Comments on: Attitude of catitude…and gratitude Sat, 27 Mar 2021 18:56:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joanne Hughes Sat, 27 Mar 2021 18:56:59 +0000 Just beautiful, looking at your beautiful cats is so so relaxing, thank you, our animals have been so important to us they always were and will continue to be thank you for showing yours Catherine just lovely

By: bernadette Fri, 26 Mar 2021 14:13:53 +0000 My son gave me a cd he made of ‘Hey Mama’ a few years ago. I love it

By: Katie Thu, 25 Mar 2021 18:56:38 +0000 Catherine I just wanted to say thank you so much for mentioning you were thinking of those who are unable to become mums, it’s all I ever wanted to be in my life but because of previous long term ill health it wasn’t to be. I dread mothers day, it’s so hard as a childless women and more so as my mum passed 11 years ago. So few people ever mention those like me so a big THANK YOU!
Take care

By: Lusia Chell Thu, 25 Mar 2021 05:25:59 +0000 Love your little ones. They bring so much joy. I have 3 rescue babies and I love them very much. They have seen me through some sad and tough times. Felix is the older boy and he has the softest fur and he is lovely. I had another cat Willow at the same time I had my Felix but he didn’t live long – I found out he had cancer and he died at home. He was a lovely grey kitten at the time and only six months old. He broke my heart. However then Titch came along with a fridge (long story here). He is very shy and does not really get on with the others – he is an independent kitty.
Eventually, I was able to bring myself to get another grey kitten and I called him ‘Cookie’ who looked like a little teddy bear and he was absolutely beautiful. However, he was stolen and I heard from a vet he had been killed. It was an absolute awful time. I swore then that I would never have another grey cat, but then I heard about a little grey and white kitten that needed to be rescued. I went to see him and he looked so lonely and the people who had him weren’t very nice, so I sort of rescued him. He is like no other cat I have had. I call him Munchkin and he gives me lots of kisses! He jumps on me and falls asleep on my shoulders! He is very much an indoor cat and he likes to have lots of cuddles and hugs. These are my friends and they give me so much love and joy. I love looking after them. They are my family. Take care everyone.

By: Susan Wed, 24 Mar 2021 16:54:57 +0000 Hi Catherine,
I don’t often comment on your blog as there’s just too many blogs to look at and not enough time but I do enjoy them when I read them. You’re a very kind person. I think you’re so right saying not to buy anything to your children. Honestly it’s just such an unfair world when it comes to so many things. Money being just one. I can’t understand why I’m this day and age there is such a have and have nots state of affairs. So nice of you to mention people who aren’t mothers etc too. How is your own mum? I haven’t kept up sorry.
I love your cats. Such funny poses. I didn’t realise you had 2 new ones either! So behind!
Take care x

By: Sue Smurthwaite Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:16:56 +0000 Oh Catherine, the photos of your ‘fur babies’ are absolutely gorgeous. They look so relaxed, and content, I think your white cat should have some of his own pj’s dont you !!!! bless him. Truly they are two beautiful felines….and I am sure they will receive so much love and attention. Take care Catherine, much love and cuddles to your ‘fur babies’.

By: Pam Phillips Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:12:55 +0000 Beautiful cats Catherine. They are my favourite animals. I love them.
Very best wishes.
Pam Phillips (Isle of Wight)

By: Eileen Mahoney Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:12:03 +0000 I adore all of your sweet kitties but that ziggy is such a character!!! I just LOOOOOOVE that one of him on his back!!
