Hold onto your hats…

Oh my word, I felt I must write and catch up with you all with the most important of questions…

How are you all doing?

That is said from my heart. I know we all live very different lives, some of you will be with your families juggling things, worrying about things and hopefully cuddling your loved ones, as I am.

Yet, for some of you it will be with the quiet stillness of your own company and mind. I hope you can connect somehow with someone, family or otherwise. I hope perhaps QVC can offer you some light-heartedness and familiarity

Please do be in touch with me here and on my Instagram and Twitter accounts. I feel this time, like no other, is our chance to support each other.

Throughout my many years of writing to you with all the chatter of my life, my family and QVC, I have felt supported and held by you. So, please let me do the same for you if you need it.

I guess that you, like me, are adjusting and accommodating and finding some acceptance of this strange, uncertain and frightening time that we are all experiencing  – and yes,  we ARE truly in it together, aren’t we? Not one person can be exempt from this.

I pray daily we will survive and stay well. I try daily to give my thanks and be grateful for all I have and that I am lucky to still to have.

Our compassionate nature is being tested. WE are being tested and I, for one, always want to see the good, the kind and the beauty within people. And oh my goodness, it’s flooding and shining from so many people, wouldn’t you agree?

There will be some positivity that we will take from this time of solitude, and it offers us a chance to reflect and reassess. If you find things get on top of you, pause and step away. I certainly find I am happier if I’m not too engulfed in the constancy of news and negativity, to stop comparing what I am and am not doing and to be kind to myself…

Luckily for me, I got the most coveted of birthday gifts last week and was treated to a smoked salmon breakfast. Oh, how loved I am.

As I type this, I’m sitting on the day bed in my bikini top. I still haven’t gone for the walk I’ve been trying all day to do with Gus, and I’m in and amongst the rubble as Dan is replacing our deck area.

There is washing draped on airers and it’s been out there for two days now – so clearly dry! Yet, it’s still out crisping up in the sunshine.

I’m eating chopped apples, peppers and a yummy bit of salty Roquefort on crackers. Oh, how I’m appreciating the sun and warmth today. A full day off and in all senses of the word, we say it often, but… it’s the little things.

Without a doubt, we are seeing many of those.

So far today, my little things are:

  • Managing to head into Gypsy and have an online Compassion Practice, which was beautiful.
  • Talking everything through with one of my gorgeous friends Linds with a cup of tea.
  • Messaging friends and receiving back lovely heartfelt messages.
  • Half-wiping some dust laden surfaces… yup, work in progress!


They are weeny things, I know, but a calmness surrounds me today, for which I am grateful.

I really could do with doing a proper, decent manicure. I think a loud colour will be in order. I need to find my neon Orly shade. That will perk proceedings up to no end!

I’ve noticed I’m choosing the colour yellow a lot. I wore a fabulous yellow dress on Sunday by Helene Berman, I did take it off once I got home, but I certainly am choosing vibrancy in my colours as a way to combat any gloominess.

Dry hands, haircuts and root re-growth seem to be hot topics of conversation at the moment!

I for one have hair cutting scissors at home and clipped the boys’ hair (I deserve a gold star I think, it was rather stressful!). Dan on the other hand, after a beer or three, zipped his all off himself, miraculously not ending up with no hair.

I’ve searched through all my secret stashes and luckily found some hand creams that I forgot I had! I need them with all the hand washing, not to mention cleaning normal stuff, as well as chandeliers and hot tubs (gosh, how fancy!). Mine are getting quite sore and wrinkly.

As I found some treasures, I thought I would like to put a little set of stuff together for a Competition for you. I will check in as to how I do this, but keep your eyes peeled…

Now, at QVC we are trying to look to bring you the right things to get you through this time – the amazing offers and, as ever, a smile.

So I want to ask you, what else would you like to see us present on air? I know things are set so far in advance but you never know, maybe things can be changed around or tweaked.

Sunday’s Today’s Special Value that will be launching at 9pm Saturday night will be an opportunity to try the Powerfit Vibrating Fitness Plate (402458).

These have been so successful at QVC. Joe is disappearing into the garage daily, where he has set up an at-home gym. He’s feeling good for it and it’s a great use of time and a great release of happy hormones for him.

If space is limited for you, then I have also seen that we have a seated elliptical trainer, dumbbells and of course the ever popular Bodyblade.

