Comments on: On thin ice! And Christmas recommendations galore Thu, 16 Dec 2021 07:40:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jill turner Thu, 16 Dec 2021 07:40:44 +0000 Hello Debbie.You have a lovely family and so lucky to have all your grandchildren .Thankyou for sharing your happy times together with us. It’s lovely to see how much you make an effort amongst your busy life to spend time with each and every member of your family. Happy Christmas and thankyou for giving us your happy smiley face on qvc . Luv Jill T xx

By: Toni Sun, 12 Dec 2021 16:42:50 +0000 Debbie
Love reading your posts, you are one very busy lady and certainly have fun.
Have a great Christmas

By: Tanya Mansfield Fri, 10 Dec 2021 19:18:47 +0000 Thank you for another amazingly informative blog as usual, you are so generous with your time. Regarding Craig, please don’t tell me he is leaving, what a lovely, lovely man, please no! Lastly, thank you for updating us on Catherine Huntley. I have genuinely been concerned about her as she has simply disappeared. Once again Deb, thank you for all the info, always much appreciated.

By: Cherry Fri, 10 Dec 2021 17:49:25 +0000 Your family day looks great fun, Debs, glad you had such a good time. This is the year that son and family are away with daughter-in-law’s family so we will have a Christmas Day together on Sunday 19th. Then off to daughter’s on Christmas Eve where we will stay until 27th. Boxing Day spent with my brother, sister and their families. Really looking forward to it all. Lots of love xxx
