Comments on: Celebrating Mum’s day and sneaky peeks! Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:46:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carole Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:46:53 +0000 Hi Debbie read your blogs all the time, they are always fantastic very informative and true. Your one of my favourite presenters, the way you describe items totally honest. Well done for your wonderful volunteering at the vaccine centre. You mention your last blog about watching line of duty, well I am being totally honest it’s the most fantastic drama the bbc has ever made, I’ve watched it from series one, which you need to do as the series interact. You will be HOOKED.
Keep up the good work Debbie take care.
Carole x

By: Alison Will Wed, 24 Mar 2021 00:42:11 +0000 Not sure who is presenting Ninja Foodi TSV but I see that there are several negative comments about recipes books being too US orientated. Can recommend The Big Metric Ninja Foodi Cookbook by David Small. Colour Version. Recipes including Yorkshire pudding Victoria Sponge Thai green curry to name a few and metric measures. Available from a online shopping retailer £15 paperback or £9 kindle version.

By: Sally Jane Rash Sun, 21 Mar 2021 17:09:20 +0000 Hi Debbie,

You haven’t changed a bit since that lovley piccie with your parents and sister! It did make me smile especially as I’m the younger sister of two (I see you’re the older of two). What handsome looking parents too.
Please keep being the wonderful, bouncy, jolly presenter that you are – you do help brighter these dark Covid days. Thank you.

By: Carolyn Whiter Sun, 21 Mar 2021 11:26:36 +0000 Lovely photos Debbie. Your mum looks absolutely fabulous. Love watching young QVC, especially when you are having a good laugh.

By: Deborah Sun, 21 Mar 2021 09:04:55 +0000 Thank you Debbie for your weekly blog, in particular information on the the Deals and TSVs. I love your new home. The flat looks great and the surroundings are stunning. Good on you.

The best Netflix dramas I’ve seen recently are, and in order, The One and Behind her Eyes. The most compelling documentaries, Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal and Nevenka: Breaking the Silence, the victim of the first successful sexual harassment prosecution against a politician in Spain reflects twenty years. Years later we have #me too. So not sure much has changed when it comes to people exploiting their wealth and power. Marriage or Mortgage looks interesting. Oldies but goodies, though not limited series, are the bold and brilliant Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy.

By: Marie Bryant-Felix Sat, 20 Mar 2021 21:08:42 +0000 Thanks Debbie. Looks good. Love pic of you and yr Mum.

Looking to buy a Nina Leonard dress and the Judith Williams set. Thanks for the heads up.

By: Annette wakefield Sat, 20 Mar 2021 18:57:23 +0000 Lovely read Debbie,I recommend the line of duty it is brilliant,but start with series 1,I’ve been really looking forward to the new series starting tomorrow.Thankyou for letting me know what is coming up on qvc .

By: Carol Sat, 20 Mar 2021 18:48:11 +0000 Debbie i love your make up ,what do you use especially the lip colour,I love the blog too xxxx

By: Hazel Snowden Sat, 20 Mar 2021 15:47:46 +0000 Gosh Debbie, doesn’t your son look like your Dad! How nice to see the genes being passed down. Thanks for the audio and film recommendations. Just watched Holiday in the Wild, and it was nice for a Saturday afternoon session. Felt quite guilty watching films in the middle of the day! Take care. Good job you are doing at Epsom. Not surprised the patients’ eyes light up with a sticker from you!

By: Kerry Caldwell Sat, 20 Mar 2021 13:50:32 +0000 Fab picture of you, Debbie
