Comments on: The power of words Wed, 08 Apr 2020 16:01:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dee Wed, 08 Apr 2020 16:01:55 +0000 hi Claire you done a footwear show with Evey and she had on an a amazzzzing black shirt and trousers with a white strip – you stated you needed to know where she got them – did you find out please ??? Thanks

shirt and trousers with a white stripe

By: Christine Tue, 17 Mar 2020 14:42:28 +0000 Hi Claire

Such a lovely blog about Letters Live and sharing it with your Maddie too. Special and precious for sure.

I just think of the power and impact of the written word. Made me think of all the letters and cards I keep that my gorgeous mum wrote to me. Every one still speaks to me in so many ways, especially since she is no longer with us.

Gifts she bought for me are special and precious, but most precious of all are her words on paper. Full of love and wisdom!! All resonate and bring such comfort as I hear her voice through every word…

I have little notes from my children and grandchildren too that still speak love to me as I m sure you do!! Priceless every one…

I also have a battered old toffee tin, no idea how old it is, but it holds letters sent from my dad and uncles when they were away at war 80 plus years ago. Written to Dear Mam or Dear Father telling them Not to worry etc…words of reassurance and hope. Always hope…. Speaking of home, sometimes in code!!

The Bible also is another great source of poetry, guidance love and Message containing many accounts and letters.

Keep writing I say and sending notes especially in these days to lift the soul. Chicken soup for the soul!!!

Thank you again Claire for sharing that lovely inspiring blog.. And passing on that love of letters to you Maddie. She will be all the richer for it and she is truly blessed to have a mum like you….

God Bless Claire

Lots and lots of love. ke e e ep writing!!

Christine xxxxx

By: Eileen Mahoney Sat, 14 Mar 2020 22:23:43 +0000 It certainly sounds like you had a great day out, Claire! Since you like letters so much you have probably already heard of them, but, in case not, I can highly recommend a two volume set of books called “Letters of Note:Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience” by Shaun Usher. They are collections of over 100 letters (in each) from the likes of Virginia Woolf, Churchill, da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Elvis Presley, JFK, Katharine Hepburn, Mick Jagger, Abraham Lincoln, Beatrix Potter and on and on and on. I find them absolutely riveting and they are the perfect books to dip in and out of. Check them out!!
