Comments on: Is Your Christmas All Wrapped Up? Thu, 06 Feb 2020 08:55:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julia Roberts Fri, 03 Jan 2020 15:20:56 +0000 In reply to martin forbes.

Hi Martin
Thanks for your card – hope you received mine too?
Happy New Year
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Fri, 03 Jan 2020 15:19:32 +0000 In reply to Gail.

Hi Gail
My mum did make it for Christmas and we all had a really lovely time.
I hope you got all your presents wrapped while listening to the QVC podcast.
Happy New Year
Julia x

By: Linda Finch Sat, 28 Dec 2019 22:42:53 +0000 we did go to Simon's for Christmas lunch which we always enjoy ,then its back to normal after that we don't do anything for new year so that will be very quiet, hope everything goes smoothly with your surgery and hopefully see you back on the q really soon ,my love Linda F xx]]> Hi Julia ,hope you had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to New year, how I miss having a house full of people at this time of year or anytime really, 🤗we did go to Simon’s for Christmas lunch which we always enjoy ,then its back to normal after that we don’t do anything for new year so that will be very quiet, hope everything goes smoothly with your surgery and hopefully see you back on the q really soon ,my love Linda F xx

By: Sharon Hall Mon, 23 Dec 2019 18:16:40 +0000 Hi Julia I would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. Hope your mum makes it down to you for the festive period. It sounds as if your in for a very busy time but you’ll enjoy every minute I’m sure. Good luck with your op at the end of January. Qvc won’t be the same without you. Take things easy and enjoy being pampered from the family. Best wishes for Christmas and New Year. Take care xx

By: Bev Johnson Sun, 22 Dec 2019 20:30:36 +0000 Hi Julia. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas. I can guarantee you a great start to the new year as your team play mine -Norwich City – at Carrow Road. We are always destined to be on loan to the Premiership for one season only. I’m thinking of suggesting to Delia we give up going for promotion and have that written into any players’ contracts. Many thanks to all those at QVC for the reduced p and p leading up to the festive season, which has been greatly appreciated.

By: Rosemary Gould Sun, 22 Dec 2019 06:59:24 +0000 👍 And lots more QVC Lots of love Rose XX 😘]]> Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas and a happy new year Julia
Here’s hoping for a healthy new year to us all
Our family have had quite a few trials and tribulations this year including myself
Waiting to see the consultant at the end of December
Looking forward to your next book too📚👍
And lots more QVC
Lots of love Rose XX 😘

By: SheMag Sat, 21 Dec 2019 23:42:47 +0000 Sorry my Magpies took the points today, Julia. Hope the rest of the festive programme is better for the Eagles. We bird teams have to stick together! Hope your own Wilfie has a lovely Christmas with his humans!

By: Pam Stephens Sat, 21 Dec 2019 20:32:12 +0000 Happy Christmas Julia to you and all your family // must admit im having a Christmas moment like your mum its the first time in 60 years that my husband and I will be on our own ( married 60 years last March ) I sound like the Queen /// I know what your mum means we just don’t feel like travelling over Christmas im 80 and my husband 84 and although still very active and full faculties thank god its the old body getting a little tired ( but not out yet ) anyway Julia have a wonderful time with all your family and if you happen to see Simon Wilson please say Hi for me I love watching the two of you I have many of his pieces and gifted many as well If I bother to get Dolled Up on Christmas day I shall put his Dancing Couple on my husband bought it for me for our Diamond Anniversary earlier this year //Happy Christmas to you once again Love Pam xxx and by the way you do not have Big Ears //////

By: martin forbes Sat, 21 Dec 2019 14:31:52 +0000 Hi julia hope you got my xmas card in the post merry xmas and happy new year when it comes

By: Gail Fri, 20 Dec 2019 22:51:51 +0000 Hi Julia, happy Christmas to you and the family. Love, love, love your tree, you really can’t beat a real one. I haven’t started to wrap my presents (I hate that job), but I will do it this weekend whilst listening to Simon’s podcast. Hope I can find it cos I’m not very techi. I must try and find Ali’s next week too. I’m sure that one will be quite emotional so will have a tissue at the ready.

Try not to worry about your upcoming op, just concentrate on enjoying yourself with the family over Christmas. Plenty of time later to ‘worry’. I so hope your mum makes it to you for the holidays, that will be lovely if she can.

Have a lovely Christmas Julia and I wish you continued good health in 2020 xx
