Comments on: Seaside trip and time lapse videos! Wed, 24 Jun 2020 10:22:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elizabeth Carter Wed, 24 Jun 2020 10:22:24 +0000 From a Devonshire dumplin’ to an incomer!!! Oh so rude always a pleasure to see you on screen. I have been trying to find a blog for Alison Young only to learn via another website she has been incapacitated. OMG do give her my best wishes for a speedy recovery. I was labouring under a misapprehension that could email her for advice regarding my granddaughter’s skin problems. So will have to search elsewhere. Please keep safe and take care everyone E.C

By: Mavis Taylor Tue, 09 Jun 2020 09:36:39 +0000 Hi Debbie I just love reading your blog you would love my dog Bella she is a bichon she has really helped me in this lockdown great company.
I have been watching Long lost families I watched the repeats last night I always cry when it is on even though I have seen it I find it very so sad be fascinating how they can trace people.
Keep up the good work and stay safe and well.
Love Mavis

By: Peggy cook Mon, 08 Jun 2020 19:21:54 +0000 Hi Debbie, I love the dress you are wearing in the air wrap video, I’ve seen you wearing it on qvc and since then been franticly looking for it on every clothes programme, without success and wondered if you could put me out of my misery and tell me where it’s from…

By: Susan Mon, 08 Jun 2020 14:44:49 +0000 Hi Debbie,
That’s lovely you were all able to have a meet up by the sea and it not be packed! Some of the photos are dreadful! You just fear for a second wave before we’re out of the first.
The house that your mum and sister live in sounds like a stately home! Love to see it! Not surprised you like to visit!
I hope you’re not on the move again Debbie after all your work on the business. It’ll be lovely to get back to it again. Enjoy x

By: Jenny Fri, 05 Jun 2020 13:12:37 +0000 What size is the kipling bag on thursday?

By: Wendy Green Fri, 05 Jun 2020 12:21:13 +0000 Looks as if you had a great day in Hastings, with your Mum and Sister. Great you had the chance To enjoy the lovely sunshine. My toes curl in horror at the mention of Hastings, as I spent 10 yrs of my life in a convent boarding School, and hated most of it……not that we were ever allowed to escape into the Town!!!! We might bump into the opposite sex, and that would be a sin of the highest order!! Anyway very glad it bought some lovely memories back for you.
Love your new Puppy, and Daisy looks very content, with the new arrival, Labs are so lovely. I have one geriatric Border Terrier, and a 3 yr old Spaniel X, I think with a Great Dane by the size of her feet.!!
Thanks for keeping us in touch with what’s coming up, the Dyson looks great. Take care Debbie.xx
