Comments on: A real lifesaver Tue, 08 Jun 2021 16:57:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sarah McLaughlin Tue, 08 Jun 2021 16:57:04 +0000 🎂 Hope you have a great day and able to celebrate this year. I share your birthdate but 10 years older.... Geminis are a special breed. Best wishes Sarah.]]> Hi Julia
Have been watching you and qvc since your first broadcast.
Just to wish you an early happy birthday for 10 June..65..🍷🎂
Hope you have a great day and able to celebrate this year.

I share your birthdate but 10 years older….
Geminis are a special breed.

Best wishes

By: Julia Roberts Thu, 25 Feb 2021 10:35:38 +0000 In reply to Annette Roberts.

Hi Annette
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you – crazy times and a lack of routine with all the annual leave I’m having to take meant I accidentally missed this whole week of comments.
It wasn’t our first wedding anniversary, that was back in August, it was our 43rd anniversary of living together – I wasn’t sure if we were still going to celebrate it, but clearly Chris wants to so I’ll have remember for next year.
I wonder if you’ve moved into your new home yet? I know this has been a ghastly time for you but one of the plaques on the wall of my downstairs loo has it about right:
‘Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations’ … I hope that is the case for you.
My Aeropilates machine has been my saviour during lockdown – not just physically, but for my mental health too.
Everything crossed for a smoother rid3 for you over the coming months
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Thu, 25 Feb 2021 10:27:43 +0000 In reply to Helen Fisher.

Hi Helen
I will ask the question of the buyers about the stand. You’re not the only one who has asked me about it, but it might have been a business decision if the demand wasn’t there. I will ask for you though & glad to hear your machine has lasted such a long time too
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Thu, 25 Feb 2021 10:24:36 +0000 Last weeks was a little longer than usual, but I don’t think that will be allowed going forward - I’ll try to keep them interesting though and really pleased to hear you enjoy them Love Julia x]]> In reply to Karen Rix.

Hi Karen
It isn’t my decision to write them fortnightly- I would happily continue to write them weekly 😕 Last weeks was a little longer than usual, but I don’t think that will be allowed going forward – I’ll try to keep them interesting though and really pleased to hear you enjoy them
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Thu, 25 Feb 2021 10:21:46 +0000 In reply to Susan Morton.

Hi Susan,
I’ve just had to buy some more fat balls, but it’s worth it for the joy the birds bring us – good to hear you are feeding them on ‘your patch’
Julia x

By: Julia Roberts Thu, 25 Feb 2021 10:19:47 +0000 In reply to Pauline Goodwin.

Hi Pauline
Apologies for the delay in replying – my usual shift pattern is all over the place with having to take my annual leave before the end of March!
Wow – you’ve really been in the wars & yet you sound so update. I hope you’ve had your first jab now? At last a tiny bit of light at the end of the tunnel.
I can hardly believe my latest book has been out for almost a month already – time flies!
Look after yourself
Julia x

By: Annette Roberts Sat, 23 Jan 2021 10:50:33 +0000 Hi julia, I cannot believe you are celebrating your first ‘wedding anniversary’ and lovely of Chris to surprise you with flowers and a card, shame you’re not on a beach celebrating, something to look forward to in the future, when its safe and we’re allowed to travel again.
The Aeropilates machine, what can I say, I’ve had mine for 10yrs now, same machine and stand as yours and bought on your very kind recommendation following my ankle surgery, who’d have thought you’d be using it for the very same, you’ve done extremely well. It was a pleasure speaking to both you and Marjolein back then on air, even though I was very nervous in doing so, you both put me at ease, so thank you…it has and will continue to be a life saver or should I say ankle saver haha!
Things are still very much up in the air with me and wherever I end up my machine will be with me too, no doubt about that. This world has been turned upside down by this awful pandemic, thoughts with everyone out there, I certainly wasn’t expecting my relationship breakup after 25yrs, family and friends have kept me going throughout the last 6 months, especially when at my lowest and I mean really low!! It’s time like this that you miss no longer having your Mum and Dad to turn to as you did all those years ago, hopefully they’re looking down on me…we could all do with a big hug! The person left behind is the one that suffers the most, no thought for their mental health and well-being, whilst the other person carries on as normal without a thought to the devastation left behind.
Now I am looking forward to a fresh start, leaving the old baggage behind and hopefully, fingers crossed, moving into my new home soon with new adventures ahead…eek!!!
Thank you for your kind words over the years, stay safe and ‘Happy Anniversary’ to you both
love Annette x

By: Helen Fisher Sat, 23 Jan 2021 09:28:51 +0000 I have also had my Pilates machine for many years – also from QVC. I’m desperate to buy the large stand. I’ve tried everywhere – even emailed Stamina in US who worked out it would cost over £600 to get one to UK. Please can QVC get some in again. They used to be available – and I know there would be other people who would buy one as well as me.

By: Karen Rix Fri, 22 Jan 2021 15:24:20 +0000 Happy Anniversary, altho it’s been and gone now. Beautiful flowers and a card that made me smile. I missed your blog last week but then read that they will now be fortnightly. Hope they may be longer blogs, maybe. Take care. X

By: Susan Morton Fri, 22 Jan 2021 15:04:27 +0000 The fat balls are good, the birds love them….we have two holders that hold six each…..there are so many birds where we live they lasted two days!! Costs a fortune to feed the wildlife……take care..xx
