Comments on: Looking back and moving forwards… Tue, 18 Feb 2020 14:07:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: martin forbes Tue, 18 Feb 2020 14:07:57 +0000 Happy new year alison to you and your family alison iam currently on a2week holiday from mcdonald s where i work having a2 week lazy holiday doing nothing.

By: Alison Keenan Mon, 27 Jan 2020 11:09:54 +0000 Dear Tricia, good to hear back from you, and I’m hoping that you’re through the worst and that both your husband and son are now completely better. Your comment about the snowdrops made me peer into my garden, but mine aren’t up yet – hopefully soon. The woods close by though are always full of them! Such delicate and beautiful flowers. I do like your idea of buying your daughters and nieces jewellery to celebrate your 60th. A really kind thought. So glad too that you were able to choose it from us. Diamonique may well be my jewellery of choice if I decide to do the same. What do you have planned for your next big birthday? Take care and do keep in touch, love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Mon, 27 Jan 2020 11:05:32 +0000 In reply to Susan.

Dear Susan, You’re right, it has been crazily busy – for you too by the sounds of it. But thank you for taking the time out to write to me, and for such kind words. I’ve got everything crossed that this next decade will be an easier one, but with Honey and the family alongside me, I can get through pretty much anything 🙂 My holiday is actually next month – next week in fact, so not long to wait now! Take care and do keep in touch, love Ali xx

By: Tricia Coulsonwood Fri, 24 Jan 2020 09:09:48 +0000 Hi Ali, thanks for your kind words…I hope you and your lovely family plus all your friends, including all your QVC friends a happy and healthy new year…Looking at your pictures ,what a close family resemblance ,especially, Honey B and Colin’s son Dan…he’s so much like his Dad.
What a fabulous table you had and so many guests..It looked amazing….My Xmas table this year consisted of my husband and son, no turkey or trimmings …I barred all others from visiting as I believe in isolation with flu…I warned my son not to visit but he turned up …consequently I ended up nursing him and my husband in the new year when they both succumbed to the flu .
Now that’s behind us and its time to think of spring..The snow drops are out in our garden which is always lovely to see…
My daughter Janette has her birthday in March also, she’s a decade behind you and I am a decade in front of you…Big birthdays this year…I travelled to Ireland when I had my 60th,
(August)..I remember at that time I bought my daughters a pearl and gold ring each to commemorate and as a mark of my love for them…also my nieces a pearl necklace each , All from QVC..Its great to be able to pick things at your leisure…Since then my daughter Liz has purchased lots of diamonique , especially Michelle Mone..fabulous quality…
I hope you have a wonderful birthday Ali and wish you lots of love to you and Colin and your family for 2020.. Tricia C-W….

By: Susan Thu, 23 Jan 2020 18:00:08 +0000 Happy new year Ali! Sorry it’s so late. I just got round to reading your blog. What a busy time it’s been for us all. In work and out of. As you say I’m sure we’ll all crack on with 2020! I can’t believe you’re 60 in March! You look so INCREDIBLE! I am sure you also are so delighted and grateful to be here as you say it was a life changing and painful in many ways time after your 50th. It’s one of the most cruel diseases as it changes you so much physically. I admire you totally. So glad you had honey to get you through too and hope she enjoyed her Christmas. You’ve done so much entertaining as usual that you’ll be looking forward to March and your holiday. How lovely you have that exotic holiday to look forward to! Chat soon and take care x

By: Alison Keenan Tue, 21 Jan 2020 10:13:11 +0000 In reply to Mary Morphy.

HOO BLOOMIN’ RAY!!!!! So relieved for you Mary – I know how worried you had become with no voice since October. Lovely to be able to talk to your dear mum too, and call Olly back on the beach. Yay! 20202 is definitely an improvement for you already. I’m amazed you managed to do everything for both your families inspite of having no voice – I just hope you had a tad more help this year than usual 🙂 Belated Happy birthday to John, and Chloe shares my neice Claire’s birthday – I bet you can’t believe Chloe will be 20! Where does the time go…? I wish you good health and every happiness in 2020 and thank you as always for being such a support here on the blog. Love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Tue, 21 Jan 2020 10:06:11 +0000 In reply to Tricia.

Dear Tricia, thank you for letting me know, and although I am sorry they had to do follow-up surgery I am very glad that your margins are now clear. This should make the road ahead a lot easier – I do hope so. Please keep in touch, love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Tue, 21 Jan 2020 10:03:08 +0000 In reply to Linda Finch.

And I think I’ve replied to all of them !! 🙂 xxxx

By: Alison Keenan Tue, 21 Jan 2020 10:02:45 +0000 In reply to Patricia Shelbourne.

How lovely that you’ve been with us for so long! Delighted that you enjoy the blog, and thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. May 2020 bring you sunshine and much joy too. One day I hope to make a visit to Hull – not been back to Yorkshire apart from my Three Peaks Challenge, since I was in my 20’s. Beautiful part of the world. Love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Tue, 21 Jan 2020 10:00:11 +0000 In reply to Linda Finch.

Hi Linda, thank you for your perseverance! Your comments came like buses – all at once! Happy New Year to you and your family too. Love Ali xx
