Comments on: Cake, cats and Korres… Sun, 20 Dec 2020 12:15:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: freshaircentral i.e. Liz Robertson Sun, 20 Dec 2020 12:15:52 +0000 Hi Catherine,
Sorry to hear about Pixiecat. such a beautiful fur friend. Your new arrivals are gorgeous fur boys are stunning.
Hopefully i will get a rescue cat next year (fingers crossed). I have been making enquiries.
I love all animals and I was wondering if the dog jumpers that you are wearing on air are available yet ?
Are they joules ?
Those cup cakes look amazing – will totally try to make -I have taken a photo of the recipe.

By: Sue Smurthwaite Sun, 29 Nov 2020 14:20:39 +0000 Hello, Lovely, lovely photos of your two brothers….they will be sooo loved. My two cats are brothers but they are 16 and oh dear me…..I am already dreading the day when I will be without them….however there are always animals out there who need a good home, moreso at this time of year.

By: Rita page Thu, 26 Nov 2020 14:13:00 +0000 Catherine , can I ask is your clogau daffodil necklace not available now.

By: Jane Grayson Wed, 25 Nov 2020 14:49:20 +0000 πŸŽ„πŸŽ„β›„β›„]]> Lovely to see you back on our screens Catherine…. Your cats are so cute….keep safe merry Christmas XπŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„β›„β›„

By: Catherine Slinger Tue, 24 Nov 2020 21:11:37 +0000 I am so sorry that you lost your Pixiecat, it is so overwhelming and sad as I have been through this 3 times. You carry their love and memories with you forever. Your beautiful brothers are so gorgeous, I look forward to hearing about them and their wonderful lives with you. They are 2 very lucky cats to have you as their family. Love to you and your family. Catherine xxx

By: Hayley Ashbourne Tue, 24 Nov 2020 08:48:32 +0000 Hi, you don’t mean iceing it is.butter cream and tastes better than iceing

They sound yum and look it too.
I hope you’re cats are all settled in. You said you’re white cat has two different eye colours one day on QVC are they blue bell green because a while can with one blue and one green usually means the cat is defie I hope he and your other cat will be happy in there new forever home.
I have a cat who is 16 yrs old. I know I won’t have him that much longer. He was there when I was diagnosed with MS I already had ME and he was with me when I was diagnosed with pulmonary embolisms,both of my lungs are full of blood clots. And that part of my lung where I have blood clots it does. I can no longer ding because of that and the pain while walking and not being able to breathe makes walking impossible! I can’t lay down because the blood clots make it too painful for me to lie down so I have spent 10 yrs plus sleeping sat up in a chair. I need to raiseΒ£2500 for a bed that will fit in my Tibet bedroom. An electric folding wheel chair and a riser recline chair even though I can’t recline I have to keep my feet up as one of my feet swells really big. So if anyone can help me raise that money I would be forever grateful.
And about my cat he is half raddoll. I had no idea, I thought he thought he was a dog when he was little because he used to play fetch with his toys. It wasn’t until he was 1 year old and he had an odd reaction to his booster injection that I looked on the internet and it said that it happened to ragdoll cats. And the min I saw what they looked like I knew he was half raddoll!
When he was a kitten he was a ball of fluff but with eyebrows and whiskas of an adult cat. The first thing my vet said was what are all these she was surprised about all his eyebrows and wiskers lol.
He has told me he will stay with me another 10 yrs, I know he hadn’t that is just my whish fill thinking. Sending love to you and your kitty’s XXX oh my cat was a rescue kitten from the RSPCA

By: Elaine Mon, 23 Nov 2020 08:49:16 +0000 Lovely new kitties. They will be so loved by you. Do share thier names and hope that Popsiecat is getting on well with them. As she is the female i expect she is putting them in their place. Lovely to see you back. Keep safe xx
