I am so sorry for the incredibly long period of time since I last wrote to you, but I think the term ‘extenuating circumstances’ genuinely covers it, and the situation we all find ourselves in now is unprecedented. In fact looking back over my last blog it’s hard to comprehend just how much the world has changed… I know that all of us are being bombarded with news and information about the devastating effects of COVID-19, and it’s extremely worrying. I very much hope you are well, and have managed to avoid the virus so far with all the restrictions and measures that are now in place? Self-isolation won’t be easy for everyone I understand, so I hope that with the telephone and all the other ways of keeping in touch, you won’t feel too lonely. I also pray that if you know someone who has it, that their symptoms are mild and they will recover well. This blog has always provided a support network, and I feel there’s never been a better time than now for us to connect and look out for one another. I hope you agree 🙂

Well, I had imagined I’d be sharing photos of my 60th birthday celebrations with you this time round – and thank you so much to those of you who sent cards to me at QVC before the date, but unfortunately on the 14th March I woke up with a cough, and by Sunday was feeling really unwell. Having called 111 they told me to treat it as Coronavirus and so I was told to self-isolate for the next 14 days. Luckily for me, Colin was home and not working and has done a great job of looking after me. He also ordered 100s of balloons and decorations which were to have been used at the party but are now stored away, however, he inflated this fabulous Happy Birthday banner which he hung in the kitchen for me bless him!

Obviously I wasn’t able to see anyone else, and the party we’d arranged in the local pub was cancelled along with the band that had been so brilliant at our wedding. To be honest I didn’t even get out of bed for the first four days and had a terrible cough that hurt my chest. The radiotherapy I had all those years ago damaged my ribs and lung on the right, and so I’m always more susceptible to chest infections. Mercifully, the aches and pains and general feeling of exhaustion have finally passed, but I still have the cough, which means that I won’t be coming back to work just yet as I can’t talk without coughing and couldn’t risk anyone else catching it. Of course until I have a test I’m not at all sure that I’ve had it, but whatever it was, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
The weekend before, we’d actually had a large family gathering because Colin’s daughter Lily was heading to Australia for 18 months for a work placement. She’s a very successful accountant, and was extremely excited about the thought of a new life in Sydney. We had a lovely lunch together with a Mexican menu – Lily’s favourite – and took a fair few photographs! It was really quite hard to say goodbye, but the world is a far smaller place these days, and we all know it’s a great opportunity for her.

She flew out on the Friday just as Australia put their restrictions in place, which meant she had to go directly into isolation for 14 days! Mercifully her employer had an efficient support structure in place and we’ve all been keeping in touch with her via Whatsapp and FaceTime, so she’s not too lonely. Ironically, my lovely Australian niece Clare and her husband Cale were due to be returning to Sydney on the 18th April, but when the situation accelerated here they sensibly decided to try and get an earlier flight home. They had three flights cancelled, before flying out on Wednesday afternoon, and arrived safely on Thursday, much to my brother’s relief! Sadly we had no chance to say goodbye as our planned dinner party, and my birthday party were both cancelled, but we’ve had some fabulous times together in the last 23 months since they arrived.

My goddaughter Sophie hasn’t been as lucky – she is now grounded in Perth, but is with a family she knows who are looking after her. On the plus side, it’s lovely to see the kindness and support from everyone around the globe.
And talking of support, those of you who follow me and my colleagues on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter will no doubt know of some of the great ideas they’ve come up with to connect to the community. Miceal is self-isolating and doing live exercise programmes each day, Jackie has set up a book club, and Catherine has begun to teach sign-language! I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve, but will hang onto them until I’m able to talk without coughing and spluttering! Of course finding ways to relax always helps, and so I though you might like this lovely photo of Honey showing me how to meditate!! Love the position of her hands 🙂 She and I have been connecting with this special App on our phones, where she draws something and I have to guess what it is! She’s actually better at it than I am, but it’s a lovely distraction. I’ve also begun to FaceTime her at bedtime some evenings to read her a bedtime story – it’s almost as good as being there… almost.

Something I can do for you, by way of a distraction, is to set a competition. I know it’s been AGES since I last set one, but I’ve managed to procure a large collection of products from some of your favourite beauty brands and the estimated value is around £350! So, I’ve found this rather lovely and original quote, and I’d like you to do add in the final bit of it for me! Some of you may well know it, but if not, I think it’d be lovely just to go with your imagination!
Here goes:
“If you want to be happy………….”
The competition will be close in two weeks, at 12pm on Friday 10th April, and I’ll announce the winner shortly after, in my next blog. I’ll pick a winner at random from all the correct entries, and we can send the prize out to you as soon as we’re able, and it’s safe to do so. Read the full competition Terms & Conditions for more information.
I’ll look forward to hearing from you 🙂
I’m not quite sure when I’ll be back at work, but let’s keep in touch here in the meantime, and on all the other social media platforms, and look out for each other. Take care, and stay safe.
With my love,
Ali xxx
545 Responses
Hi beautiful Ali ,lovely to hear all your lovely news ,missing you on qvc and hope your back on screen very soon,”If you want to be happy do not dwell in the past,do not worry about the future,focus on living fully in the present,Happiness is a state of mind “lots of love Sarah Prescott
Wishing you well. I have a birthday in two weeks which I will spend alone as I am in my 70’s, but there are worse things. We have to be positive and look ahead, and we have summer to look forward to, and I am lucky to have a lovely garden which I will spend all my time in.
If you want to be happy – smile and be kind
Look after those in need.
If u want to be happy. Be
If you want to be happy! Just clap your hands. Get well soon and stay safe. Love your hour.x
That’s lovely Sarah, thank you! Missing QVC too, but hopefully back at the weekend. Take care, love Ali xx
Keep Safe Alison ,lots of love 💕 Andrew, Q,V,C, fan ,x❤️🌹🥰
If you want to be happy, stop comparing yourself to others 🙂
If you want to be happy …get a cat
Happy Birthday long time fan of you all I hope ur all well and through this crises it’s good to know our QVC still with us
Thank you
Regd your off
If you want be Happy …..
Remember that you are better off than many others. Smile and be patient and togther we will get to the other side
Kind Regards
If you want to be happy notice the small things, look for joy in everyday life and smile x
If you want to be happy, be kind.
I’m so sorry that you have been so poorly with the dreaded lurgey – I know it must be all the more scary given your susceptibility following your previous illness – but I’m truly delighted to hear that you are recovering well at home. We really are alm in this together.
If you want to be happy watch qvc it makes you feel less isolated x
If you want to be happy do not dwell on the past. Happiness is a state of mind.
If you want to be happy clap your hands.
Love to see you back and so glad you’re
feeling better you look well
Hi Ali,
Lovely to see you tonight. I think the answer is:
“If you want to be happy do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. ”
A very true saying. Life is fast and I think the current situation shows us more than ever, how important it is to appreciate the time we do have with our loved ones. Best wishes xx
Hello Ali
Thank you for the opportunity to enter this fabulous competition.
“If you want to be happy….use what you have and you shall never want”
This is a phrase my dear Grandma used tirelessly, how right she was….Exception being when you fancy a little QVC treat!! Xx
If you want to be happy learn to listen to and love your inner child, this will lead to you being a mentally healthy adult, as alot of our negative feelings and emotions lead back to childhood.
Hi Ali
Glad your on the mend. Missing you on the Q. Stay safe . Love Julie
Nice one Julie! And easy to do too 🙂 You stay safe too, love Ali xx
so sorry you have been ill my friend had her 60th this week that was cancelled as well take care x
Dear Heather, I think a great many people have been disappointed with cancellations of birthdays, weddings, holidays, christenings… the list is endless. But we have to look forwards to better times, because they will come. Love Ali xx Stay well
Hope you soon feel well my friend had her 60 th had to cancel such a shame ,miss you on q hope to see you soon take care x
If you want to be happy get up early and listen to the birdsong with no traffic to spoil it. Amazing!!!
You’re right there Sue! So much quieter where we live without the planes too! Love Ali xx
Hello Alison
Glad to hear your improving from your bout of illness! U have missed you!
