Inside QVC Podcast Episode 14: Alison Keenan

Will Gowing chats to QVC presenter, Alison Keenan, about her career, landing a hosting role on ITV’s This Morning, being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 and writing her first book ‘A New Kind of Normal’.

Ep14 Alison Keenan

Will Gowing chats to QVC presenter, Alison Keenan, about her career, landing a hosting role on ITV’s This Morning, being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 and writing her first book ‘A New Kind of Normal’. 

15 Responses

  1. Aw bless enjoyed your podcast very much haven’t been there myself but a few years ago I had a duct removed on my breast I had something like a clear liquid from that but no cancer but didn’t know what to expect but now I am fine

  2. Hi Ali, listening to you chatting to Will. What an amazing lady you are! Thanks for the hope you have given me and so many others. Have a lovely Christmas and all the best for 2020. XX

    1. Dear Francis, such a kind thing to say and I’m glad you enjoyed the podcast. I really enjoyed making it – and you can always keep in touch with me on my blog or any of the other social media’s. Happy Christmas x

    1. Teresa thank you so much for listening and for taking the time to comment. I wish you a wonderful 2020 too! love Ali x

    1. Dear Jo, very kind of you to comment after listening, and I hope that you also enjoyed Christmas and will have a happy and healthy 2020. Love Ali xx

  3. I think the world of Ali; she reciprocates all the support she receives & makes life better for others. My husband thinks she’s a doll as well!

    1. Bless you Jo, and your husband too! And thank you for your constant support, here and as always on the blog. Happy New Year to you, love Ali xx

  4. Hi Alison Happy New Year
    Just wandering since hydrotenseur eye gel from decleor has been discontinued just wandering what you would use in its place Thanks in advance

  5. Love this podcast, but then I love this lady. You learn so much when listening to these podcasts, ie the bagpipes ha ha. A lovely lady who has been through so much yet still finds the time, then and now, to reply to all those who leave a comment in her blog. That speaks volumes to me and confirms what we all know, that Ali is a very special lady and I wish her health and happiness in 2020 xx. (Ps, I am one of those people Ali who hasn’t been checked because I don’t want to know the results). Slapped wrists I know xxxx

  6. Hi Allie, so lovely to see you back on tv. You look absolutely stunning, hair looks great, you are so slim now and wears your clothes so well. I really love to see you on QVC you are a wonderful presenter, and explains every item so well. Hope all is well with you and look after your self, rest plenty and take care. talk to you again. xxxxx

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