The gardening shows on air are super and we will fill your screens this Easter weekend with some glorious plants. I know so many people are looking to get into their gardens and are desperate to plant up some things.

I wonder if we can grow actual bags of flour? And loo rolls?! What would you plant if it was a guaranteed crop? Real or otherwise…

I loved the idea of the Vegepod, which was on air the other weekend. Yes it’s pricey, but amazing. It comes with both the summer and winter cover, so you can harvest seeds, veggies, salad bits and whatever you fancy.

Even just a little yoghurt pot on the window sill with some salad in or tomatoes could give a sense of accomplishment. Remember, it’s those little things.

We shall be potting on our Olive trees into some not-so-little pots that Dan finally found after yonks of searching. A dose of Richard Jackson’s Flower Power will be boosting them.

I’m boosting myself with soooooo much, vitamin C, zinc, probiotics and 8Greens! If you want to and can order, then check out our selection of supplements, it could help and very well be the boost you need.

For now…

Take care, stay safe and keep wearing your smiles and and thank you’s from the bottom of our hearts to every single person helping us through all this… we are so very, very grateful.

Chat back to me, I’m here.

With my love,



33 Responses

  1. Hello Claire,

    A lovely blog as always. We all need to stay positive and keep each others spirits up.

    If I could plant something to give me a crop of something then I would without a doubt plant a “Diamond Tree”.

    Just love them and a girl can never have too many – can she?!

    Take care to all who may read this.

    1. Teresa,
      Now why didn’t I think of that !!!!! Brilliant – we’d be tending it daily wouldn’t we 🙂
      Take Care Teresa

  2. Hi Claire,
    I’m really really missing the fashion and jewellery shows. We don’t seem to have seen many spring fashions…spending money…or just looking at clothes, shoes and jewellery makes me feel excited. ESPECIALLY now the shops are closed!
    Take care and stay safe everyone x

  3. Hi Claire,
    What a lovely, uplifting blog. I’m glad you and your family are well. I know what you mean about hair … I can manage my nails myself, but hair? No chance. The colour I can deal with, but definitely not cutting. Oh well, that’s a very small problem compared with the challenges facing many people.
    Take care, stay safe and well everyone x

    1. Cherry – tho I used to trim my fringe ( when I had one !) that’s about all I’d cut on mine!! But the boys were happy with my attempts phew!!
      Colour yes I shall be doing too !
      With love
      Claire x

  4. Hi claire,
    How are you? I saw your video the other day and you were having a wobble. It’s the life of us all isn’t it! I hope you all stay well especially Tom and your mum.
    I love your new haircut but you could carry anything off. You’re doing a great job with your makeup too. Just like the normal days before makeup artists!
    Hope the kids are doing ok and at least it’s Easter for them now.
    It’s so lovely you’re having such great weather in the SE but I think it every year, please don’t ignore the rest of the UK! We are massive! It’s often only the SE that gets the lovely weather. Weathermen do it, everyone does it. Especially now though when so many have no gardens and such dire times remind everyone not to just go on about gardens and ultrasun. That’s all really. I’m just worried about getting food and household essentials, no requests, no clothes etc.
    Take care claire and look after yourself x

    1. Oh Susan, I hope you’re managing with food and the like- I know our local co op has worked tirelessly and now seem to be fully stocked again – if you’re able to head out that is? Or could someone shop for you ? Is it rubbish weather for you ? I hope not – let me know
      I’ll send the sun round!!! Xx

  5. Hi Claire brilliant blog such strange times we are in , we should have been in wales this week with all our family two lovely granddaughters but hey no we are all well so far so good. Getting out in the garden is good isn’t it and the daily walk too glad your all ok your such a,happy lady best wishes to you all love Loraine xx

    1. Hi Lorraine
      Wales will still be there and possibly all the more sweet ..? I guess that’s the way to think but I feel your disappointment- it’s such a shame . I’m glad to hear you are all well and that my lovely is the perfect news
      Take care
      Lovely walk today for me with Madds and Gus and Tom ( just!)

