{"id":112623,"date":"2022-01-17T15:29:58","date_gmt":"2022-01-17T15:29:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/stories.qvcuk.com\/?p=112623"},"modified":"2022-01-17T15:29:58","modified_gmt":"2022-01-17T15:29:58","slug":"new-year-odd-shoes","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/stories.qvcuk.com\/presenters\/charlie-brook\/new-year-odd-shoes\/","title":{"rendered":"New Year, odd shoes!"},"content":{"rendered":"


It’s my first blog of 2022, so Happy New Year to you!<\/p>\n

As I write this we’re halfway through the month already. QVC was so busy with the lead up to Christmas and the New Year has been nonstop as well.<\/p>\n

I’ve already placed a number of orders at Q, including some plants from the fabulous Plants2Gardens<\/a> range and a birthday present for my mum, too. My mum loves a hot water bottle and I couldn’t resist adding to her collection with this Hot Water Bottle<\/a> from Cozee Home<\/a>. It’s available in the grey Bailey colour or the foxy red Baxter colour.<\/p>\n\"\"<\/a>\n


Mum has always adored foxes, in fact, we all do, and she’s lucky enough to have one visit her garden most nights. Mum’s birthday isn’t for a while but she doesn’t do ‘tech’, so she won’t hear about if from my blog. I can’t wait to give it to her!<\/p>\n

So, it’s been a busy start to 2022 and I’ve presented a whole host of wonderful shows so far. One of the most memorable being a couple of hours of Lola Rose<\/a> with Anna last week. Not only was it memorable because it’s simply a fabulous range of jewellery with bags of colour and personality; but there was another reason too. Anna was chatting away, when suddenly she realised I was smiling and laughing…<\/p>\n

This is why. I suddenly noticed my shoes didn’t match! Thankfully, many viewers came to my aid and we soon learnt it’s more common than we thought! I have been known to wear odd socks, and on occasion I’ve grabbed the wrong jacket when wearing a suit, but odd shoes is a first! It made us laugh, and in truth we really needed it that day.<\/p>\n


QVC UK on Twitter: “He’s at it again, expanding his #blooper showreel. Have you ever left the house with two different pairs of shoes or is that just @mecharliebrook? pic.twitter.com\/fINqVKstME \/ Twitter”<\/a><\/h4>\n

He’s at it again, expanding his #blooper showreel. Have you ever left the house with two different pairs of shoes or is that just @mecharliebrook? pic.twitter.com\/fINqVKstME<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n