{"id":119150,"date":"2023-06-13T10:01:13","date_gmt":"2023-06-13T09:01:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/stories.qvcuk.com\/?p=119150"},"modified":"2023-06-13T10:01:33","modified_gmt":"2023-06-13T09:01:33","slug":"suzanne-baum-lymphatic-massage","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/stories.qvcuk.com\/menopause-your-way\/guest-author\/suzanne-baum-lymphatic-massage\/","title":{"rendered":"Suzanne Baum on the benefits of lymphatic massage"},"content":{"rendered":"

When it comes to helping ease menopause symptoms, a normal massage can help in so many ways; from giving you time to relax, help alleviate pain and reduce leg swelling.<\/p>\n

What makes lymphatic massage extra special for menopausal women, is that the technique can help with all of the above, plus a lot more. And that is because this specialised type of massage focuses on the lymphatic system, which basically functions as our bodies own natural waste drainage system. By massaging this area it can help flush out water and excess toxins that have built up inside of us. Think of it as recharging your skin from the inside out.<\/p>\n

In order to properly understand how beneficial lymphatic massage can be for menopausal women, it is important to know what area of the body it is actually targeting. Sometimes the system needs a little extra help to effectively cleanse your body of unwanted toxins. The goal of a lymphatic drainage massage is to give it a \u2018reboot\u2019, so it can work more efficiently.<\/p>\n

The lymphatic system runs like a network beneath our skin and transports the waste inside of us to our kidneys; which then enables us to pass it (via urine). The lymphatic system\u2019s highway of special vessels, where the lymphatic fluid flow, are situated throughout our body. When it is working well, it helps to detoxify our tissues and organs and protect us from diseases by eliminating bacteria and viruses. It also plays an important role for our immune system in transporting proteins, lipids and hormones around.<\/p>\n

However, when it is not working efficiently; perhaps when our hormones flare up, post-surgery or even if you have had excess amounts of alcohol, it can become sluggish. Helping your body be toxic free is enormously beneficial and this is why lymphatic massage is such a good idea for menopausal women. By ridding your body of built up toxins, you can feel lighter, more energised, less stressed and it can aid good sleep; something many menopausal women only dream of!<\/p>\n

So what does a lymphatic massage involve?<\/strong><\/p>\n

Instead of the usual kneading and pummelling of the body that you might expect from a normal massage, the technique involves long rhythmic strokes which are designed to stimulate the lymph glands. By doing this, it encourages the flow to head in the right direction, back to the circulatory system and helps to flush out all the toxic waste inside of us.<\/p>\n

Although elements of it are like a gentle massage, more compression is put on the gastric area of our stomachs to help stimulate the lymph glands. The technique does not hurt at all but your therapist will advise you on when to breathe in and out to ensure the right pressure is applied. Unlike a normal massage which helps with tissues and muscle, a more pressurised touch is needed to target the lymphatic system.<\/p>\n

Expect your legs and arms to get a massage to encourage the fluid to move up towards the kidneys and your therapist may also put their hands on your lymph nodes at the neck, the armpit, and the top of the thigh.<\/p>\n

According to Flavia Morellato, a lymphatic drainage expert, these movements help your body to become toxin-free and \u201cwake up the lymphatic system.<\/p>\n

\u201cWhen your body is toxin-free, it\u2019s easier to maintain internal balance and manage stress effectively \u2013 two things you really need to ease the discomforts of menopause.\u201d<\/p>\n

Below, Flavia lists some potential benefits of lymphatic drainage on menopause.<\/p>\n