  6. Janette,
    I know what you mean though I suspect as we are staying home now and everything a changing there was sensitivity around what we ought to be on air with- I agree it’s uplifting and shopping/ window shopping is quite lovely – I’ll pass this on xxx

  7. Hi Claire – you did a show with evey the other day -she was wearing a black shirt and pants with white strip down the side – they looked like relaxed fit – at the end of the show you said you needed to know we’re she got them— did you find out ????-please tellxxx thank you

    1. Ps found out – Serena Bute London !! Never heard of her but Evey is in the know ! I shall take a google myself xx

  8. Thank you for a lovely blog, you are always so upbeat! I too like the fashion and accessory shows and also diamonique of course. You don’t seem to do craft shows any more, that would be nice at this time. I’ve been doing mindful “colouring in” books, quite enjoyable. Keep up the good work Claire and take care, xxx

    1. Mindful colouring in sounds a perfect escape – I’ve just ordered some paint !!!! So let’s see how I go – I want it NOW tho – not very patient of me! Let’s hope a lovely mix of things for you on air Sand – you are right Craft would be welcomed right now
      Take care xxx

  9. Hi Claire
    I love to read your blogs as it feels like you are in the room with me having a chat. With all this gloom and doom at the moment your bubbleyness (not sure that’s a word) brightens my day. Hope you and your family stay well. Take care xxx

    1. Aah lynne Thankyou so much – I’m glad it can help and I know I am lifted by others when my bubblyness disapates momentarily !!!
      Take care xxx

  10. Watched QVC in and off for 24 years… found it comforting when alone in maternity leave so I’m sure you will all be providing comfort and window shopping for people on their own right now. Love that you’re so positive and upbeat… you have to laugh and look for the positives.. x

    1. Anya – it can be such a welcome distraction can’t it – and company –
      Glad to know you are watching 🙂
      Much love and stay safe xx

  11. Hi Claire,I don’t have a garden but have enjoyed the shows so much today,have to say Claire you looked lovely in your dress on air,so uplifting,Michael and Ken did the boys proud too!Haha …it’s times like these when some craft shows would come in handy,it’s never too early to start making Christmas cards is it?..well maybe a smidge but it does make me happy!!!…Qvc is great company on my days off,a bit of normal to my hectic..love to everyone,Debbie xx

    1. Hi Debbie
      Firstly Thankyou , I thought it summery and it seems I made a good choice- I loved hearing Ken’s daughter chooses his on air shirts :-))
      I shall pass the thought re craft on , it appears others too would like to watch some.
      Take Care xxx

  12. Thank you for your update Claire, has the Style channel been suspended for the time being? I love my QVC fashion and need as many fixes as possible at the moment!

    Stay safe

    1. Hi Jayne- yes just for now as we are operating on a tiny set of staff so it wouldn’t be appropriate- tho as soon as possible we will share more fashion with you .
      Stay safe Xx

  13. Hi, Claire,

    Thanks for a lovely blog. Two big positives to come from all this …
    1) It’ll all end one day, and
    2) More time to watch QVC!!

    Much love to you and yours – stay safe! xx

  14. Hello Claire,
    I enjoyed your blog because it seemed to come from your heart and showed real care and concern. Also because you didn’t push the hard sell, as most presenters do. Best wishes to you and your family for your gold health

    1. Sylvia- Thankyou for your kind words- do continue to stay safe and well and let’s hope this all concludes quickly for us
      With love xxx

    1. Oh Jackie me too- I love a bit of gold 🙂 just about to gold leaf some stuff at home !! Tho won’t be wearing it !!!
      Take care xx

  15. I would love to see the fairytale forest garden rabbit on swing and piggy ballerina again.
    I purchased a big Easter egg for myself aka innovations cocoon swivel chair as a treat.
    Like many others I have to self isolate for 12 weeks. I live on my own and my only family are in Australia
    But I am lucky enough to have a small patio that I can now sit out on. I would love the rabbit or the pig to keep me company.
    Hope your hairdressing experience didn’t traumatise you too much. Keep well. X

    1. Oh the cocoon chair is fantastic- perfect treat Rosemary I think
      I shall have to look at the rabbit and pig now they sound delightful !
      Maddie , my daughter is currently wishing for a Pygmy goat – a real one !!!!
      No chance !!
      Take care
      Claire xx

  16. Hi Clare
    I’ve heard you say before you colour your own hair? Can you please tell me what you use when you dye your hair the more strawberry blond shade?

    Corrie xxx

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