It is a very worrying time for us all .I have been finding it very challenging as my son who is 25 has learning difficulties and having to be at home has totally thrown him!! He is a creature of habit who doesn’t like change, as expected his two projects have stopped and to be stuck in the house 24/7 when he was usually out everyday is very challenging to say the least!!!!!
My quote is
If you want to be happy
You need to love and be loved!
Hope your back at QVC very soon. Miss you lovely lady 🚺 xxxx
Dear Christine, Thanks for writing to me, although I’m sorry to know that your son is struggling at the moment. I completely understand how a change in routine as drastic as this is will make such a difference to his day to day. I hope that you get through this difficult time. And I love your quote too. Take care, Love Ali xx
Hi Alison so pleased your feeling much better what a nightmare this all is . what a lovely photo of Colin and his daughter isn’t she pretty . We like you can’t see Willa Ottilie and the rest of the family We can see them over the fence though, but somehow seems even more strange not being able to touch them. Plans for mothers day changed but still had a nice day we all take things for granted and hopefully when we come through the other side of this we might see things differently who knows .Our holiday with the family to Wales will be something to look forward to in the future just strange Les and I usually book to Italy good job we didn’t . Anyway take care of yourself love Loraine xxxxx😊
Hi Loraine, glad you liked the photos, and yes, Lily is beautiful 🙂 So difficult with the little ones isn’t it. Lucy has set up a drawing app on her phone, so Honey and I can play guess the drawing games – it’s great fun, but not the same as having a cuddle. I missed all of my children and grandchildren on Mother’s Day too, but there’s always next year. So glad you didn’t book your holiday to Italy! That’s one for the future. Love Ali xxYou take care too.
Hello Alison
Glad to hear your improving from your bout of illness! I have missed you!
It is a very worrying time for us all .I have been finding it very challenging as my son who is 25 has learning difficulties and having to be at home has totally thrown him!! He is a creature of habit who doesn’t like change, as expected his two projects have stopped and to be stuck in the house 24/7 when he was usually out everyday is very challenging to say the least!!!!!
My quote is
If you want to be happy
You need to love and be loved!
Hope your back at QVC very soon. Miss you lovely lady 🚺 keep safe and take good care of yourself xxxx
Good to see you up and beginning to feel better!. I cannot tell you how anxious all this is making me as I’m sure it is so many people.
Hope to see you back on QVC soon – take care x
Dear Louise, I am so sorry to know how anxious you are at the moment, although it’s understandable. My only piece of advice would be to maybe limit yourself to one news report a day, and not look too far ahead. I can only cope with it all if I take it a day at a time. Try to hang on to the adage ‘This too shall pass’, because it will. Stay safe, and I’ll see you soon at the Q. Love Ali xx
If you want to be happy live each hour like it’s your last. Cherish your loved ones blink and its over. 💖💖
Thanks for this Lorraine, I’m really enjoying reading everyone’s different take on the quote. Look after yourself, love Ali xx
If you want to be happy, be.
I wish you a speedy recovery Ali, much love Claire xxx
Claire, thank you! I do hope you’re well and coping in this strange times. Thanks for the quote too. Love Ali xx
Make someone else happy.
Sending many get well wishes Ali and hope you get over this soon. You’ve been through the wars and deserve a break.
Also happy 60th 🎈 !
That is a really great quote! Thank you Angela – it’s something that’s always made me happy. Bless you for your birthday wishes too. I’ve saved all my cards, so that when we do have the party I can put them all out! Stay safe, love Ali xx
Hi Alison,
I appreciate it’s a different illness and situation , as I MS and male but every time I have a tough today or I feel like not doing something I should, I ALWAYS refer back to your book just to shown it’s difficult days ARE worth getting over and goods days are just around the corner. I still have to spend a quarter of my life at hospitals or doctors but anyone I meet with MS having a tough time I always tell them to read your books.
Good seeing you looking so well again and I hope to see you on TV again soon as you have because an inspiration. so THANK YOU
Dear Steven, I am truly humbled by your words, and incredibly grateful to know that in some small way my book has helped you to see the good in life and to feel positive. My cancer took up just a short space in my life, whereas MS is something you have to contend with on a daily basis, and involves a huge amount of time in hospital. I have nothing but admiration for you and hope that the current social situation is not impacting on you too much. Thank you for recommending others to read the book too… that means a great deal to me. If you ever felt able to write a review along these lines that too would be a huge help to allow others to see what it’s actually about. Please stay safe and well, and thank you for keeping in touch, love Ali xx
Lovely words .. from a lovely lady .. wishing you a very speedy recovery.. enjoy all the tlc from hubby 😍 stay safe xx
Hi Angie, I am indeed enjoying the TLC, but it’s nice also just to have a bit more time together too. I hope you’re safe and well, and thanks for writing, love Ali xx
Hi Ali lovely to hear from you, I’m sorry you are so poorly with your history you have to be so careful. I hope you get well soon. It’s a difficult time at the moment I’m missing my three grandchildren more than anything else,one of them has her 8th birthday next week and they couldn’t visit for my husband’s birthday or Mother’s Day but like you say “this to will pass “. It’s a great shame you had to cancel your party,I sent you a card,I hope you got it. At least the weather has improved i’ve managed to do a bit of gardening mostly pot emptying, had to stop because the garden recycling bin is full and waiting to be emptied. I hope your family stay well. Love Debbie Xx
Dear Debbie, I am so sorry you’re missing out on so many special occasions and time with your three grandchildren. Are you able to keep in touch with FaceTime or Skype? It’s not the same I know, but it’s lovely to see their little faces 🙂 I’m glad you’ve been able to get out in the garden, but like you, we don’t have much space to store grass cuttings or weeds! Take care and stay well – you and the all the family, love Ali xxx ps thank you for the card – I’m sure it will be there for me when I get back to work xx
Lovely blog Alison, photos are gorgeous, hope you are well again soon, take care
Glad you enjoyed the blog Maddie and the photos. Don’t forget to take part in the competition! You take care too, love Ali x
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life .Never make a pretty woman your wife.
Ha ha ha ha! Pearl that’s priceless! And I remember the song well too 🙂 Stay well, and thanks for taking part, love Ali xx
If you want to be Happy look for the good in life ,not the bad,be Happy,take nothing for granted and Never let go of the magic.
Dear Anne, this is lovely! Particularly the last line – never let go of the magic. I think I will make a page up with all these quotes for inspiration! Take care and stay safe, love Ali xx
If you want to be happy, be kind to yourself
I have updated Tolstoys quote
Best wishes Alison xx
Carol, that’s lovely. Thank you! Take care and do keep in touch, love Ali xx
Be kind to others.
Get well soon..worrying times..you have a lovely big family which I am sure helps..it’s not always easy staying positive but we must take a day at a time..and look forward x
Hi Madeleine, you’re right, these are worrying times, but yes having a big family is a help… although it does mean there are more folk you are concerned about sometimes!! Staying positive isn’t always easy either, but definitely one day at a time is the way forward. I hope you are well and have support, love Ali xx
Dearest Ali, I’m so pleased that you’re feeling better but really sorry that everything happened just as you were about to celebrate. My 60th was also overshadowed by medical matters & a whopping amount of anti biotics but that’s another story. We’ve certainly had everything turned upside down in a very short period, it’s brought out the best in some people &, unfortuntely, the worst in others. We mess with Nature at our peril & I’m convinced that this is her payback; 2020 has seen Australia’s devastating bushfires, locusts in East Africa that are now moving through parts of the Middle East & yet more floods in the UK, we need to learn from this. I’m not in the least bit concerned about my health but don’t want to affect others so have followed instructions, I have also written a lengthy list of things to do because obviously I can’t see Etty so my week is free of all commitments. I knew ‘lockdown’ would happen at some point & being very shallow I wondered how I’d cope without having my hair cut & rearranged my appointment for last Saturday so I can now face the next four weeks, even a couple more if I experiment with styles, but I’m not going to follow my sister’s suggestion that Colin could watch YouTube tutorials & then be given a pair of scissors..! Honey looks very serene & how lovely that you can communicate in different ways. The title of your blog is very appropriate, much to the old man’s amusement I have lots of sayings & ‘The day comes & the day goes’ is a fairly frequent one. I love your competiton idea & my entry is:
“If you want to be happy find pleasure in simple things”.
