Inside QVC Podcast Episode 71: Alison Keenan

Will Gowing talks to QVC presenter Alison Keenan about coping with grief, serious illness and relationships. Alison talks candidly about getting the right support to navigate her way through some of the difficult chapters in her life and what the power of hope means to her.

26 Responses

  1. Loved Alison podcast, your right Will she is an inspiration and she is right instead of burying our heads in the sand even though it’s not easy we should ask for help when we’re ready, have loved all the blogs you have done, everyone talking so openly.

  2. Thank you Alison for your wonderful insight. Love and hope really does help life along through the good and bad times. To talk so openly brings and gives to others great understanding on life’s ups and downs. Wishing you good health and happiness with your family .

  3. I was just catching on an inspirational positive message through such a challenging time. I would like to convey to you my families belief through dark & difficult times with my mother (the matriarch of the family) That is to visualise/picture the outcome you wish of the family member healed, healthy & happy. I am praying and hoping my mum pulls through the challenging week ahead she is 96 and has Covid19 she is showing signs of slight improvement after a difficult weekend and your message of hope has given me more strength to help thank you so much you are an inspiration to us thank you again.

  4. I have just been out walking and listened to this. So eloquently presented yet very moving and yes it’s a cliché…but absolutely inspirational! Alison speaks from the heart but also personal experience and it’s all still a work in progress. I wish her continued good health and happiness and thank you for such an insight into her personal journey which has certainly helped me in mine.

  5. I have just been for a walk and listened to Alison’s podcast interview. A very eloquent, detailed and yes a cliché…but truly inspirational account. I found this very moving and sharing her story has certainly struck a few chords with me. Thank you, Alison, for the refreshing honesty in your ongoing journey and continued good health and happiness to you and your family.

  6. I was truly touched and inspired by Allison, I found her to be so motivational. I too am a strong believer in positivity as I think that helps you in being strong. I have been through ups and downs and what Allison mentioned in her interview about speaking to someone you can trust is so important. I would like to thank Allison for sharing her story. I personally think she is a wonderful person. Thank you again Allison.

  7. Hi Alison really enjoyed the podcast as I’ve said before your such an inspiration and so brave love Loraine xx

  8. You are as beautiful inside as you are lovely to know you are doing well keep safe and keep that spirit going, you are a lovely lovely person.

  9. Hi Ali, how can you not be moved by Sam’s horrific journey into the dark and back out again. I felt his pain as you described everything that went on. He truly is an exceptional young man who chartered all that life threw at him with great courage. In the darkest of times he did what we all must do, CARRY ON, never give up hope and keep looking forwards. The best of everything wished for you Sam xx. Lots of love and a big hug sent your way Ali, wishing you good health and happiness always xx

  10. Alison I listened to your story today with tears and a sense of hope as dealing with what comes our way sometimes seems unfathomable and crippling.
    It’s good and healing to hear your honesty and although it can’t change the past you are a testament to living through adversity. It was my privilege to hear you speak and thank you for what it’s done for me.
    Angels be with you.

  11. Thank you Alison for this podcast ,it is very moving and as others have said inspirational.
    Sometimes we think that other people have what we perceive as perfect lives ,when in fact most of us have ups and downs to deal with.
    You have a lovely calming voice and throughout your sad times I am sure you had retained good humour.

  12. What an interesting conversation. I could relate to much of what was discussed. The advice was spot on. Be kind to yourself and value yourself are key.
    May I also just comment on how good the interviewer was. It is a real skill to listen. Too often interviewers interrupt and comment unnecessarily. Well done, this should be more widely promoted.

  13. Hi Ali thankyou very much for your open and honest podcast. You are an inspiration to all. We are lucky in this day and age that counselling and self help groups are available to all. But not everyone feels able to open up but your podcast will inspire others to do so.
    With love from Julia xx🤗🤗

  14. You really are a true inspiration Alison and so lovely to listen to. Thank you for sharing your story, stay safe and keep well.

  15. This is the first podcast that i have listened to mainly because i have read Alisons book,and thought she was vey brave may she continue with good health.This podcast was very moving with her family problems especially with sam her son ,but she has a lovely voice and she describes her feelings really well.

  16. Will – congratulations on hosting such a moving interview with Alison. She really is a lady who counts her blessings despite the enormous
    challenges that Life has placed in her path. I have always admired her and her beauty is not just skin deep! Wishing you both every happiness.

  17. I have just listened to Alison story what a lovely lady .She was so up front about her life.
    Sometimes in life we are dealt a bad hand and it’s how you cope with it that gets you through the sad times. Such a honest lady I love watching her on QVC and she is professional
    I wish her all the luck in the world
    With love ❤️ Ann x

  18. just wanted to say how amazing you looked on the tv repeat for the teddy coat- also what fabulous jumper you were wearing white and black – I want one where can i get it please xxxx

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