Comments on: A timely return! Wed, 30 Dec 2020 13:11:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Margaret Cockburn Wed, 30 Dec 2020 13:11:02 +0000 Just watching QVC with you back on my TV so nice to see you again Did I hear you Correctly when you said that’s my Daughter in Law about one of the beautiful models or have I been making it up again Old Ears not what they were You be safe Megxx

By: Anne dawson Wed, 04 Nov 2020 11:59:16 +0000 for 2020 😩 xx]]> In reply to Janet groves.

Now that would have been a lovely long break Janet!! Sadly no Italy 🇮🇹 for 2020 😩 xx

By: Lyn Cobley Sun, 25 Oct 2020 18:10:27 +0000 Just watching you on Sunday evening and had to look twice to see if it was you. You look fantastic, love your hair and makeup. You look 40 something I think. Great to see you back. Keep up the good work.

By: Carol Crosbie Fri, 23 Oct 2020 14:17:30 +0000 Hi Anne
So glad you are back I hope you are feeling better lots of good wishes from Paisley.

By: Carrie Thu, 22 Oct 2020 16:43:36 +0000 So so glad you are returning to our screens. you are my favourite presenter. just went on line dreading to see that you have left but although I am so sorry you have been I’ll, I am delighted you are better now and will be back shortly. I’ll be tuning into the style channel tomorrow!! xx

By: May Gledhill Tue, 20 Oct 2020 15:56:35 +0000 In reply to Anne dawson.

Hi Anne,
Originally Edinburgh but been in West Lothian for the last 30 years. I do miss the hustle and bustle of a big town. I live in hope I can move back one day. So looking forward to your return.

Take care and see you at the weekend May xx

By: Gaynor Dyer Tue, 20 Oct 2020 12:03:47 +0000 😍 Can't wait see you back on air. Tina if love xxx]]> Hi Anne, So glad to hear you will soon be back as I was concerned. Really sad to hear you have been under the weather as I had commented earlier how fantastic you look these days , happier, healthier and wicked 😉😍 Can’t wait see you back on air. Tina if love xxx

By: Anne Dawson Tue, 20 Oct 2020 09:42:39 +0000 In reply to Tina Harrington.

Hi Tina,
Lovely to hear from you. Thank you for your kind words. So cannot wait to get back at the weekend.
Stay safe.
Anne xx

By: Tina Harrington Mon, 19 Oct 2020 20:58:52 +0000 Hi Anne. I have wondered if you still worked at QVC as I haven’t seen you for a while. Saw you on an advert and decided to check your blog. Your bubbly and honest presentations have been sorely missed. Speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you on TV soon x

By: Susan Mon, 19 Oct 2020 18:22:16 +0000 especially a big one! I think you’re probably right about having a natural glass half full belief making life easier. But I think when you take so many knocks it is hard to keep it up. Anyway, lovely you’re back!x]]> In reply to Anne dawson.

Hi Anne,
Great to hear from you and so glad you at least could enjoy your birthday 😊 especially a big one! I think you’re probably right about having a natural glass half full belief making life easier. But I think when you take so many knocks it is hard to keep it up. Anyway, lovely you’re back!x
