The first poppy of the summer always brings a lump to my throat as it reminds me that we no longer have my beautiful cat, Poppy. We lost her just over two years ago, at the grand old age of twenty-two years and nine months and we have an enamel poppy in the garden to permanently mark where she lies. But when the real ones start flowering, I find myself thinking of what a lovely natured cat she was and how accepting she was when we first got Wilfie. I think he missed her terribly for the first few months, constantly going to the places where she used to sleep. So, this week, instead of the usual photo of Wilfie (he still hasn\u2019t played football by the way) I thought I\u2019d post one of our beautiful girl\u2026 I hope there are lots of flowers with her in cat heaven.<\/p>\n\n
I don\u2019t know how anyone else\u2019s poppies are doing this year, but mine are going crazy! I only ever planted one, but we have loads of self-sets and they are all smothered in buds. We have a very colourful few weeks ahead, as not only will the poppies be out, but I\u2019ve also ordered the \u2018Gardening Pick of the Month\u2019 osteospermums<\/a>\u2026 two lots, actually, to fill in any gaps.<\/p>\n My garden has been the best ever this spring and I was so chuffed with the alliums I\u2019ve grown for the first time, I featured them in the picture round of my new iQVC quiz on my @JuliaRobertsTV Facebook page, the first of which was last Monday.<\/p>\n I wonder if any off you stopped by to test your QVC knowledge and if so, how highly you scored? My presenter boss tells me he scored 43 out of 50 and that\u2019s with insider information! He correctly guessed who this baby has grown in to \u2013 can you?<\/p>\n There will be more \u2018young\u2019 presenter photos on this week\u2019s quiz but not necessarily naked!!!! If you enjoy quizzing, do join me at 8 p.m. on Monday.<\/p>\n\n