone to look out for you over Christmas and New Year. Lovely to know that you still have home-made tree ornaments too – the association with those now gone is really special I feel. Thanks you for your sweet words about Honey – yes she is growing up – and far too fast, but I try and spend as much time with her and Lucy as possible. Christmas was different and yes, we all missed mum, but she was definitely there in spirit. Wishing you better health this year Judith, and thank you for keeping in touch, love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Sat, 04 Jan 2020 16:39:12 +0000 In reply to Linda Finch.

Dear Linda, lovely to hear that you had a good Christmas, and I hope you are able to rest and recharge over New Year! I’m loath to take my Christmas tree down it’s been so pretty this year, but I will have to do it either tonight or tomorrow morning. Thank you for your kind wishes and I hope 2020 will be a happy and healthy year for you. Thank you for your support here on the blog, love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Sat, 04 Jan 2020 16:37:43 +0000 In reply to Rosemary Gould.

Happy New Year Rose! Thank you for your lovely comments and I’m delighted to know that you also have a grandchild who keeps you smiling and feeling young! Honey is an absolute sweetheart and I love being a part of her life. I look forward to hearing more from you this year, and I hope 2020 will be a good one for you. Love Ali XX

By: Alison Keenan Sat, 04 Jan 2020 16:36:34 +0000 In reply to martin forbes.

Hi Martin, I’m glad that your card arrived, and yes I did receive yours too. I hope that you had some time off over Christmas and I wish you and your family a Very Happy New Year. Love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Sat, 04 Jan 2020 16:35:39 +0000 In reply to Sue Radford.

Dear Sue, happy New Year to you and thank you for your sweet message. I hope you enjoyed Christmas – we did and spent it with his many family members as possible. It was different without mum, and sad at times, but we made the best of it. Thank you for all your support this last year and here’s hoping 2020 will be a good one for you, love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Sat, 04 Jan 2020 16:34:42 +0000 In reply to Gail.

Dear Gail, thank you for your lovely comment and I hope that you and your family enjoyed your Christmas together. I love the sound of your little dogs – they all become part of the family to don’t they! We had Bear Bear, Mitten and Diesel here together at one point which was a bit of a menagerie! I do remember you asking about Karen, and I made a comment at the bottom of the blog that week. It is heartbreaking to hear her news, but wonderful to hear her so positive. Thank you for adding your message to ours. Here’s hoping that 2020 will be a good year for you, and one where you will be able to keep in touch with me here on the blog. With love, Ali XX

By: Alison Keenan Sat, 04 Jan 2020 16:32:23 +0000 In reply to Susan Huskisson.

Dear Sue, happy New Year to you, and thank you for your lovely comment here on the blog. It was hard without mum this year, but we saw as many as a family as possible and enjoyed our time together. I’m sorry that you don’t see as much of Charlie anymore. It’s the same story with honey who started full-time school last September. I was only able to go to her nativity play because Lucy had to work, and the other ticket was for her dad. Loving Charlies game where he was Father Christmas – I hope you all enjoyed your time together over the holiday. I am very sorry to know about your friend who lost her husband so close to Christmas. Any time is devastating but it’s just the anniversary that makes it harder. I wish you every happiness in 2020, I look forward to hearing from you again here on the blog. Thank you for your support over this last year, love Ali xx