Love from Jo x
Dear Jo, Well dont you for having the foresight! I had my hair cut and coloured in time for my birthday, but I think it may start to look a little less smart over the coming months! It’s my nails I’m concerned about. I’ve had shellac for the last couple of years and I will now have to remove it myself and try to pain them! They’re all breaking because I’ve been unwell, so I may well keep my sterile gloves on, while I’m on air! 🙂 ‘Do it yourself’ doesn’t appeal to me with nails or hair! I’m sorry you can’t see Etty but good luck with your list! It’s interesting to hear your comments about nature, although strange things happened many years back too with extremes of weather and plagues… Let’s just pray we come out of the other side of this soon.
I particularly like your saying, but thank you for your version of the quote. Take care of each other and stay safe. Love Ali xxx
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”
Alana, these are lovely positive words! I think I may well make a page up with them all on 🙂 Thank you. Stay safe xxx
If you want to be happy spend time with your family,children are little rays of sunshine,that spread happyness and joy.
Aaaaw that’s lovely Fiona, and so true. I can’t wait to be able to see my children and the whole family again. But we’re keeping in touch as best we can and that makes me happy. Do stay safe and well, love Ali xx
“If you want to be happy. Be.” Leo Tolstoy.
Hi Nicola, and thanks for entering the competition! Love Ali x
Be happy
Hi Ali, So sorry you’ve been poorly. Have missed seeing you on air and your blog. I hope you are on the road to recovery by now. It is indeed a very worrying time the likes of which we have never seen before. But as you quote my favourite piece when I’m feeling down, ” these things too shall pass.” We have to believe it and try not be stressed out by all the media and news. I know it is vital we keep abreast of things but sometimes it is so overwhelming it can lead to terrible mental health problems. I had a bit of a “wobble” last night. I went to bed to listen to some of my relaxation c.d.’s and couldn’t stop crying. I think the build up of things finally took its toll. Some neighbours, who we don’t really know, have offered help if we can’t get out. It does restore ones faith in mankind at times like this.
Well lets hope and pray that things start to improve soon. It’s so strange when we get engrossed watching something on the t.v. then the reality of what’s going on hits you!
I had to go to town today. It was so eerie with nearly all the shops closed. This must have been just a tiny taste of what people had to endure during the war, with rationing etc. and not being able to get certain things. We are learning to make do and last things out more.
Anyway I will end with another quote which we should think of: ” It’s always darkest before the dawn.”
Wishing you all the very best in these hard times and everyone else. Keep safe and keep the faith. Seeing that rainbow, whatever our belief’s are should give us hope.
Sending you much love and our prayers from S. Wales…….Tina S. xxxx
Tina that quote made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up…. ‘It’s always darkest before dawn’ – perfect for the here and now. I fully understand why you had a wobble, and you’re not alone, but we will get through this, and it is an opportunity I believe to bring out the best in us – our strengths and our kindness. I’m glad you have those around you who can help, and I pray that you and your family will stay safe. Sending you love too, Ali xx
If you want to be happy,be.
Thanks Sue for taking part. All correct entries will be put into the draw and then we’ll announce a winner. I do hope you’re well and safe, love Ali xx
Hi Ali,
Yes, it’s a very scary time for everyone. So very sorry to hear you’ve been ill. I hope you’ll soon be back to good health.
I love the photo of Honey meditating – so sweet.
Take care,
Love Sue Radford xx
Dear Sue, Thanks for getting in touch, and for your kind words. I’m feeling stronger each day and hope that you’re well too? Take care and stay safe, love Ali xxx ps yes I though you’d like the photo 🙂
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
The quote for the competition is a favourite of mine and is very relevant just now –
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.
Christine, very wise words and as you say 100% relevant for today. I hope that you are well and safe, and are coping with all the new rules. Take care, love Ali xx
If you want to be happy, be.
Thanks Anita for taking part in the competition. Once I’m back at work I can take a photo of all the goodies in the prize for the draw! Hope you’re well.
Love Ali x
Be kind
Simple and perfect Jules. Thank you, love Ali x
Sorry to hear you had the virus I trust you are feeling better and your cough is easing.what a wee charmer Honey is I bet you 2 get up to mischief when you can Luckily for me I’m on paid leave as a lollipopper so I really feel for those who are in less secure circumstances .Unfortunately as a type 1 diabetic I have to stay put although I m fine so far .So as a 60 year old you just rest and look forward to having a later celebration.As an April birthday myself that what I’ll do lots of love. X
Hey Suzi, I bet you miss the children and they all miss you! I still remember my lollipop lady who used to get us safely over the road outside Sunnymede Infants school 🙂 Yes Honey is great company, and I’m missing our times together very much. That said, I’ve not felt up to much at all these last weeks, but relieved to be on the up now. I hope you have a very happy birthday in April, and have those around you to support you. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy – be patient and optimistic normal service will be resumed as soon as possible 😃😃😃😃😃 got to look on the bright side x
If you want to be happy then don’t dwell on all the negative things think of all the positive things , in my case in July I’m going to be a gran for the first time so think of the future when things get better and we’re all united again xx
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
never make a pretty woman your wife.I hopethis is the correct quote
Thanks for taking part Suzi! I’ll announce the winner next week! A x
Great idea Pauline! Thank you 🙂 Hope you’re safe and well. Love Ali x
Hi Alison, glad you are feeling better.
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, be kind, be grateful for what you have and be mindful of others around you.
Love your blogs
Karen x
Thanks so much Karen – I really enjoy writing them. And your answer is an excellent mantra to live by – I’ll announce the winner in the next blog. Take care, love Ali x
appreciate every sunrise, every sunset, the air you breath and the ground you walk on, but above all else those who make your life worth living, your family, your friends and love, love is all. X
Wow Seirian! This quote says it all – I must definitely make a page up with all of these beautiful words from all of you. They’re truly uplifting! Hope you’re well and safe. Love Ali xx
“If you want to be happy …. volunteer to help others “
Hi Pam, An excellent suggestion – So many who are helping others and making their lives safer and healthier. I’m sure that makes them happy. Take care, love Ali xx
if you want to happy clap your hands
This is a good one Valerie! I think my granddaughter Honey would like this. Love Ali x
Hi Ali, glad you are feeling better and on the mend. My workplace sent me home on Monday for 3 months as my radiotherapy finished on 2nd March and they think i am high risk as it might have lowered my immune system. I hadn’t even thought about your very good point that it can damage lungs and ribs although i vaguely remember reading something in my booklet about it but back then it didn’t seem vastly important, i was just concentrating on getting through the treatment but of course not realising what was to come with Covid 19 it has become very important. Continued recovery Ali.
Dear Nichola, thank you for getting in touch, and I am so relieved to know that your radiotherapy is behind you, and you have taken the very wise steps of self-isolating. Yes, your immunity will be lower and you need to give your body its best chance of healing. I hope that you continue to get better and will start to feel stronger. It’s not easy living with these restrictions, but I think we all appreciate it is the only approach. Take care and stay safe, love Ali x
If you want to be happy, do.
My ending, care, forgive and smile.
Nice one Kay 🙂 Thanks for taking part – watch this space for the winner to be announced. Love Ali x
live in the moment and look forward to the day when we can all hug each other again x
Tracey, that’s something I’m looking forward to very much 🙂 Thanks so much for taking part. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present
Hi Toria, this is such a positive and uplifting quote. Thank you for sharing it. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy love and respect yourself first.
Keep getting better Ali. Love to you and Colin.
