Inside QVC Podcast Episode 45: Kim Mendelson


Will Gowing talks to fashion designer, Kim Mendelson, about the early days of her career, her design process and connecting with women around the world through her Kim & Co. range.


3 Responses

  1. What a great interview. I am a Canadian living in U.K. and have worn Kim’s clothes since she started at Canadian Shopping channel to QVC UK. Her clothes never fade and made to lady. Great questions & great to hear Kim’s journey.

    1. Hi Kim
      Just to say I love your clothes. but please can you tell me do you have any plans to make hareem pants. X

  2. My wardrobes are over full of your wonderful clothes I can not resist buying some things each time I see your fashion on QVC.
    I have never given comments on any thing in the past I have watch QVC. Since it started and followed you when Kim and Co started I love your skirts dresses trousers just every thing. That suits me at my age I have about 6 of your Jumpsuits God Bless looking forward your next show

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