Comments on: Not the 60th birthday I had in mind… Wed, 20 Jan 2021 12:16:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: MRS ALISON MARSHALL Wed, 20 Jan 2021 12:16:51 +0000 Hi Kathy

Sorry this a belated birthday wish.

I have been trying to contact you to let you know that Roy Frost from Bulmershe sadly passed away last Wednesday. Mum wanted you to know.

I know this is a public blog but could not find another way to let you know.

I don’t know if you remember that I used to work at the Travel Channel.

I cannot tell you how proud he was of all your achievements.

Take care Darling

Alison Marshall (Frost)

By: Andy Hall Wed, 02 Sep 2020 10:37:07 +0000 Hi Kathy, was talking to some folks about my time at Soton Uni yesterday and started tracking down (sounds so much better than online stalking) a few people from those days. Ended up reading this article (blog) and like most people wondering in a few years what we will be saying about the year that was…2020 ! Don’t know whether my memories are ones that you will feel so fond about, when I captained track & field at Soton and would be calling on you in the mad house you shared with all my basketball buddies to try to persuade you to have a run in the cross country or on the track for us. Well it’s put a smile on my face this morning. Andy

By: scott Mon, 29 Jun 2020 07:29:00 +0000 Kath Taylor
Happy birthday
Scott payne 40

By: Elizabeth Lovett Sat, 09 May 2020 19:31:59 +0000 Hello Kathy belated 60th birthday wishes i thought the photos were lovely my daughters 50th was last week like you so looking forward to the ocasion take care. Xx

By: Christine jones Fri, 10 Apr 2020 21:01:58 +0000 Dear Kathy

Happy happy birthday!!! It s lovely of you to share your happy times with us all especially since you’ve had a roller coaster couple of years and it s great to see you always with a smile no matter what. It hides the pain we feel when our children are vulnerable and e specially when they ‘re working in front line services. It sounds to me like your Bex s faith will carry her along with her mum s sound counsel!!!! She ‘ll be fine ready to take on her finest role, mum to 2 beautiful girls!!!

Have you read the poem by Matthew Kelly from Wigan council and read on audio by the actor Christopher Eccleston.. It s amazing about our nhs and the war we ‘re in… Very moving and poignant.

You ‘ll see, all things work together for the good and God will show is all new things during and after all this . I m thankful for His help in my life and for the Easter .message of Hope and Salvation for u s all…

Time to stop and reflect on this mad fast world. The birds are still busying and singing their beautiful songs for us, spring is still blessing us with wonder….

We didn’t celebrate Christmas last year until end of February as I d been rushed in hospital Christmas day with organ failure, damaged heart all because of a virus that turned to pnemonia..

Well, all the presents were wrapped and put in front of the fire place ready for the family to arrive.. There they stayed until I came home!!!!! Such a joyous time we had all being together. My grandchildren all day round me have me hugs and my eldest grandson said ” grandma, thank you for my presents but the best present of all is you being home!!!

Priceless… And when we get together again, it will be super special..

For now, I have kiss prints on the window!! Gorgeous. I m isolated for 12 weeks so I can only take it a day at a time.. Every is pulling together, some shop, some phone, we all pray!!!!

Is nt life wonderful, we have kindness and love we have everything. Faith hope and love and the greatest of these is !ove…

So I send love to you Kathy and Bex and all your family…

God bless your Easter time… And always

Christine. Xxxxxxx


By: Laura Tue, 07 Apr 2020 13:43:22 +0000 Belated happy birthday Kathy, I really enjoyed your blog and your pod-cast. I had my birthday yesterday and enjoyed facetime and zoom catchups from family and friends and to finish my husband cooked me a lovely dinner to cerebrate.

By: Kathy Tayler Tue, 07 Apr 2020 11:01:53 +0000 Hi Pamela – you’re so right. My husband and I are lucky enough to have a motorhome and we love to travel around the beautiful UK, making the most of what is on our own doorstep. So many hotels, B&Bs, restaurants and tourist businesses are going to need us to stay in this country to support them when the lockdown is relaxed.
And I agree with you: let’s hope and pray as many of us as possible can stay healthy, and also that people learn how important looking out for each other with kindness and empathy is.
And thanks for the paddle board compliment, but you didn’t see the photo of me falling in – I think I need a bit more practice!
Take care
Kathy x

By: Kathy Tayler Tue, 07 Apr 2020 10:54:45 +0000 In reply to Margaret Rees.

Dear Margaret – your eightieth birthday! Congratulations. I’m sorry you won’t be able to go to chapel but I wonder whether someone would help you organise meeting some of your friends online, and they could still sing to you. My daughter’s church have regular meetings on a system called Zoom when they all get together online while staying safe in their homes.
If not, you’ll all have to get together when this is all over, and I’m sure they’ll still wish you Happy Birthday.
Do take care, with very best wishes
Kathy x

By: Kathy Tayler Tue, 07 Apr 2020 10:50:42 +0000 In reply to Sarah.

Hi Sarah, so glad you enjoyed the photos! My aunt was born on Christmas Day (she was 97 last year!) and I’ve always made a special fuss of her as I feel she’s drawn a slightly short straw!
Staying safe is the most important thing, and I hope you manage it. Sending you my best wishes
Kathy x

By: Kathy Tayler Tue, 07 Apr 2020 10:44:16 +0000 In reply to Susan Dominey -Higgs.

Hello Susan, such a shame about your birthday plans, although you know there are others suffering much worse, it’s hard not to be disappointed. I feel for all the loving couples who have had to postpone their weddings, but of course, it is those fighting this awful virus that my heart goes out to the most. And all the NHS staff who are doing their absolute best to help everyone.
I’m writing this in my garden with the sun on my back feeling lucky and hopeful – take care and stay well.
With my best wishes
Kathy x