Hi Martina, this is lovely! Thank you, and I do hope you are well and safe, and coping in the midst of all this change. Love to you, Ali x
how do we access jackies book club and catherine,s sign language please
Hi there Vanessa, I believe they are both running these through their Instagram accounts, but do check their blogs as they may have left information there too. I hope you are well, love Ali x
If you want to be happy, just be. X
Thanks Jacqueline! Reading through all these suggestions is also a great way to feel happy 🙂 Take care, love Ali x
Hi Alison, I am so glad you are feeling much better , I have really missed you not being on QVC it isn’t the same with out you , seems like ages ago , but it’s great to know you are on the mend
Love from Joy x
Dear Joy, thanks for getting in touch, and you’re right it has been nearly a month since I was on air! I’d taken some time off for my birthday, but have felt far too rough to come back to work. But I’m through my 14 days isolation and definitely feeling a lot better so fingers crossed I’ll be with you on Sunday. Take care and stay safe, love Ali x
“If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”
This is such a positive quote, thank you Mandy! I hope you’re staying safe and well 🙂 Love Ali xx
Do not dwell in the past etc happiness is a state if mind
Happiness definitely is a state of mind, and reading through all these lovely quotes has certainly lifted my spirits. Thank you for taking part Janet, love Ali x
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.
Roy T Bennett
I’m liking this quote very much Jean. Thanks for taking part, and I’ll announce the winner in the next blog. Love
Ali x
Hello Alison. Thank you for your lovely blog. Happy belated birthday. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Antoinette x
Dear Antoinette, thanks so much for your birthday wishes. I’ve sort of put the whole thing on hold for the moment – which means I’m still 59! I do hope you’re well and safe. Love Ali xx
If you want to be happy do note dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living in the present.
I hope you are continuing to recover from your cough. Look forward to your birthday celebrations and stay safe.
Jute, I am most definitely looking forward to my birthday celebrations – just being with my family and friends finally will be wonderful. Yes, I’m feeling much better now, although the cough hasn’t completely gone yet, so I’m home until it does! Take care and stay well yourself. Love Ali xx
The answer is “be”
Pam, thanks for taking part. The winner will be announced in the next blog love Ali x
If you want to be happy…be kind to others and be kind to yourself
Hi Rebekah – I’m liking the way you spell your name! Very unusual. Thanks for your quote – I hope you’ve enjoyed reading some of the others here on the comments page. Love Ali x
Hi Alison glad your on the mend
My happiness quote is
Be happy with what you have
Be exited about you want
This quote has kept me going for years
Oooh Hefina, this is a new one to me! I’ve not heard this before, but it’s such a positive thought. Thanks for taking part. Love Ali xx
If you want to be happy allow yourself to let go of doubts and fear . Enjoy the World around you . A childs smile a butterfly resting on a flower.
Dear Josephine, such lovely words, and beautiful images they conjure up. Thanks for taking part and adding to this every growing list of positive mantras. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy, be.
Take care Ali Xx
Thanks Lynn for taking part, and you take care too. Love Ali xx
Dear Ali,
i wondered where you had gone, i love your shows. So sorry to hear you are unwell, i hope you are soon on the mend, i am in isolation now, i was self employed but now cannot work until further notice, i havent seen a soul for over a week, i am enjoying watching QVC as its really is the only company i have right now. I cant buy anything as i have no income, but its lovely watching people that seem happy and healthy and not constantly talking about this vile virus. Get well soon Aly, and look forward to seeing you back at work when your fit enough.
Dear Ruth, I’m so sorry you’re not able to work and being self-employed can make it harder. It’s hard as you’re on your own too, but I really appreciate your kind words and am happy to report that I am indeed feeling much better and getting stronger each day. I’m planning to get back to QVC on Sunday, and am so happy to know that you’re enjoying watching my friends and colleagues on air, and inspite of the fact you’re not planning to buy anything it’s great that you are enjoying our attempts to entertain you! 🙂 You take care of yourself too and do keep in touch. Why not enter the competition and then you might win the Beauty prize! Love Ali xx
If you want to be happy be kind to yourself above all !.
Hope you carry on with your recovery x
Thanks Rosalie, feeling a lot better each day fingers crossed. I do hope you are good and thanks for entering my competition. Love Ali xx
Hi Alison I’m sorry to hear you have not been well but still you are your usual cheerful self . I think the quote should read …If you want to be happy be kind. I think it’s going to be hard for all of us in the weeks to come in so many ways so at best we can all be kind to each other. Love to you and your family Jill t x
Hi there Jill, good to hear from you and thanks so much for taking part in the competition – your quote is inspiring like so many of the others. And you’re right, it’s going to get harder before it gets easier, and for some it will be particularly difficult. Being kind is paramount, whatever your situation and I hope very much that you and your family will remain safe and well. Love Ali xx
Wishing you a very speedy recovery Alison. I do miss watching you on QVC at the moment and can’t wait till you are back. I have a six year old grandson currently battling cancer so it’s just another setback on life’s journey but I’m hoping if I do get symptoms they will be mild as like so many of us I am the linchpin of my family.
This will pass as you say..
My dear Sue, your situation has certainly put my life in perspective…. I don’t know how I would cope if either of my grandchildren were so poorly. I am sure your grandson is being very well looked after in spite of the current crisis but no doubt the fear and worry are every present in your life. I will keep everything crossed that you all stay well and that you are able to provide the love and support you no doubt do, to the rest of your family even though you can’t be with them. Please do keep in touch.Do take care, love Ali xx
If you want to be happy, be.
Love reading your blogs Alison. Hope you and yours are well and enjoying life. x
Thanks Joan, lovely to hear from you, and yes, all the family are staying upbeat and keeping in touch, and basically trying their best to live around the restrictions that are in place. Same as all folk I guess 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoy the blog – I enjoy writing it, and thanks for taking part in the competition. Love Ali xx
So glad you are feeling better. The answer to the competition is “If you want to be happy do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it. Happiness is a state of mind.”
Stay safe,
Judith Brown
Dear Judith, This is really interesting to see the quote in it’s entirety, and I think it is particularly pertinent right now. I do hope you and your family are safe and coping well. Thanks so much for taking part in the competition – I’ll announce the winner in the next blog! Thanks for taking the time, Love Ali xx
If you want to be happy: be
Hi Hazel, thanks for your entry in the competiton – watch this space for the winner! Hope you’re well, love Ali x
The answer is clapped your hands
Nice reply Lyn, and it was certainly something that made the NHS happy and those who took part proud to be clapping for the amazing job they are doing. Thanks for taking part, love Ali x
Keep smiling
Ellen, I think this is essential for every single day. There’s always something to smile about if you look hard enough 🙂
Thanks, love Ali xx
If you want to be happy do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.
Never have words meant so much to people today as that lovely quote from Roy T Bennett.
Dear Sylvia, this lovely quote Roy T Bennett has popped up several times, and as you say, there’s never been a better time for us to lean on such a mantra. Take care and stay safe, love Ali xx
If you want to be happy…help others
Wise words, and words I tried to instil in my children when they were growing up Tracey. Thanks for sharing and for taking part. Love Ali x
If your happy and you know it clap your hands
Glad your on the mend.
Hi Patricia, yes it’s a mighty relief to be feeling better and I hope that in spite of all the changes and difficult situations we find ourselves in that you and yours are well and safe. Love Ali xx
Glad you are feeling better Alison.My answer to your quote would be
If you want to be happy —-.do not dwell in the past.do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.
