Comments on: Behold! Easy hair and easy wear! Sat, 27 Mar 2021 18:05:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Serena Sat, 27 Mar 2021 18:05:22 +0000 Hi there Catherine, wow, wow, wow I just adore your amazing new bob it looks incredible and you’ve made such an excellent job of it, and made it look really simple. I’ve been looking at QVC today on my IPad and saw you wearing what looked like a long black and silver, or black and white duster style jacket, amazing, but I haven’t been able to find it online, any chance you remember it please?

By: Sarah Illingworth Fri, 05 Mar 2021 20:40:35 +0000 Dear Catherine
I’ve just read for the second time your tribute to Princess Pixie; the first time I read it was when I realised my own little angel was on the downward path, today I had to make the so so painful decision that it was time to let her go. She was 14 and her liver had failed/cancer. I had only had the privilege of living alongside her for 11 years, she was a pedigree Abyssinian and had been “used” for breeding. She needed me and I needed her, I had just had a breakdown. We so “got” each other. She always slept alongside me and had the loudest purr – for hours through the night! Never a lap cat, always on equal status to me. If I put my hand down to stroke her, she had to lick me first. If I bent down to kiss her she lifted her little head to “kiss” me with her little nose. I have two more little fur babies left; they are genetically her grandchildren but are “tabby/abys”. Different personalities but wonderful all the same. They are 10 this year, I hope they will be with me for a while longer. I so understand your description of the gut-wrenching grief I’m feeling. Believe me I’m 66 and have had cats all my life; I’ve been here so many times and lost both my parents and live/care with my darling disabled daughter (and I’ve had many, many life-threatening situations with her). Even with COVID-19 we’ve been home, shielded for a year, I’ve got through it but losing my little Princess Pussy Flamstone Jamani Jamie is almost more than I can bear. Sadness is overwhelming. Your tribute gives me hope that I, also, will get through this. With deepest love and admiration for a fellow cat lover.

By: Jayne Lakicevic Wed, 24 Feb 2021 15:12:58 +0000 That top looks lovely on you Catherine, you’re so pretty.
