Comments on: Size of this! And pigeon preventer Fri, 26 Jun 2020 09:57:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wilma Smith Fri, 26 Jun 2020 09:57:24 +0000 Love all of your blogs Debbie. You are always so positive and cheerful.

Can you tell me who the lovely man in the suit is who appears in the QVC AlwaysHereForYou clip between shows.?

By: Liz A Mon, 22 Jun 2020 17:27:30 +0000 HI Debbie, love the improvised pigeon protection. You can actually get a similar purpose designed version – bought mine from my local garden centre. The pigeons still try to get their heads through so there’s an art to putting the robin food right in the middle to fully defeat them. An ongoing battle I fear – they are too clever. Their latest trick involves landing briefly on the seed feeder causing it to shake and shed seeds onto the ground below which they gobble up. I can almost hear them laughing if that’s not being too anthropomorphic!

By: FAY TRAGER-GREEN Thu, 18 Jun 2020 00:10:01 +0000 Hello Debbie,
I appreciate your weekly Presenters’ blog. I used to receive a ‘different’ one in my email in box but they have stopped.
Guessing it is because of Covd19 now means your time has rightly featured ‘family’ and dear friends. I enjoy it when you recommend books, movies and talk about history. There have been some amazing programmes on BBC TV 2 and BBC 4 Tv about art history and black history. I like learning things and find questioning things ‘uplifting’ I am fortunate to have a small house and garden. I recommend gardening a bit each day lifts ones’ spirits.
I so hope that your changes you are making by coming back to nearer London to be near your family goes well and
your Devon retreat will make a good rental for you.
I don’t do Facebook – silly me but I am considered about ‘fake’ stuff getting thru and me not recognising it. I use a mobile phone and laptop and grateful to QVC for your TV hubby Lee’s knowledge.
Years ago QVC had a telephone number helpline for computing things especially when buying new products which was so helpful. It would be good if they had one that would maybe be available for a small monthly fee?
I am over 70 and fortunately learnt to use computers (basic) from 1970s, but I have friends who have not felt able to buy much from QVC during lockdown because when items are shown on screen they don’t often have a box on the bottom righthand side showing the bust size and hip size. Even in the same brand measurements vary so much. Two of my friends used to ring the freephone number – they don’t use technology and so have missed out some lovely items. Could QVC consider putting this information on the bottom righthand corner for each item?
Could QVC also sell gift vouchers? Of course it is could to buy surprise presents and have QVC to send it direct but having two ways of giving gift vouchers would be great. EG e-cards and a card with a value with a code to give to a friend over the phone, so they can ring and order things. It’s a world of electronic living but there are still those elderly people who miss out because they didn’t learn how to use a computer or mobile or can’t really afford broadband since they live on a modest pension but budget to buy goodies from QVC.
Just a few ideas. I do my best to help those without access to technology and QVC could make even more money
adjust things to help those who are ‘trained’ in 21st century ways

Appreciate the kindness you show to us strangers living alone. I do hope you keep safe and well while you rush around. Bless you Fayxx

By: Lesley Standen Wed, 17 Jun 2020 18:54:58 +0000 Hi Debbie, I just wanted too thank you for your nightly singalongs, since I lost my beloved dog on the 25th April I have followed you and the singalong gang it has given me something too focus on. Again thank you for giving us your time with your warmth and humour and of course lovely voice.
Next time your down in Hastings East Sussex the public toilets will be opened.
Lesley x

By: Leisha Cresswell Mon, 15 Jun 2020 18:54:56 +0000 Hi Debbie, thank you for giving up your spare time for our nightly sing along. It has kept me going and something to look forward to whilst shielding and in isolation the past nearly 3 months…it has been so much fun. I do sometimes have to catch up the next day, due to my illness as it fluctuates day to day.

You share so much of your life with us which is incredible and keep us updated on what’s going on. I love reading your blog/stories.
I hope the flat goes through and you get to spend more time with your mum and family.
I have loved having QVC and yourself keep me company. Hope you get the recognition you deserve and you continue to sing maybe not every night but something.
God Bless you, sending big hugs take care and stay safe.
Best wishes
Leisha xx

By: Marian Auger Mon, 15 Jun 2020 16:55:54 +0000 Debbie ,please can you tell me what hair product’s you using, your hair looks great. and as always your doing a great job, Marian.

By: Ruth Mansfield Mon, 15 Jun 2020 12:45:10 +0000 Debbie, I look forward to your singalong every night but I can’t see 12, 13, or 14 June on your page. Any chance of a catch up?

Thank you for taking the time to do your singalong, you are still going strong when many other people have fallen by the wayside on their lockdown entertainment. Hope you get the recognition you deserve.

Best wishes Ruthx

By: Phyllis Pape Sun, 14 Jun 2020 19:36:04 +0000 Thank you so much for your singalong every night. I have missed 4 out of 80. You have been fantastic keeping our spirits up. A beautiful singer. Getting to chose our own songs especially for our birthdays when we couldn’t celebrate with our family. Thank you so much. I hope you carry on even if you can’t do it every night. Xx

By: Heather Blaber Sun, 14 Jun 2020 19:11:07 +0000 We’ve been watching Spooks on the BBC iPlayer since the lockdown. Its 10 series, keeps you on the edge of your seat, but well worth it.

I have been watching a box set on the BBC ccbc channel iplayer called Hetty Feather. It reminded me of the Catherine Cookson films. A lot of the filming was done in Kent, around the area where I live.

By: Julia Smith Sun, 14 Jun 2020 18:29:11 +0000 Hi Debbie thank you once again for the great blog. If I had half of your energy I would be quite content!
Thank you also for the info of what is to look forward to on QVC. I have my eyes on the Ruth Langsford dress. Good to hear about your Sealy bed – I ordered a Sealy mattress just before the lockdown & I came home from hospital after surgery. But it is finally being delivered on Friday & they are taking the old one away too really looking forward to it.
We haven’t got Netflix but hope to watch the Crown on dvd. If you are an Alan Bennett fan on the 23rd June his monologues will be on BBC iplayer with all new actors in them. Also if you have read any of the four Elena Ferrante novels known as The Neapolitan Novels the second book is being televised this Friday 19th June on Sky Atlantic The Story of a New Name. The story begins in Italy in the 1950s
and the focus is on two girls Elena and Lila throughout their lives (My Brilliant Friend is the first)
My week has been eventful – a crown came out with the tooth and the dentist isn’t open for a few weeks & I fell asleep on my glasses & broke the arm off & the optician is closed hoping there won’t be a third event!!
Take care everyone and stay safe love Julia xxx