Stay safe
Dear Jan, thanks for taking the time out – lovely to have your quote to add to the ever growing list of inspirational ideas! I do hope you and yours are well and safe. Love Ali xx
Hi Alison we are all missing you on screen but we just want you well we can all celebrate at a later date .. my husband and I had our 61st anniversary on the 21st March but spent it alone but we said we have had many other anniversaries so sitting this one out is not a problem/// love all the pictures Honey is a little beauty and so is Colins daughter im sure you must miss them all I know im missing my grandchildren and new little Gt Grandson but as long as they are safe thats ok //anyway Ali dont want to wear you out and please dont worry if you do not feel like replying just get well soon remember you are so well loved and missed God Bless Love Pam xx
Dear Pam, 61 YEARS! Wow! That really is something 🙂 Many congratulations to you both, and I hope that once everything has settled you will be able to get together with your family, your grandchildren AND your new little great grandson to celebrate. Honey is a cutie and yes, Lily is beautiful too – we’re missing all the children, although we’re doing our best to keep in touch using these various methods! I hope you too are able to talk to your family, even if you can’t see them, as I’m sure they miss you too. Take care of your husband and yourself. Love Ali xx
“If you want to be happy…. be kind’
Perfect advice Lynn! Thank you for it love Ali x
if you want to be happy keep laughing keep smiling makes the world a better place
Dear Kay, I couldn’t agree more! There’s been many an occasion when I’ve been struggling but have found that a damn good laugh has helped hugely. I hope you’re still smiling and staying safe love Ali x
If you want to be happy
Do not dwell in the past
Do not worry about the future
Focus on living fully in the present
Susi, my thanks to you for sending this through! Oh, I’m a poet and didn’t know it 🙂 Thanks for taking part and I’ll announce the winner in my next blog 🙂 Stay safe, love Ali x
Hi Ali a belated happy birthday glad you feeling better missing you on air. I think my quote would be if you want to be happy be kind and be positive hope to see you soon stay safe love di 💕
Thanks so much Diane! I’m hanging onto the fact that because I haven’t really celebrated properly yet, I’m still 59! I’m missing the Q too, but hopefully back on Sunday night with the amazing Elemis TSV! Thank you for your quote – I’ll be making the draw at the end of next week. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy be xxxxxx
Hey Jane, thanks for your competition entry. Lovely to hear from you and I hope you’re safe and well, love Ali x
If you want to be happy–Wash your hands
So glad your feeling better.
Miss you on Q.
🙂 Iris thanks for making me smile! Good advice and certainly something we can’t have too many reminders of! I hope you’re feeling well and safe, love Ali x
If you want to be happy be kind to others and be kind to yourself, happiness will shine through.
I think you’re right there Lucy! Thanks for taking part, love Ali x
Smile, laugh, love and sing xxx
Hope you’re feeling better soon Alison, sending lots of love to you xxxxx
Dear Emma, certainly feeling far better than I have for a long time thank you and hoping to be back at QVC on Sunday evening! Smiling, laughing, loving and singing – excellent advice. Love Ali x
“If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” “Happiness is a state of mind.
Hi Alyson, loving all of these. As I said a little earlier on, I think I should print these suggested quotes out and post them on my social media – inspirational! I hope you’re well and safe. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy……sit and listen to the world around you. It’s a wonderful place look after it 🌎🌍🌏
Glad you are feeling better Alison, coming from a place of ❤️I hope that you now have immunity from that dreaded virus- If you want to be happy when life throws you lemons, make lemonade.
Annette, I very much hope I have immunity too! That’s the difficult thing while we still have no testing I’m not 100% sure I had it, although whatever it was it was grim! I hope that you’re staying well and managing to stay indoors? And definitely live by your quote 🙂 Thanks, love Ali x
If you want to be happy …. “make someone else happy”
Make Someone Else Happy….. excellent advice! Thanks Sarah, love Ali x
For the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife
Hi there Sue, I was working on Beacon Radio in the West Midlands when this particular song came out! I loved it, and still do enjoy the lyrics – they make me smile 🙂 I hope that you and yours are safe and well. Love Ali x
Dear Ali, always enjoy your blog, hope you feel better soon. The answer to your competition is “ If you want to be happy, be so” lots of love, Jenny xx
Dear Jenny, so glad you’ve enjoyed the blog. I’m already working on what to put in the next one! Thanks so much for your competition entry- the winner will be announced in the next blog. 🙂 Love Ali x
Great to see you back on your feet. Keep safe & have one helluva party when it’s over. 💗
Denise, that’s the plan!!!! Hopefully back at QVC on Sunday – I hope you’re well and safe. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
Dear Mary, I really appreciate your quote – compassion is something we don’t always see enough of. These are trying times and compassion is key. Thank you for reminding us. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy……Be
Dear Denise, thanks for taking the time out to enter the competition, I’ll be announcing the winner in the next blog. I hope you’re safe and well, love Ali x
please take enormous care Alison, such an amazing inspirational woman. X.
Patricia, I really appreciate your kindness. I’ve been in self-isolation for 20 days now, but am hoping to return to work on Sunday. I hope that you are well and safe, love Ali xx
I think the answer to quote is if you want to be happy be
hope you are feeling well again soon sending my best wishes ali
Dear Lynda, yes thank you I’m feeling much better thank you, and hoping to be back at the Q on Sunday evening. Thanks for taking part in the competition – I’m loving all these uplifting quotes and hope you are too. Love Ali x
Enjoy every moment and say I love you to your favourite person and if course your children if you have any., and always keep smiling x
Christine, great advice and so true. We should always remind those we love how much they mean to us, even if the situation is more pressured than usual – in fact that’s even more reason to! I hope you’re managing to keep on smiling and staying safe. Love Ali x
“If you want to be happy, BE”
Such good news you seem to be recovering from your awful illness, may you continue to make good progress. Look after yourself Ali.
Lovely photo of Honey, I noticed her meditation fingers!!
Sara, I loved the positioning of Honey’s fingers too! She certainly knows how to adopt a pose! Yes, thank you so much I’m far better than I was. Haven’t felt that poorly for a long time, and know how lucky I am to be improving. Thank you for taking part in the competition, and I hope this finds you well and safe. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy nobody can stop you.
Good to see your on the mend, please stay safe and I hope it won’t be too long before we can see you again on qvc. Sending hugs as you are missed.
Alice, this is brilliant! Thanks so much. Inspirational quotes coming at me from all angles – just what we all needed! I am feeling much better and hope to be back with you on Sunday evening. I hope that you are well and safe, love Ali x
If you want to be happy, be.
Leo Tolstoy
Hi there Gayle, It seems as though we are equally divided in choices of quotes, but everything that has been posted here has been uplifting I feel – I hope you agree! Thanks for taking part, love Ali x
Hi Ali
Fantastic blog,
Hope you feel better soon…
I’d say “Smile” would be my answer for now
Take care
Lorraine, I’ll go with that one 🙂 Thank you and I’m glad you enjoyed the blog, love Ali x
Hi Julie, thanks for entering the competition, I hope you’re well and safe. Love Ali x
Hi Alison,
If you want to be happy- be – I would add be true to yourself and love life xxxx
I’m rather liking that addition Victoria! Thank you, love Ali xx
Loving your name Jelena – reminds me of Jolene! Thanks for taking part, love Ali x
If you want to be happy,make someone else happy.
Completely in agreement with this quote Nada, thank you very much. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy …. Be.💕
Take Care x
I’m loving all these beautiful names! Sandrina – thank you so much for taking part. You take care too, love Ali x
If you want to be happy… take a moment to remember how lucky we are to have people looking after us all and then then pick up the phone and call/video chat someone who is on their own and make them smile!
Cracking idea Allie, and something that takes such a tiny amount of effort to do but definitely makes a difference. Thank you, love Ali x
Morning Ali on a beautiful bright sunny day. I am so very sorry you have been poorly and sincerely hope you are on the mend. Your family photos are lovely and dear Honey looks as though she is well into meditation! Bless her xx
Like millions of others John and I are self isolating and my GP is keeping in touch via telephone for which I am so grateful. I am making steady albeit slow progress and it is so lovely to have turned a corner. My family keep in touch regularly and have Face timed which is a huge plus. We are ever thankful each day to have been so blessed with our children and two granddaughters. All I would like in life,to be happy is to have survived this awful ordeal we are all challenged with. I have been kept busy with knitting prem baby hats etc for the hospital but heaven only knows when I will be in a situation to post them! Out of the bad comes good so the saying goes. Well Ali keep on getting better and as always send hugs and love to you. Fingers crossed your family stay safe and well. Judith xx😀
Hello there Judith, and I’m glad you also have had the sunshine! It makes the world of difference doesn’t it. So sad we had the frost too though as it caught my magnolia tree 🙁 I realise that you and John will need to self-isolate but I’m so glad that your family are keeping in touch and not just by phone but FaceTime too so you can see them. It makes them seem so much closer doesn’t it? I’m glad you enjoyed the blog and I choose to believe what you’ve stated here – that out of the bad comes good. We’re all having to pull together and that is always a good thing. You take care and I hope that you and John will remain well and safe. Love Ali xx
If you want to be happy…….. be.
