Comments on: Spring is in the air and in my step… Thu, 28 May 2020 16:06:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Thu, 28 May 2020 16:06:01 +0000 One thing why didn't hubby help you in the bath? 🛀Take care 🌼🌻🏵🌺💜💜💜]]> In reply to Julia Roberts.

Hi Julia I just checked your blog OMG you have been through the mill. I am glad you are better 💜 One thing why didn’t hubby help you in the bath? 🛀Take care 🌼🌻🏵🌺💜💜💜

By: Julia Roberts Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:27:30 +0000 In reply to Joan Grimbleby.

Hi Joan
Every week since my op has had its ups and downs but glad to say the downs are fewer now.
I haven’t had the Skechers boots on much as they are a bit snug to get on with the swelling and the ankle brace but looking forward to wearing them when I can.
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:25:00 +0000 In reply to Peggy Goodman.

Hi Peggy
Yes a I’m well and truly into the next phase of recovery now – you are right, there have been a couple of occasions where my body has said an emphatic NO! I’m sticking to my physio’s instructions mostly and progress is good. At the moment the wrist hurts more than the ankle during exercise!
Glad you ‘got there in the end’ and hopefully it won’t be too long before you ditch the stick
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:21:32 +0000 In reply to Tina S.

Hi Tina
I just replied to your previous comment – glad you got booked in for the speed awareness course and hope it went okay.
Sadly, I don’t think we are anywhere near the worst of this virus – London is really bad but I guess it’s because we have the largest population. Stay safe and I agree, coming back as a cat sounds like a great idea
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:18:03 +0000 In reply to Jean.

Hello Jean
It was worth the struggle to have my soak in the bath – I am however restricting myself to two a week until my wrist is properly better as showers are so much easier.
Now that I’m out of my wrist splint I can manage to do my hair myself – I can’t blow dry it yet though – so Chris is relieved of hair duty!
We had leek & potato soup for lunch today – apparently leeks were the only vegetables in our supermarket today!
Hoping to be back soon
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:12:33 +0000 In reply to Jane Duff.

Hi Jane
I think perseverance must be my middle name! I’ve definitely had more highs than lows since the air boot was consigned to history, although it’s not all plain sailing. Still a lot of physio ahead, but I’m up for it
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:10:12 +0000 In reply to ann cain.

Hi Ann
Definitely feeling much better and much stronger too – the physio is paying off
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:09:12 +0000 In reply to pamela Richards.

Hi Pamela
Those positive vibes must have worked because the X-ray was good and the air boot is history! As is the wrist splint now so looking forward to even greater progress.
Wilfie really does find any puddle of sunshine
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:06:28 +0000 In reply to Dee.

Hello Dee
I’m sorry to hear things have been a bit rough for you lately. To be honest, I don’t think a bit of comfort eating hurts us occasionally- I’m actually very glad I gave up, chocolate, cake & biscuits for lent with the exception of one piece of birthday cake my son made for his girlfriend – it was delicious.
I’ll try to remember to put the soup recipe on next week’s blog – nudge me if I forget
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Fri, 20 Mar 2020 16:48:11 +0000 In reply to Karen B.

Hi Karen
Chris was chuffed that you thought he didn’t do a bad job with my hair – fortunately my wrist splint is now off so that particular job is no longer required of him. Even though my wrist is getting stronger I’m still limiting my baths to once or twice a week as sooo difficult to get out!
Thanks for your comment about me being inspirational- not sure about that, but we’re all having to exhibit determination to get through the current situation.
Julia x
