Comments on: Our NHS heroes Wed, 01 Apr 2020 08:46:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dawn Maddison Wed, 01 Apr 2020 08:46:53 +0000 Hi Jilly,
Your profile picture is so lovely hope you are keeping well.
Thank-you for praising the NHS I am a health care worker in a children’s homes working closely with the nurses i support.
Being a Mum myself I have daughter who is in her final year at kings college university she is working hard on her exams and deadlines in becoming an adult Nurse.
And very soon she will be in London supporting her fellow colleagues in the fight against Coronavirus we appreciated the support of everyone last week with clapping and support all of the NHS , care workers , Porters, Cleaners , All do an amazing job.

By: Christine Tue, 31 Mar 2020 20:05:19 +0000 Hi jilly

Lovely thoughtful blog… Moved again by seeing you all clapping for the nhs. We did it in our road and it was so special. Me and my husband did our tribute through the window as we’re isolating for 12 wks.. The next day, 4 of my neighbours all decided that we d sit on our garden walls at 11 am and have coffee and a chat.. Sharing happy stories and updates…
weather has been kind so that s helped..

I was able to join in by sitting on my window ledge with the window open!!!

Jilly, you look so lovely on your photo. Is the top a qvc one??

It s been a pleasant distraction to read all your blogs and We appreciate you taking the time in these strange days.. We keep praying for you and your family and all your colleagues. Been grateful for the superb soaps and hand creams you sell which I ‘ve bought for many years.. Now more needed than ever.. Propolis s b c set is lovely just now!!
thank you!!!
Do Take care and stay safe til all this passes. And it will!!!!!

Lots of love and hugs

Christine xxx

By: Serena Potter Tue, 31 Mar 2020 16:57:16 +0000 Lovely post Jilly. I too found Thursday night very emotional, I started to cry it was such a massive moment for everyone of us who appreciate the NHS. I was like Alison and went through breast cancer so know just how much they mean to me and how grateful I will be for their care forever. It was lovely to hear some of your hints and tips during this weird time. I am so glad we can shop with you until further notice. It is always nice to treat yourself for your own mental health and wellbeing. Take care love Serena, x

By: Susan Tue, 31 Mar 2020 16:42:19 +0000 Hi jilly,
How are you four? Is your son back with your from uni? It’s terrible all this but mostly for keyworker staff. I’m sure some of the scenes could call significant mental damage.
Hope you keep well x

By: Linda Martin Tue, 31 Mar 2020 14:57:35 +0000 Hi Jilly

I don’t normally leave a comment after reading the presenters blogs (which I love as I’m not on social media) but you look absolutely beautiful in your photo and I must say the dinner table with food doesn’t look bad either!

I trust you and your family are staying safe & well and look forward to seeing you on the Q.

By: Mose Weir Mon, 30 Mar 2020 21:01:49 +0000 I clapped for my son / a doc dealing with the virus daily ; his wife :also a doctor and my new daughter in law ; a gp – May they all stay safe ; they go out to work to allow us to stay in – that’s all we need to do for our NHS . We are glad QVC brings normality to our days which are long and boring + Thank you all .

By: Maureen Kirton Mon, 30 Mar 2020 16:40:48 +0000 Jilly you look lovely in that photo, especially like your necklace. Love and best wishes
