Comments on: Film fun with The Duke and Caitlin! And sneaky peeks! Tue, 15 Mar 2022 22:01:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Tue, 15 Mar 2022 22:01:18 +0000 Hi Debbie,
Hope the house sale goes through fine again. Glad you enjoyed the do but yes I think everyone would agree that stupid things are really just that. The world is in such an awful state. It’s just completely horrific what’s happening in Ukraine and who knows where it will end and with what repercussions, deaths and lives destroyed. What’s the answer? I just don’t know.
On other things, have you watched this is going to hurt on bbc? It’s a real different watch. Don’t know how to describe it! Made up yes but also sadly a real insight into ward life and haves and have nots. Ukraine is an example of how life is as much about luck as much as hard work. Anyway you might find it weirdly funny and sad at the same time?
Keep safe x

By: lesley batten Tue, 15 Mar 2022 16:13:11 +0000 hi debbie. loved reading your blogs.
you are so good at explaining things on the telly like width of shoes, if the arms are slim, it just helps buying.
at the moment I dont understand why kipling small bags now dont have the key
strap any longer. I a
want to buy a new bag but not without the strap. sorry about this message but I’m not good at this.xx

By: Sarah Sun, 13 Mar 2022 21:26:36 +0000 . Congratulations on becoming a grandma again . You exhaust me , reading about your life . Thanks Debbie , I hope u realise , how much it helps x]]> Hi Debbie , this is my first post ! . I was moved to message you , because I also celebrate my 60th birthday in the summer . I’m disabled , due to a nursing injury & was also shielding during the pandemic . I’ve so enjoyed reading your blog & watching you on QVC . It’s like having a virtual friend ! & I do find myself talking to you 😂. Congratulations on becoming a grandma again . You exhaust me , reading about your life . Thanks Debbie , I hope u realise , how much it helps x

By: Carol Crosbie Fri, 11 Mar 2022 16:43:17 +0000 Hi Debbie
Love reading your blogs and just noticed Kaleb is an anagram of Blake xx