Dawn, thanks for taking part in the competition – good to have your reply and I shall be drawing a winner at random and naming them here on the next blog. Take care, love Ali x
If you want to be happy, make someone else happy.
Sorry to hear you have been poorly and hope you soon feel better. Such a strange and worrying situation we are all in but good to see QVC still broadcasting, it really helps to have some normality on our screens.
get better soon
Dear Sue, that is such a lovely thing to hear. I completely understand that when everything is turned upside down and we are constantly being reminded of what a terrible situation this is, that you can find a sense of normality in our broadcasting. I will hopefully be back with my colleagues on Sunday – stay well and safe, and thank you for your kind wishes, love Ali x
Hi. If you want to be happy show compassion. Do the right thing. Love and be loved. Thinking of you and sending love.
Hi Lisa, this is such a lovely combination of all the previous quotes and has everything that’s important in it. Thank you very much, and I hope that you are well and safe. Love Ali x
“If you want to be happy…Appreciate what you have, where you are and who you are with in this moment”
sending much love hugs and kisses xoxo’s
Dear Adele, very appropriate for many of us who are actually spending a great deal more time with those we may not normally see that often! So glad that Colin is here and not away working, but feel for those who are having to face this along. Sending you love too, and I hope you’re well and safe. Ali x
You are missed x
“Clap your hands”
Aaaw Jean, that’s very kind of you. Hopefully back on Sunday. I’ll clap my hands for that 🙂 Thanks for taking part, love Ali xx
If you want to be happy …… BE!
Glad you’re on the mend, it sounds truly dreadful.
Dear Helen, lovely to hear from you, and thanks for taking part in the competition. Yes I’m very relieved to be ‘out of the woods’ as it were. Not a pleasant experience at all, and quite scary at times, but I fully appreciate how lucky I’ve been. I do hope you stay safe and well, love Ali x
Hi alsion hope you are on the mend and you an colin and your sons ana daughter and granddaughter are weel she must be 5 now maybe.Iam well still got ajob at themoment at mcdonlds where iat moment government now paying my wages.
Hi Martin, thank you for asking how we all are. Everyone is well and coping with the lockdown. Yes, you’re right, Honey will be five years old in May! I can’t quite believe it. I am so glad that you still have your job, although obviously you’re not able to work there at the moment. I hope you can take time to relax and stay safe. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy, all you need is to do is be able to love and forgive xx
Two very important things, and often it takes one to be able to do the other. Thanks Wenna, lovely to hear from you and thank for taking part. Love Ali xx
“If you want to be happy, be.”
Get well soon Ali.
If you want to be happy think of others first and you will never be last ….
Wishing you a safe and speedy recovery
if you want to be happy, then just be. sending love and get well wishes ali.
kelly, london
Hi Ali Sorry you have been ill. Get well soon. I have cataract operation everything was going well then I am seeing double now, went to hospital they said I have blood Pressure on medication for it.
We will have to do as we’re told just stay at home, I been doing spring cleaning to keep busy.
Take Care x
Great to see you and hear you are on the road to recovery X mum and I are missing seeing you on our screens,but health always first! Just a hunk of the parties we will all have when this is all over 😍I don’t know the quote,but I say ” if you want to be happy,turn your face to the sun,take a deep breath and be thankful for the present”
If you want to be happy be
If you want to be happy, start by loving you
I do hope you are much better soon. I had C-19 a month ago but I’m still not 100%
Love Sue/Pebbles
Ps my birthday is the 15th!
Wishing you a speedy recovery Ali, looking forward to seeing you back on Q along with all the other presenters who are doing such an amazing job to brighten our day….when we need it the most!! Xxxx
Glad we’re making you smile Sadie. It was lovely to be back at the Q. Good to see some of my friends and to have a ‘little bit of normal’. Love to you and thanks for taking part in the competition, Ali xx
We love you Ali. If you want to be happy take time everyday to think of things you are grateful for. Xx
Glad you are on the mend !
If you want to be happy –
Stay at home !!
Wrong email !
Hi Allison,so pleased you are on the mend.
My anwer is don’t dwell on the past
do not worry about the future
focus on the living in the present.
What i would like to do is go and see my mum
in her 100th year ,I usualy see her twice a week i do keep in touch with her
care home.
NHS and our carers are absolutely wonderful
Take care xx
Cathy Thank you for taking part, and please pass on my very best wishes to your mum when you next speak to her. It’s difficult not being able to visit I know… but 100! That’s incredible. Colin’s mum was 99 last week – she’s an amazing soul too. Love to you, Ali xx
If you want to be happy,be….
Take care Ali xx
If you want to be happy practice compassion.
Hiya bab,sorry you are not well and to miss youre 60th bummer bab,happy belated bday anyway.Its my loverly grandson Jaxen’s 8th birthday today, obviously all party and contact is posponed,but i managed to get out and put prezzies and cards on his doorstep and kiss him through the window,and on 24th we became greatgrandparents to a beautiful baby girl,i virtually cuddled her…and talked and sang to her over phone…well now Ali,get yourself better and back to us on qvc again pretty sharpish,we miss you,god bless to you and yours,🌈🌈lots of love Jillian xx
Jillian congratulations on the birth of your beautiful granddaughter. Virtual cuddles and kisses are better than none, and I’m so glad you were able to at least see your grandson Jaxson through the window. Strange times, but not forever… Love to you, Ali xx
If you want to be happy…look every day in the mirror and say… good morning sweetie how lucky am i…im still here…xx
If you want to be happy.Be. laughter is the best sound in the world.
Hi Ali
From me to you: “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” “Happiness is a state of mind.
Just to say Ali. Keep safe,keep well .Same goes to one and all, ” together we stand,divided we fall”
I’ve volunteered with nhs reserves, as a retired RN to help no matter how small.
Loving your photographic art work…I took a fabulous ethereal photo from our cottage window of pregnant ewes grazing on the river bank during a sea fret…wish I could upload it.
Love ,Patricia. X
Thank you Patricia! And I’m sure I’ll be echoing everyone else’s sentiments to know that you’ve volunteered. I hope that you will be properly protected and will stay safe in doing the vital work you do. I wish you could upload that photo too! Sounds amazing. Keep in touch, love Ali x
stay where you are and keep well ALISON let the sun be always on your face and the wind be at your back and let the road be always rise up to meet you xx Pamela
Hi Ali, get well very soon, being a cat lover I would say if you want to be happy get a cat! xx
Hi Alison,I think my favorite quote is quoted is from Winnie the pooh,if you want to be happy…”Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing,of just going along,listening to all the things you can’t hear,and not bothering”📍….you’re looking very glamorous at 60! Love qvc,look forward to seeing you back where you belong xx Debbie
If you want to be happy, be grateful for what you have.
Hello Ali, so pleased to hear you are on the mend! Best of wishes to you and yours as always 🙂
“If you want to be happy………….BE” …but to be honest right now I would say it slightly differently.. “If you want to be happy…………. give love.. and somehow it will eventually find its way back to you!”
You take care and stay well, and that goes to all the lovely ladies on here too 🙂
Glad you are feeling a bit better Alison. If you want to be happy hug your loved ones a little bit tighter x
Hi Ali. Belated Happy Birthday. You are such an inspiration to us all. So glad you are feeling a lot better. Things aren’t the same without you on Q V C. But health comes first…. My partner was admitted to the LUTON and Dunstable hospital. With blood clots on both lungs. He has been so well looked after by the wonderful doctors and nurses. For my exercise I walk past and hold up a poster that I have made to say HELLO to him .As I leave near the hospital.
We all have to be patient and do our best and keep doing as we are told.Take care and be safe.
if you want to be happy. Save our N HS and do as we are told.
Glad you are in the road to recovery. If you want to be happy ‘be kind to yourself’ 😊xx
I’m so glad you’re on the mend and happy belated birthday.
If you want to be happy find gratitude in your heart.
