{"id":87484,"date":"2019-09-11T11:31:11","date_gmt":"2019-09-11T10:31:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/blogs.qvcuk.com\/?p=87484"},"modified":"2020-02-13T11:28:27","modified_gmt":"2020-02-13T11:28:27","slug":"family-holiday-and-todays-special-value","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/stories.qvcuk.com\/presenters\/claire-sutton\/family-holiday-and-todays-special-value\/","title":{"rendered":"Family holiday and Today’s Special Value!"},"content":{"rendered":"
Hol\u00e1 from sunny Spain! Well, the runway at Seville to be precise! Which of these two photos do we look most relaxed in!? Spot the before and after!!!!<\/p>\n After a gorgeous family holiday, I\u2019m realising that, crikey, it\u2019s September and it\u2019s gonna be ‘go, go, go’ the moment we touchdown (it\u2019s now four days since I started to write this… forgive me as I pick up where I left off!).<\/p>\n Madds has asked for the taxi home to drop her off directly to a party… Joe too is straight out… I guess the fact we had them en masse with us for 10 days was quite a feat and an achievement! So it\u2019s just Tom, Dan and I prepping for the realities of ‘back to it’: me with an early start (now that will be a shock!) and Dan with a mountain of work to catch up on.<\/p>\n Tom is quite delighted to be getting back to a routine, and some cooler weather! He\u2019s definitely not made for heat and has struggled in the cities of Barcelona and Seville… our days were punctuated with multiple drink and food stops.<\/p>\n We had a midway haetus at my brothers place for a few days, where I moved from pool to sun bed and back again in a finely-tuned choreographed routine! This allowed my poor feet to recover after the 1000\u2019s of steps in the punishing heat.<\/p>\n We walked so much and I so wished for Sketchers<\/a>. I really did, as all my shoes rubbed my feet raw… bless Madds, she lent me her trainers, thank goodness! So, my Seville experience was rather improved.<\/p>\n Blisters and midge bites… us girls’ daily tot up. Why the girls? Any thoughts? No boys were bitten on this trip, I tell you. It\u2019ll be the hormones, I tell you. Hormones are MASSIVE, are they not?!<\/p>\n I have loved the freedom of wafting around semi-clad. The speedy get-ready, when all you need is a waft of makeup here and there. To be able to say that you’ll be ready in two minutes and still have seconds to spare; to leave the hair as is, fresh from the shower in a bun, a plait or a ‘scrumfle’ of sorts (a messy side blob!). I\u2019ve loved it, it’s so freeing…<\/p>\n Back to normal service in a matter of hours now, though. With my ‘on-air ready’ face and hair.<\/p>\n So, Barcelona versus Seville… for us it was hands down Seville. The food, the quaintness of the culture… we loved it. Our hotel was gorgeous, super traditional in style, with a divine collection of courtyards. And the spectacular air-con, of course. Such a treat after the heat of the city.<\/p>\n One of my heart swelling moments was this:<\/p>\n You\u2019ll notice these are clearly on different days. I just loved seeing the other two recognise him struggling. Sometimes I must admit that having a slow 18-year-old attached to you can be testing at times, particularly when it\u2019s hot. You are blister-making at the rate of knots and let\u2019s not mention the inner thighs connecting… crikey, that seriously HURTS!<\/p>\n I snapped these beautiful moments of sibling love. On a grey day that will cheer me no end.<\/p>\n Ok, so now it\u2019s Friday and I will continue where I left off.<\/p>\n It was a delight to be back on-air last Tuesday with you, less of a delight to be in my bed on Wednesday struck down by a migraine. After my Daith piercing in November which had seemingly done the trick. It seems those dragged hormones are refusing to play ball – that and dehydration, I reckon.<\/p>\n Though interestingly the pain was in a different part of my head: the back and neck as oppose to the front. So I\u2019m now wondering if I had the other ear pierced, would that help?<\/p>\n I\u2019m researching supplements, tracking my hormones (there is a pattern I think), so let\u2019s hope I can find an answer. Rest assured, I will share all.<\/p>\n I have just posted this photo of my fresh naked face on Instagram:<\/p>\n Obviously the gentle glow of a tan does wonders, but seemingly the fresh-faced look is appreciated. It is sooo much easier to go bare, so-to-speak, in the summer, isn\u2019t it?<\/p>\n I thought I\u2019d share my current skincare routine and my holiday make-up choices, just in case you are interested…<\/p>\n For skin care, I\u2019ve been cleansing with Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm<\/a> (a Beauty Award winner<\/a> once again!), then applying the Elemis Superfood AHA Glow Booster<\/a>. I love it but I was so disappointed when I failed to screw the lid on thoroughly, so my make-up bag got more benefit than my face… grrrrrrr.<\/p>\n Then I use Alpha-H Absolute Eye Complex<\/a>, followed by Isle of Paradise Glow Happy Gradual Face Self-Tan<\/a> – I’m totally obsessed with this whisper of a glow serum.<\/p>\n<\/a>\n