Comments on: Deb, Daisy and daffs! Plus new Shark vac offer Fri, 21 Feb 2020 16:38:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anne Miller Fri, 21 Feb 2020 16:38:25 +0000 The only breadmaker disasters I have had have been caused by the dried yeast I use going “off”. Although still within the use by date, I thinks once air gets in, the yeast becomes “stale”. I have used the bread mix you feature and it has been lovely. Good luck with the next one.

By: mancitymad Fri, 21 Feb 2020 14:59:05 +0000 According to google the first day of spring was yesterday, must be why it’s freezing today !!!!! That’s
one heck of a ball of fluff you have there – who will be taking who for a walk? I have just bought that
bread mix from w8rose, will cheat & use my bread maker and let you know if it works.
Thanks for your blogs – always full of good things
