Comments on: Kos, Christmas and coming home Tue, 10 Nov 2020 22:03:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Tue, 10 Nov 2020 22:03:47 +0000 In reply to Alison Keenan.

Hi Ali,
Was talking about Miceal x

By: Alison Keenan Sun, 08 Nov 2020 22:23:55 +0000 My dear Alan, thank you so much for taking the time to write to me and tell me about your dear wife Jean. I am truly sorry to hear all that she has endured, but so glad that you have been by her side throughout and given her all the support and love that she needed, as you still do. 47 years…No doubt far more than just the Greek Islands you’ve visited and many beautiful memories you share too – how wonderful for you both. I send you my love and every good wish for all the years you still have to share together. Take care of each other, love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Sun, 08 Nov 2020 22:19:53 +0000 In reply to Una.

Hi Una!! How lovely to hear from you after all this time, and better yet to know that you, Adam, Meli and now Humphrey are all well. It sounds as though you’ve got it all going on but in a very positive way. Fantastic that Meli is managing without her walker and has forged a real bond with Adam. It’s not always easy for children to accept another little person who will share their space, but clearly yours is a house of love. When I think back to all you’ve been through over the years it makes me happy to know that you are too. It’s been a strange year but we just have to hope that next year will be better. I’m lucky that Lucy and Honey are in my social bubble and that when restrictions were lifted we got to see all the other children at various times too. You stay well and keep on doing what you’re doing; you’re an inspiration to us all. Lots of love, Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Sun, 08 Nov 2020 22:15:08 +0000 In reply to Gail.

Dear Gail, Thanks so much for not just taking the time to write to me, but for listening to my story too. I am sorry though to know that you lost your mum to cancer, and that you were the one to nurse her. It’s hard for anyone actually going through the treatment and coping with the diagnosis but equally hard I believe for those who have to care for them and try to remain positive and strong. Thank you for the hug… it’s been a long week for us all so it’s very welcome. I actually started up a YouTube channel thanks to my daughter Lucy and am currently trying to update it and upload all the stories that I have read. You’ll find it there soon under Ali’s Story Time or Alison Keenan if you’d like to catch episode three and the other stories that I’ve read too. I have recorded audio books in the past and hope one day to record the whole of A New Kind of Normal. I hope that in spite of the difficult circumstances at the moment you are well and safe. Take care, love Ali xx

By: Tina Shaddick Sun, 08 Nov 2020 11:04:30 +0000 Dear Ali, Its been quite a while since I’ve been on line and looked at anything. Its been a horrendous time of late. Sadly my husband passed away after a very short illness! I have been as you can imagine beside myself with it all. I nursed him at home. It was so hard and I don’t know how I would have coped these past few weeks without my friends being there for me. Its a true saying that we need to make the most of everything because life is short indeed. This year has been one that I know a lot of people will never forget. We need to be there for one another at these hard times.
Best wishes, Tina S. ( S. Wales )

By: Alan Clark Mon, 02 Nov 2020 13:58:06 +0000 Hi Ali.
It’s good that you can get away and I hope your scan goes okay too. We have been to Corfu & Kefalonia which were both beautiful. It’s good to see you looking so well.
I have been through the Breast Cancer thing twice with my Darling Wife Jean. First time was in 2003 and again in 2018. On both occasions I was there when she went into Theatre and still there when she came out.
In between the 2 bout of Breast Cancer she was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in 2009 which devastated us again.
Jean is absolutely amazing and so laid back about it all and I feel extremely humble in her company. In our almost 47 years married I have never once doubted her or regretted the day we Wed in 1974. She is the love of my life.
Please take care of yourself.

By: Una Sun, 01 Nov 2020 13:21:06 +0000 In reply to Julia Smith.

So sorry for you loss. Much love.
Una. X

By: Una Sun, 01 Nov 2020 13:19:22 +0000 My dear Ali. Well, it’s been a while! I’ve actually messaged before, 2.or 3 time, halfway through typing, I got sidetracked by one or other of the munchkins, cane back to it, and had timed out, grrrr.
I have half hour to myself. My “crew” are out for a walk with Humphrey. Yes, we have a dog. As if there wasn’t enough chaos in this home, Humphrey came to stay! He is 3 years old and is a sweetheart. He’s a mix up of some sort, who even knows. He’s so ugly he’s cute lol. He belonged to a neighbour, who sadly is now unable to look after him. We offered to have him to stay while she was in hospital, and basically, he never left.
I’ve managed to pop in and out and read what you’ve been up to. You’ve been busy Mrs. I hope you are completely well again. Your escapade in the car when you were poorly must have been terrifying. Honey is just a wee gem. She’s growing up so fast. Way too fast probably lol.
Meli and Adam are doing so well. Our lockdown was actually a really good time for us. We just made the most of what we had, and got stuck in with the reading and writing. Adam didn’t even know how to hold a pencil when he came to live with us. He’s got it now though. He can write his name, age, address and he’s working on his Xmas list at the moment lol. He’s a wee darling. We still have our moments, but even during lockdown, we were still doing the counselling work with him. Our counsellor is amazing and has worked so hard with all of us to get us to where we are now. We have been told more about his life before he came to us, and it breaks my heart every time I look at him. Meli just adores him, she was really the one who got him writing his name. He can read too, thanks to her. She still uses her walker outside, but 85% of the time, if she’s in the house, it’s sitting in the corner. I actually had to confiscate it at one point. The wee monkeys were using the blooming thing to race up and down the hall!! My poor floor lol. Just watching your Orly show. Your hair is beautiful. You look stunning.
Well. I can see my lot walking up the hill. Ahhh, the sound of silence!!! Lol.
Take care and stay safe Ali.
Lots of love as always.
Una xx

By: Alison Keenan Sat, 31 Oct 2020 23:06:22 +0000 In reply to Linda Finch.

Dear Linda, I am so sorry that the situation in Yorkshire has changed the way you and Simon have been able to see each other. I am hoping very much that we will know a little more about the way things are moving and that you’ll be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m sure you will miss him and obviously all the kind things he’s done for you. Make sure you keep that Christmas Cake hidden won’t you! John will love it all the more once it’s decorated and finished 🙂 You take care and stay safe too, love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Sat, 31 Oct 2020 23:03:55 +0000 In reply to Kathryn.

Hi Kathryn, that’s really kind of you to say that, and yes, Colin and I were lucky to have a truly relaxing time away. So glad to know that the blogs resonate with you and that you see them as more of a chat and a connection which is what it’s all about really! Keeping everything crossed for the DEXA scan and hope this finds you and your family well too. Love Ali xx
