Comments on: Keeping in shape and keeping in touch! Tue, 07 Apr 2020 09:54:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dawn Walker Tue, 07 Apr 2020 09:54:51 +0000 Hi Catherine you have always been one of my favourite presenters. Love the way you say what you mean and are very funny with it too!!! Keep up the great work xxxxx

By: Catherine Huntley Mon, 06 Apr 2020 13:29:11 +0000 In reply to Antoinette Browne.

Lovely Antoinette,

So nice to hear from you. My apologies for being slow on the blog. I always get around to catching up with all the comments, though. Even when I don’t get enough time to reply to everyone, I still get a lot of joy reading them.

I sincerely hope you are doing well and managing to stay sane throughout all of this. Wet and forget is a great idea! I’ve got some in the garage I’ve been meaning to use, thanks for reminding me.

Lots of love,

Catherine xx

By: Catherine Huntley Mon, 06 Apr 2020 13:25:49 +0000 In reply to Allyson.

Thank you for commenting, it’s lovely to hear Popsiecat brought some cheer to your day. I hope you’re staying safe and well.

Love Catherine xx

By: Antoinette Browne Thu, 26 Mar 2020 10:00:07 +0000 Dear Catherine, thank you so so much for sharing your lovely blog. I am one of those people who only reads the blogs. I so look forward to reading them. So please carry on with them. I am so happy that you have your children with you. These are some challenging times. I have done a lot of shopping with qvc. Thank you for all you updates on the deals. Just getting ready to try out my wet and forget kit. God bless you and your lovely family. Keep safe. Antoinette x love the picture of your cat.

By: Allyson Wed, 25 Mar 2020 20:40:20 +0000 Hi Catherine,
You always cheer me up when you’re on air, but now you’ve made my day with the gorgeous picture of your cat. It’s SO gorgeous! Glad to hear you’re keeping upbeat too. Thanks again for helping us all stay sane in these weird and scarey times. Keep well and stay safe.
