Comments on: Getting a good night’s sleep! Sat, 20 Mar 2021 11:55:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: charlie brook Sat, 20 Mar 2021 11:55:10 +0000 Hi Irene, I am sorry you are struggling to sleep. This last year has been so overwhelming and is affecting us all in so many different ways. The pillow, I love, and wouldn’t be without it now. If it doesn’t work for you, then do please send it back. It must be lovely to have your cats for company. I find reading can help me relax, although I need to be careful the book isn’t too exciting as that can wake me up!

Best wishes


By: charlie brook Sat, 20 Mar 2021 11:51:47 +0000 Hi Jules, and thanks for your message and I’m glad you like seeing pictures of my Cairns!
I’m glad Cozee Home has helped to give you a more comfortable time in bed. I think it’s finding what worse for us individually. So glad you like the design of the month. Thanks you.

Best wishes


By: Irene Delamere Fri, 05 Mar 2021 22:26:25 +0000 Enjoyed reading that as I find it hard to fall asleep since lock down again, I’m still awake at 3 in the morning my pillow does not feel comfy at all I’ll try the pillow you have that may help, I have no tv in my bedroom so can’t understand why I can’t fall asleep I have my 3 cats snuggled up with me, Lovly photo of your dogs

By: Jules Mon, 01 Mar 2021 19:41:30 +0000 Best wishes Jules]]> Hi Charlie
As someone who has found it difficult to sleep well for many years, I can honestly say that since purchasing a lovely Cozee Home velvet soft bedding set from QVC, lying in bed is certainly much cosier (even if I’m not asleep).
Your diamonique design of the month looks great – being a lucky four leaf clover made from hearts, I’m sure it will appeal to many, it’s such a pretty design.
Its always lovely to see pictures of your 2 Cairns in your blogs – they look adorable 🙂
Best wishes