Best wishes
Glad you are feeling better
If you want to be happy never go to bed on an argument
gosh hope you feel better soon, your grandaughter grown up so quick only seemed like yesterday she was a baby, she cutiie, don’t know where the years go with them so enjoy every moment , take care x
Hi Ali
So happy to hear you are on the mend.
If you want to be happy live fully in the present.
Keep safe 💝
Hi Alison,
Wishing you all the best for your recovery to good health.
Thinking of your competition, I was reminded of the quote from The Serenity Prayer by American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr:
Father, give us the courage to change what must be altered,
Serenity to accept what cannot be helped,
And the insight to know the one from the other.
In this time of the need for us to change our way of life, with the sadness that inevitably some people will lose theirs, hopefully when we get through this, mankind will surely be kinder to each other.
I would say – If you want to be happy, be thankful for everything you have and show it to as many people as you can.
Looking forward to seeing you back soon,
Karen x
Karen thank you so much for sharing this quote from The Serenity Prayer. I am hoping to read some of these beautiful words out tonight when I’m on air. Take care and stay safe, love Ali x
Hi Alison sorry to hear you have been unwell. I am missing your cheerful personality on QVC. Take care and stay safe
If you want to be happy follow your heart not your head
Hello Alison, love reading your blogs. Always interesting, inspiring and from the heart❤.
Sorry to hear you have been unwell with ‘the virus’. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope to see you back on QVC soon❤.
IF YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY…embrace life with a big hug, take pleasure in the simple things, and be kind…always❤
Best wishes to you, your family and everyone at QVC❤
Dee xxx
Hi Ali
Take care and I hope to see you soon on our TV screens
If you want to be happy , do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present x
Wishing you a speedy and full recovery
Julie x
Do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” Happiness is a state of mind.” Just Be Happy, we will all get through this together. So glad you are on the mend, don’t push yourself too hard, you are important. Best wishes to you and yours. X
If you want to be happy share your life today with the ones you love.
Hi Ali..glad to read you are on the road to recovery..I think the answer is ‘if you want to be happy..BE. Hope to see you soon back on the Q
If you want to be happy be
Hi if you want to be happy think of others x
Dear Ali
I hope you are feeling better now -I just wanted to say how this awful lockdown has made people much kinder to one another – I suppose we all have more time now. Even going out for a daily walk people seem kinder. I know we are not always perfect – but I do believe the more you give the happier you will be.
My quote is: “Smile and the World smiles with you.”
Lovely quote and I enjoyed reading your observations too. Take care and stay safe, love Ali x
If you want to be happy, count your Blessings.
I do this all the time and it has really helped me through some bad times. However awful things seem sometimes you can always think of how lucky you are in other ways and the good almost always outweighs the bad.
My nanny would have agreed with you 100% Marion as do I.Love Ali x
if you want to be happy… live your life without regret
glad your feeling better hope to see you soon
If you want to be happy be kind xx
If you want to be happy, be true to yourself ❤🌈
So glad you are better. You look fit and well. We are in total isolation because of my husbands health and he has now got a nasty infection (not the virus). We are trying to remain upbeat but has made isolation a tad bit harder. Still it could be worse. We still manage to laugh at something each day.
If you want To be Happy, stay at home, obey the rules and stay safe.
As always, a lovely blog Ali! Belated birthday wishes to you, I hope you managed to make the most of it? Try and keep positive and let’s hope that you (and all of us!) have an amazing Christmas to make up for our current strange times. I do smile and think of you every time I hear the phrase ‘A New Normal’ on various TV shows – you should’ve trademarked it, lol! Had a long think about your question, not sure if it hits the mark but….
….if you want to be happy: close your eyes, take a deep breath, smile and hopefully something will just pop in your mind and take you back to that place!
Stay Safe Everyone xxxx
Sarah, it’s a lovely quote, and thank you for taking the time to compose it. Yes “A New kind of Normal” has certainly received a little more notice – and I’m delighted that the book continues to sell. You take care and stay safe, love Ali x
So glad you are better. You look fit and well. We are in total isolation because of my husbands health and he now has a nasty infection (not the virus). We are trying to remain upbeat burnt this is making it tad bit harder. Still it could be a lot worse. We still manage to laugh at something each day.
If you want to be Happy, stay at home, obey the rules and stay safe
So glad you are better. You look fit and well. We are in total isolation because of my husbands health and he now has a nasty infection (not the virus). We are trying to remain upbeat burnt this is making it tad bit harder. Still it could be a lot worse. We still manage to laugh at something each day.
If you want to be Happy, stay at home, obey the rules and stay safe
Dear Pat, I very much hope that your husband’s health will improve quickly and that you will remain well. Stay safe and do keep in touch, love Ali x
Hi Ali,
So good to see looking so well, glad your feeling better. Glad your doing your video Calls with Honey, bet she’s loving it? ❤️ Lots of love Me and mum Pamela xxx
My answer to your question is….
If you want to be happy…
Stay safe, stay alive, see your family and friends, the outside life again, then it’s rather simple… Stay inside, it won’t be forever and you can save many Lives, by staying inside your protecting the vulnerable and the NHS That is just so so important right now, as with out them we won’t survive covid19, it maybe hard and heartbreaking not seeing our loved ones but we Can do this… We’re GREAT Britain After all … We Got this….. #KeepBritainAlive 🙏 ❤️ 🌈💙
“If you want to be happy………….” Face the days together, No matter what they’d bring
Hello Alyson so glad you’re feeling better. I love to watch you on qvc. Watching qvc over the last 4 years have helped me through a terrible time in my life loosing my husband, dad ,and mother in a short space of time. Even though I was in a very lonely place I new I had the company off qvc which would keep me company and helping me through my difficult time. Looking forward to seeing you back on the tv take care and keep safe. If you want to be happy live your life each day as if each day is your last ❤️
Dear Nicola I was so sorry to read of your heartache and to know that you lost so many people you loved in such a short space of time… What makes me happy though is knowing that QVC as a company have kept you company and given you a little of comfort during what still is no doubt a lonely time. Sending you my love and hope that you will have folk around you too who can love and support you. Ali xx
So pleased you are feeling better and up and about, it must have been a worry for you, Colin and the family. We are going through such a dreadful time, and I don’t think we have it as bad up here in Yorkshire as you do down south. Have a good night in the “Q” and stay safe. Much love xxx
If you want to be happy be nice – simples
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past.
Get well soon Ali, missing you on the box x
If you want to be happy, stroke your pets and then they will be happy too
If you want to be happy love everything you have ,happiness is not having everything you want .
I remember saying something similar to my children when they were little Pauline – thank you for taking part, love Ali x
Hi Alison
Nice to see you back on QVC. I too have had a quarantine birthday. Not a special number like yours. I am so lucky as my children home from university and we all spent my Birthday together.
I think if you want to be happy for the rest of your life – you need to love yourself ♥️. Happiness will come from within ready to give to others xx
Belated Happy Birthday Sandra. So glad that you have your children with you xxx Love Ali
Hi Ali, so sorry you missed your 60th celebration. My 60th is in August and hope to be able to celebrate. I have watched QVC for many years as I love the quality, service that is given and the fun that all the presenters bring. You always look so elegant and well groomed. I hope you continue to feel better.
If you want to be happy enjoy what you have instead of longing for what you cannot have.
Tina x
Dear Tina, I can hear my mum’s voice in your quote.. thank you for it 🙂 I am sure that by August the world will be a safer place and you will be able to celebrate your 60th. Thank you for keeping in touch, love Ali x
Answer If you want to be Happy x be grateful for the small things in life x
Happy belated birthday x stay safe x
If you want to be happy BE
I want to be happy be kind be kind be kind
I like this ending not the correct one.
Thank you be safe and look after the elderly and vulnerable xx
Do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.
Even in these worrying times, we can find many positive feelings by doing the simplest of things. I was out taking the dog for a walk yesterday, I was deep in thought, thinking about how much I missed spending time with family and friends, just at that moment a beautiful hawk gently flew just in front of me, it then hovered just several feet above my head, it was simply beautiful. I will remember that moment for many years, a reminder that we can always find something special and positive in the hardest of times.
