Comments on: Family time… Thu, 20 Aug 2020 08:14:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: martin forbes Thu, 20 Aug 2020 08:14:59 +0000 Hi julia with you being the longest qvcpresenter for 27 years is jilly halliday the 2nd longest presenter i think 1994 26 years do you ever hear from paul lavers kara tritton di she have a son how old what he be do you also hear katy john plenty of videos pf paul anglia tv continuity through the night from the 1980s just as funny as qvc.

By: Rita Tue, 18 Aug 2020 11:49:46 +0000 Julia favourite with family fell in love with black prosecution yesterday at 4pm. Where where where can we get. One ??? Love you….the girls here xxxx

By: martin forbes Mon, 17 Aug 2020 08:39:09 +0000 Hi julia hope you and family had a lovely holiday and hopefully after 23 weeks 148 days i will gret back to work soon although iam still on furlough .

how did your team crytal palace get on this season i see claire sutton has left after 22years to spend time qith her family with you being the longest servingpresenter on qvc since 1993 jilly halliday when did she start at qvc was it 1994 which makes her the 2nd longest presenter.

By: martin forbes Mon, 17 Aug 2020 08:38:22 +0000 Hi julia hope you and family had a lovely holiday and hopefully after 23 weeks 148 days i will gret back to work soon although iam still on furlough .

how did your team crytal palace get on this season i see claire sutton has left after 22years to spend time qith her family with you being the longest servingpresenter on qvc since 1993 jilly halliday when did she start at qvc was it 1994 which makes her the 2nd longest presenter hoipr chis sophie and daniel enjoyed their holiday to.

By: Joy Mon, 17 Aug 2020 01:38:43 +0000 Hi Julia, lovely blog. Your mum looks tremendous for her age. So wish my mum were still around, mind you she would be 104 if she was! Died far too young at the age if 76.

I was wondering if you could clear up something up for me, I noticed a comment about the Gatineau TSV, which stated the person cancelled her order when she found out Gatineau tested their products on animals. If this is true I won’t purchase this brand again, as I am an animal lover. I thought most cosmetic companies did not test on animals anymore, as the general public are against such testing.

Any products, which cause suffering to an animal, including Cashmere and Angora production to make clothing, teddy bears and other goods are just not worth it. I would prefer an animal to be free and happy. There are many cruelty free alternatives today. I truly wish QVC would announce it is a cruelty free shopping channel, putting animals before profits. Not sure it is which is a shame.

Has anyone at QVC thought of selling Vegan footware, shoes, boots and sandals. Might be worth checking out suppliers and giving it ago.

Best wishes and love to you all.

By: Irene Fri, 14 Aug 2020 22:24:22 +0000 So enjoyed reading what you have been up to and the Lovly photos Debs Place looks fab glad you all spent time there together family time is special and glad you were able to be With your mum for her birthday She looks amazing looking forward to your next book love and hugs I’ll be glued to the Butler and Wilson show x

By: Karen Rix Fri, 14 Aug 2020 15:37:09 +0000 Glad you had a good holiday. I think you look great in your photo shoot, look forward to your new book coming out. Good to see you back on the TV.
Take care
Karen x
