Comments on: Sunshine, sorting things out and a new short story feature! Tue, 12 May 2020 14:22:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tracey Tue, 12 May 2020 14:22:37 +0000 Hi Ali, love reading your blogs about family, events etc. They bring a smile to my face & a titter to brighten the day. Was looking forward to seeing you on diamonique day, didn’t seem right to have a day of diamonique & you not there to share it with us viewers. I was talking to me Mum on the day about some of the shows & that you where missing, which sparked us both realising we had not seen our second diamonique Ali (Alison O’Reilly) for some time either. Does she not do the shows anymore ? We both love Lee, you have a good giggle with him. Both of us have too many diamonique items to mention. I like yourself have brought many gifts of diamonique for family & friends over the years. Hope you & your family stay safe & well during these unknown times, best wishes Tracey

By: Julia Smith Mon, 11 May 2020 14:23:59 +0000 Hi Ali it is lovely to read your blog – any company is most welcome if only virtual! Reading other replies makes you realise that yes we are all more alike than not. We all have the same worries and ups and downs more so at the moment and I think at some point or other there have been tears along the way too. But it certainly has focused the mind on what is important to us our family and friends. I seem to have done lots and nothing at the same time! Unfortunately one of my daughter’s father in law died two weeks ago -not the virus but it meant he was on his own and I think that has been the most upsetting for them.
I miss my grandchildren very much especially Ivy who is 3 and lives in London. I have just taken a video of me reading a story to her and I will post her the book. My voice sounds terrible but I think she will like it! .We did manage a zoom meeting for my grandson’s 15th Birthday we all sang to him. I have ordered treats from QVC a lovely recliner chair for the garden it is so comfy sage colour & came in 3 days!! I had major surgery myself & came home a week before this happened. I had to go back for a scan and the hospital was eerily quiet the porter who wheeled me to the dept said he should have moved house on that day.
We got together with neighbours to commemorate VE Day. We all stayed in our own drives speaking over the wall and just had a drink & nibbles and a toast to the heroes of WW11.
Take care of yourself and stay safe everyone lots of love Julia xxx

By: Alison Keenan Sun, 10 May 2020 17:19:43 +0000 Hi Linda, lovely to hear from you, and to know that Simon an his crew are well, and managing to keep Ellie occupied and Charlie walked too! It’s great they are close to a park – I think getting out into the open is definitely the answer to feeling less anxious. I’m glad you liked the little film of Honey getting herself into a mess in the bathroom! Lucy keeps all the cleaning things in a locked cupboard downstairs, so she was safe 🙂 Glad to know that John is keeping busy with his greenhouse – I love planting things out, but I tend to do it straight in to the pots! Maybe he can gift some of his plants! Hang onto that lovely thought of being with Harry, Ellie and Simon and I’m sure it won’t be much longer now. Love Ali x

By: Alison Keenan Sun, 10 May 2020 17:16:08 +0000 In reply to Christine.

Dear Christine, I am so glad that your husband’s biopsy results have come back clear, that must be a relief. Although I am sorry that the cataract operation you had in February has left you with double vision. I do hope the doctor is right, but it’s hard to take your mind off the worry when as you say, you have almost run out of things to do. Reading etc. can’t be an option for you at the moment, but patience is the key. I’m keeping everything crossed that there will be a positive change ahead. Take care, love Ali x

By: Alison Keenan Sun, 10 May 2020 17:13:57 +0000 In reply to Judith Lennon.

Wow Judith! That is no mean feat – many congratulations to you for putting so much time and effort into making those scrub bags. And you should feel fulfilled and proud. I think it’s wonderful, and I hope that you enjoyed your well deserved day of doing nothing. Yes, Honey’s cards are still out on the side, and it was even tougher not being with her on her birthday, but Lucy is great at keeping us all in touch with FaceTime and I know there will be better times ahead. You take care and stay safe and well, love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Sun, 10 May 2020 17:11:52 +0000 In reply to Sandra Hill.

My dear Sandra, I am so sorry that you’ve been through such a tough and emotional time, but please just give it time, and it will start to feel easier. It’s perfectly normal to be frightened of the future… I think many of us are for a myriad of different reasons. I believe hanging onto the fact that the treatment both you and I have received has given us our best chance for a healthy future is the only way, but I appreciate some days that’s hard to do. The current situation we’re all living in will pass, and then you will have less to contend with. Please do keep in touch with us here – it’s a fabulous and caring network – and offers great support. Sending my love, Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Sun, 10 May 2020 17:09:16 +0000 In reply to Susan.

Susan, I’m glad you’ve written this to Jo, as I know you comment regularly and were probably concerned as I was – not like Jo at all! I hope you’re keeping everything together and staying safe and well. Ali x

By: Alison Keenan Sun, 10 May 2020 17:07:46 +0000 In reply to dee.

Hi there Dee, yes the blue flowers are called borage. They grow wild, but grow equally well in a garden. Very prickly leaves and stems but you can use the flowers, leaves and the young stems and they apparently taste just like cucumber! Ali x

By: Alison Keenan Sun, 10 May 2020 17:06:21 +0000 In reply to Tina S.

Dear Tina, I can completely empathise with your feeling out of sorts and confused as to which day of the week it is, and I know it’s not just you and I. So many are struggling as the lockdown continues, and I know it’s the loneliness as much as anything else that makes it difficult.. How kind of your sister-in-law to call round to see you. It’s great to actually see someone even if you can’t physically hug them. Keeping strong and believing that it won’t be too much longer before we can all be together is the only way I find to deal with it. I hope you can hold off using the clippers on your hair! I had to cut my fringe just the other day, but had luckily had a very short cut just before my hair salon closed. I hope you can continue to count your blessings and as you say, things could be worse! Let’s just hand to believing it will all soon be much better, love Ali xx

By: Alison Keenan Thu, 07 May 2020 15:50:34 +0000 In reply to Joanna Downey.

My dear Jo, firstly I can only apologise for being so tardy in responding and secondly how I really hope that the return of the sunshine has lifted your spirits. It is unusual to hear you being anything other than positive, but I know that the last two months have been incredibly difficult for so many of us. I am sure though even in your most despairing moments you were able to cling onto a glimmer of hope and that now you are feeling stronger? Do let me know how you are aren’t you? Sending you a hug and my love, Ali xx
