Discover Skinsense skincare with founder Abi Cleeve

On Tuesday 3rd October we’re excited to bring you an hour-long show devoted to sorting out your midlife skin issues with Skinsense, founded by QVC customer favourite Abi Cleeve (who you might recognise from Ultrasun shows, as she brought the pioneering brand over to the UK from Switzerland over 20 years ago).

We sat down with Abi to find out a little more about Skinsense, why the range is so perfect for women going through midlife and menopause, and asked her about an exciting new launch too…

What was your inspiration for starting Skinsense?

Pure madness! For over 25 years I’ve been working with the latest technological advancements in skincare. Ultrasun uses innovative lamellar technology that allows us to lock in sun protection, achieving super-long-lasting UVA and UVB protection. When I looked at my tired, dehydrated skin after a long day, I questioned, why can’t we use this amazing formulation technique to lock in hydration, targeted skin strengtheners and highly active ingredients? This was my lightbulb moment and the point at which I started developing Skinsense. It took four years of testing and development and then Skinsense was born! I called it Skinsense as that is exactly what it is about – genuine scientific sense – no gimmicks, no tricks – just real results for real people.

Tell us why Skinsense is the right range for women going through midlife and menopause.

I am passionate about providing solution-based skincare and ultimately skin confidence for my customers. During midlife and while experiencing menopause, our skin can go through many changes, including breakouts, sensitivity and dehydration. The products that may have been your essentials in the past, may not be what your menopausal skin needs now. This can leave women unsure where to turn. Here at Skinsense, we offer several ranges containing highly potent, targeted ingredients that help to tackle common skin concerns for ageing skin such as pigmentation, lack of elasticity and loss of radiance. Skinsense enables women to have beautiful skin, all day, every day, no matter what midlife throws at them. Plus – we are all too busy to be constantly moisturising!

What’s your hero, can’t-be-without product?

I would have to say that my hero, stand-out product in the range is our award-winning, bestselling Overnight Leave-On Mask. It has a luxurious, no-nonsense application and transforms dull, lacklustre skin with intense, slow-release hydration. Packed with powerful active ingredients, it renews moisture-levels, restores lost bounce and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It supports the management of hormonal and reactive skin and leaves it feeling hydrated and glowing. If you were to try one product from Skinsense I would recommend this one.

Skinsense launch an exciting new product in the 3rd October show – the Menopause Support Gummies (product number 736948). Here’s a bit more about them…

The gummies are one of the first we’ve seen from a heritage QVC beauty brand, what made you choose to venture into this area?

Like so many women, for years every January I had been making a resolution to focus more on my health and nutrition, and this often resulted me in spending a small fortune on tablets or powdered forms of various vitamins and minerals. Despite my enthusiasm, a busy schedule meant that by February the jar was still full. By March, it was at the back of my kitchen cupboard only to be found a year later, out of date and reminding me I had failed (again!)

I never gave myself a chance to build up any of the desired benefits in my system – and as we all know with supplements – consistency is key. I started developing formulas which would be as compatible as the skincare I’ve worked on for so long – effective products that fit seamlessly into my life without a second thought. As soon as the first gummy samples arrived from the factory, I knew we’d found just that – mainly because I ate them all It was the first time I had completed a course! I keep a set by the kettle and a set on my desk, and that helps me take them every day without fail.

Shop the full Skinsense range here.

