Comments on: ‘Snow’ in love Mon, 22 Feb 2021 21:06:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Frances Mawhinney Mon, 22 Feb 2021 21:06:08 +0000 Hi Jilly
I’ve just been watching you present a Lola Rose show. I love the jewellery and have quite a lot but I have a question. Katherine Russell used to always be on Lola Rose shows and she and Jane on Ruth Lansford shows, but I haven’t seen her on QVC in ages. Also their ‘One You’ blog has not been updated in years. Is she and her mother Jane well or are they just busy with other work? As viewers we get used to seeing certain presenters and models and when someone doesn’t appear for a long time we get curious. I don’t do Instagram or Facebook so can’t follow on social media. I hope you can enlighten me. Thank you.

By: Fiona Riddoch Tue, 16 Feb 2021 20:22:14 +0000 Hi Jilly
Watched the Wynn layer show last night and you had in some beautiful silver loafer shoes
Which brand were they?

By: Jo Tue, 09 Feb 2021 21:20:20 +0000 Lovely dog Jilly is it a maltipoo?

By: Susan Tue, 09 Feb 2021 16:09:27 +0000 Hi jilly,
You, Cassidy and bailey all look so gorgeous! You and Cassidy are so similar. She looks well and hope Taylor is also despite uni disruption.
Can’t say I like Valentine’s Day for obvious reasons! Or snow for its disruption! Enjoy your family time though. Keep us updated x

By: Jules Tue, 09 Feb 2021 13:52:37 +0000 Bailey looks super cute and cosy in her coat - she looks like a joy to be with 😀 We’ve finally had snow in Essex too. I know it’s not fun for every-one, but it looks like a magical dusting has been sprinkled everywhere and everything looks so very pretty. I hope Bailey continues to enjoy munching snowballs while the snows still here 🙂 Best wishes to you and your family Love Jules x]]> Hi Jilly
What lovely pictures of you, your daughter and adorable Bailey enjoying the snow ⛄️Bailey looks super cute and cosy in her coat – she looks like a joy to be with 😀
We’ve finally had snow in Essex too. I know it’s not fun for every-one, but it looks like a magical dusting has been sprinkled everywhere and everything looks so very pretty.
I hope Bailey continues to enjoy munching snowballs while the snows still here 🙂
Best wishes to you and your family
Love Jules x
