In my last blog I waxed lyrical about autumn colours and whilst one of my favourite seasons, it’s also one of the messiest in terms of clearing up fallen leaves and branches. Our garden is covered with a beautiful layer of various russet and gold leaves, acorns and pine needles and our hostas and hydrangeas are finally conceding their foliage too. My trusty Original Garden Broom<\/a>, which I wouldn\u2019t be without, has been in constant use – its appearance always excites Toby and Ellie who jump around excitedly as they know it heralds the appearance of their long-standing nemesis “The Brown Garden Wheelie Recycling Bin”! \ud83d\ude02 Toby used to get excited by passing mopeds or motorbikes, whilst Ellie has her eyes firmly fixed on the rumbling bin. That said, whatever the size of your outside space, be it a few pots on a balcony or a large garden, there\u2019s something quite satisfying about tidying everything up ready for winter and Christmas.<\/p>\n\n
Obviously, I’m in the fortunate position to be able taste the quality of so many of the products on air (when I’m not dropping it down my front \ud83d\ude42 ). I have already placed my order for the British Meat Christmas Hamper<\/strong> from Althams Butchers<\/a> again this year, available in 3.2kg<\/a> or 5.3kg<\/a>, which means a rather large box ticked, plus no worries of what might be or not be on our local supermarkets shelves when we visit. Yes I have been that last minute Christmas shopper in the past and it’s not worth the stress if you can possibly avoid it.<\/p>\n
We have a special promotional offer of two interest-free instalments (EZ Pays) on all food and drink from 26\/10\/20<\/strong> to 01\/11\/20<\/strong>. Just enter the code FOOD2Z<\/strong> when you place your order with us online at<\/a>! You’re most welcome!<\/p>\n<\/a>\n
Back home the summer bedding is all packed away and nice cosy sheets and warmer duvets have reappeared. If you haven’t already, do check out our extensive range of Cozee Home<\/a> bedding and throws online. I introduced my mum to it a few years ago and she simply wouldn\u2019t be without it!<\/p>\n
Well that\u2019s all from me for now, I\u2019m not in this weekend but I’ll be back with you on Monday at 5pm for Fire Light Created Diamonds<\/a> and then back for two hours at 7pm for Andi Peters Food Fest \ud83d\ude42<\/p>\n
Until next time… stay warm, leaf free and most importantly, well!<\/p>\n