Comments on: A colourful garden offer and a spot of DIY Tue, 20 Apr 2021 22:32:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charlie Brook Tue, 20 Apr 2021 22:32:15 +0000 Hi Jill and thanks for your message. I wouldn’t dream of writing you off! I do enjoy my technology but I’ll go days and days without using it. Still love to receive and send a letter too. There’s something really personal about a hand written note isn’t there.

Take care.

Charlie 🙂

By: Jill Rycroft Wed, 07 Apr 2021 11:13:07 +0000 Just would like to say I was delighted when you mentioned that your Mum hates new technology, she’s a girl after my own heart. I can use a computer when necessary, I have a very old pay as you go mobile phone for emergency contacts but I’m not a Dinasor. I have much more interesting things to spend my money on and a internet monthly payment is not essential on top of the initial outlay for a computer. Please don’t write us off Charlie there’s nothing nicer than keeping in touch with friends either by land line phone with a cup of tea and have a good chat or by letter.
Well done Mum
