Comments on: Weight a minute… Wed, 12 May 2021 22:26:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lesley Metcalf Wed, 12 May 2021 22:26:42 +0000 Please could you give me the details of the dress you wore on the Liz Earle show on Wednesday May 12th at 2pm? Many thanks,

By: Margaret Goodman Wed, 11 Nov 2020 13:55:16 +0000 Hi Julia

I have been shopping with QVC for absolutely years and of course I remember you as one of the first presenters. You have always been one of my favourite you are so friendly and down to earth. I was just looking through the QVC site and saw the presenter’s blogs. I have never really looked before but thought I would just send you an email to say glad that your bloods are good and you are doing well. Love the Cat he is gorgeous. Keep up the good work.

Margaret xx

By: Julia Roberts Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:29:40 +0000 In reply to Gail.

Hi Gail
Your cats have brilliant names… makes Wilfie sound very ordinary. I think Wilfie is very handsome, but I might be biased!
So sorry to hear of your loss – of course it’s real bereavement… I still shed a tear or two remembering my beloved Poppy.
I’ll take ‘fab’ as a compliment
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:26:11 +0000 In reply to Denise Pacey.

Hi Denise
Thanks for your kind words – I think the top-up of sunshine in Norfolk did me good.
And I agree; Wilfie is gorgeous
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:24:44 +0000 The cheesecake was yummy! Love Julia x]]> In reply to Heather Peel.

Hi Heather
Thank you – I guess if the expectation is there that I will have to go back to treatment, then every time I don’t is a bonus 😊
The cheesecake was yummy!
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:23:05 +0000 In reply to May chamberlain.

Hi May
Apologies for the delay in replying – it was a jumper by Frank Usher. Glad you enjoyed the show
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:19:12 +0000 In reply to Edwina Rothwell.

Hi Edwina
Thank you – it was a massive relief after the expectation of less good news
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:17:02 +0000 In reply to Maria Saunders.

Hi Maria,
I’m sorry to hear your white cell count is on the increase but hopefully the meds will bring it back under control. It is always so nerve-wracking waiting for results and such a massive relief when they have remained stable.
Much love
Julia x

By: Gail Wed, 14 Oct 2020 18:57:33 +0000 😂😂. I lost one of my beloved dogs a few months back and I'm heartbroken. It's a real bereavement; I can't say anymore. Lovely to hear that you are keeping so well, you look fab X. Fab, who says fab anymore, I'm definitely showing my age 😂 Keep well xxx]]> Hi Julia

Fantastic news that your level of disease is minimal; long may it continue X. Wonderful, as you rightly say, for your family too. One day at a time; all of us are only as good as we feel at this exact moment. None of us know what the next moment might bring, so let’s just all enjoy the moment, that’s my motto anyway. Love the photo of Wilfie, he’s so handsome and I think he knows it too. I have two cats, Sui Dooey and Big Guns. I know, not the easiest names to call when I’m looking for them but …..😂😂😂. I lost one of my beloved dogs a few months back and I’m heartbroken. It’s a real bereavement; I can’t say anymore. Lovely to hear that you are keeping so well, you look fab X. Fab, who says fab anymore, I’m definitely showing my age 😂

Keep well xxx

By: Denise Pacey Mon, 12 Oct 2020 19:04:28 +0000 Hi Julia. So pleased to hear your good news and I just wanted to say how well you’re looking. Always love to see Wilfie. He’s so gorgeous!! Denise. x
