Comments on: Monster veg plus sneaky peeks Thu, 24 Sep 2020 22:22:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janet Thu, 24 Sep 2020 22:22:38 +0000 Hi Debbie, my favourite presenter on QVC, you always give as much information on the clothes i.e. sizes, body shapes and say what size you wear and the models, especially if the models are the larger ladies. This is a huge help to us to order the correct sizes for our shape and size etc. this then avoids having to return items. Good luck with your move.
Good wishes

By: janet groves Tue, 22 Sep 2020 12:37:37 +0000 Hi Debbie,

when are we going to see the lovely Ingrid Tarrant back on QVC? I just love her she is so natural.

Good luck with your move.

Best wishes
Janet X

By: Pamela Whitaker Sun, 20 Sep 2020 15:15:30 +0000 Hi Debbie. I read your story about going to your daughter’s. I was so pleased that you advised her not to have puppies with her dogs. There are so many unwanted dogs waiting to have a loving home; I don’t think any of the QVC presenters have rescued dogs – they all seem to be be pedigrees.

Best wishes,

Pamela Whitaker

By: Jane Duff Sat, 19 Sep 2020 20:32:50 +0000 Great blog as usual Debbie, hope all goes well with the flat this week.

By: Wendy Green Fri, 18 Sep 2020 13:37:42 +0000 Love Strike too, so exciting. Glad you managed to have a catch up with your family, and little Granddaughter, so cute.
How lovely moving so close to your Mum, sounds like great fun…..though the stress of moving can be a nightmare. My son has just moved, even up to the signing of the Contracts, he was a nervous wreck. He had been chasing this flat for a year, he put an offer in, then lost his buyer, then they got an offer, anyhow it must have been meant to be, as he moved in with his family last week!
Yes, those stools looked lovely, a great hiding place too! Thank you for all the highlights, great things to look out for. Very best of luck for next Tuesday. Take care. Wendy.