I think Judith sometimes these things are God given… certainly a very special moment and thank you for sharing it. Stay safe and well, and do keep in touch, love Ali xx
I was so glad to see you back on TV tonight Ali and looking great as always. It does sound like you had ‘The Virus’ so hopefully you now have some immunity – very annoying not really knowing though isn’t it.
If you want to be happy accept what you have, make the best of each day and be kind to others.
Lynda x
If you want to be happy, learn to love yourself.
Glad to see you well and back on screen.
Welcome back !!
If you want to be happy…..hold your loved ones close and cherish each moment you have with them.
Hi Ali, I have just seen you on tonight’s show. I didn’t know you had been poorly. I am so glad you are well enough to be back at work. What a wonderful breath of fresh air you are. I can honestly say, you have really cheered me up. You are such a positive person. You looked so lovely in the cuddle dudds dress. You convinced me to buy one 🙂 I am looking forward to receiving 🙂
“If you want to be happy. Be. Be kind, be caring. Smile., laugh. Very contagious. Beam love. Beautiful
Juliet, I’m sure you’ll look great in it – you’ll love the fabric, it is SO soft. Take care and stay safe and happy. Love Ali x
Happiness comes in waves, it’ll find you again. Lovely to see you back again this evening Alison, stay safe. Anne xxx
Liking this very much Anne – thank you so much. Take care and stay safe, love Ali x
If you want to be Happy, be Lucky.
If you want to be Happy, try giving, helping someone in need, and Caring, most of all give time to the people who need help.
Glad you are feeling better 🙂
I think the quote is ‘If you want to be happy, be’.
Hi Alison, I think the quote is Leo Tolstoy’s If you want to be happy, be. 🙂
Lovely to see you back on QVC 🙂 I hope you are back in tip top health now after your illness …
I would love to win this prize and have had plenty of time to think about Happiness 🙂 Happiness is Great, whether it’s Yours or Not!!
I would say ~ If you want to be happy be grateful for the small things in life and the rest will follow.
After this ‘lockdown’ I will truly be grateful everyday for even the smallest of things in everyday life.
Hi Ali,
lovely to see your latest pics,
I am sorry that your 60th birthday was not the family holiday planned !
looks like you still have a wonderful time though ?
I am struggling being alone in isolation, but so blessed to have many lovely people from my church, who keep me going!
My answer to the quote is : If you want to be happy…BE !!!
I also love this one too : If you want to be happy… be KIND !!!. Especially in these uncertain days.
God Bless you and your family Ali, xx
I’m sorry you’re struggling Sylvie, but so glad that you have friends who care and support you. It won’t be forever, and I’m glad that we’re keeping in touch through the blog. Love Ali x
Hi Ali, it was lovely to see you back on QVC this evening, I’m glad your feeling so much better.
‘If you want to be happy, be’
Heather x
If you want to be happy, be happy with yourself. It comes from the heart ❤️
If you want to be happy. be. 🙂
Sending Love & Take Care Ali x
Hi Alison, it was lovely to see you back on qvc last night. You looked lovely!
“If you want to be happy look into the eyes of the people you love, true happiness is reflected there.”
Now that, I completely agree with – even if I am looking at them through a screen! Love to you, Ali x
Hi, Ali, Good to see you back on qvc. Lovely photographs on your blog.
If you want to be happy,be.
Stay safe xx
If you want to be happy – Be.
I would say if you want to be happy – embrace nature, walk in the woods on a spring day and drink in bluebells, wild garlic and frolicking birds.
So glad you are feeling better, nice to see you back on QVC.
If you want to be happy do not dwell on the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy it is what you think about it. Happiness is a state of mind.
I hope we will all come out of this crisis as better people, I know I will. I will fully value family and friends like never before and know it is who we have not what we have. Take care and stay safe Alison.
Dear Alison
Hope that you will soon recover and we look forward to seeing you again on our screens.
If you want to be happy – laugh & love.
You can’t change the past, if you want to be happy, look to the future and all you hope to achieve
Hi if you want to be happy be your self
If you want to be happy, be… caring, kind, spread happiness and smile 😀 (It’s contagious, but in a good way).
if you want to be happy PRACTICE COMPASSION
If you want to be happy be truly content with your life and it will in return reward you with happiness.
If you want to be happy …. always start the day with a smile
If you want to be happy, practice compassion !
Great to see you back Ali !
Hi Ali, I always read your blogs as well as the other presenters always a joy.
Stay safe to everyone.
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.
Happiness is a state of mind😘
If you want to be happy, be kind to yourself and others
“Appreciate what you have”. So VERY important.
Glad to see you back.
If you want to be happy—————Be
Hope you are well you certainly look much better.
Take care sending big hugs xxx
So lovely to see you back, you were much missed
In wk three isolation with Only dog walks Outside to look forward to…
“If you want to be happy….. even on your own remember your loving canine companions and their unconditional love….harness that and spread it with your friends ….albeit electronically xxx”
My answer If you want to be happy be.
Leo Tolstoy
Thanks glad that your better xx
You’ve been such a miss … sending you a warm hug … For me … If you want to be happy.. Love the life you have … and stop yearning for what has passed x x x
If you want to be happy.Be happy with yourself.😉😉😉
Be grateful for the little things…
Best Wishes Ali to you, your family and ‘our QVC family’ who are keeping us all going at this difficult time. Lots of love xx
Be true to yourself 🤗
If you want to be happy put a smile on your face and with your hand on your heart give thanks for friends and family and keep faith in the knowledge we will all be together again. X Caroline Colleau
If you want to be happy…smile at a stranger x
If you want to be happy, remember – look up.
If you want to be happy …. make someone smile today.
If you want to be happy, be.
“If you want to be happy………….” BE True to your self …..
If you want to be happy, be
Answer: If you want to be happy, be.
Thank you for the lovely post. I hope you are feeling better x
Happy Birthday, Alison.
If you want to be happy, just be yourself.
If you want to be happy, be.
I’m so glad to see you back looking so bright and healthy, you have been truly missed. Take care everyone xx
Hi Alison. Glad you are feeling better. Lovely blog as always!! Take care xx. The answer is if u want to be happy, Be
If you want to be happy, be your authentic self – live, laugh & love 💓 🥰😘
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. Lovely words that we all should live by. Take care x
If you want to be happy just BE KIND
If you want to be happy,do not dwell in the past
If you want to be happy eat chocolate, cake and drink wine.
Take care Alison and stay safe xx
If you want to be happy. Never give up keep looking on the bright side, things will get back to normal soon STAY SAFE ☀️😃
Hi Ali, “if you want to be happy” be grateful up waking up every day, for the breath that you take, for the unconditional love and support of family as family is a precious gift in life x x 😘😘❤️
If you want to be happy ….be
If you want to be happy always look on the brighter side of life.
Sending you huge hugs and love xxx
If you want to e happy be kind to people
Hi Alison
I absolutely love your Diamonique shows every week and love watching them, especially at this strange time… I’m a good collector and I think I may need to buy yet another ring, any excuse lol… I’m actually running out of fingers , I have so many summers. lol.
If you want to be happy, clap your hands
If you want to be happy.be
Beautiful photographs
If you want to happy. be
Lovely to see you back on air, missed you, especially on the diamonique shows.
Stay safe and keep well x.
Love reading your blog ali..if you want to be happy be🐝
If you want to be happy be thankful.
If you want to be happy , love lots , hug lots , be kind , put your make up on , and your big smile , spread happiness like glitter 🤗😘 best wishes Xx
Hi Alison
Love to watch your jewellery shows and glad you are feeling so much better.
If you want to be happy.be.
Stay safe xx
If you want to be happy, grab life with both hands and never let go.
If you want to be happy , make other people happy.
If you want to be happy, wake up every day without taking the world and everything in it for granted.
If you want to be happy, give your time to someone who needs it.
If you want to be happy, don’t be afraid, be strong and hit every problem head on.
If you want to be happy, laugh be silly and daft.
If you want to be happy, be YOU.
This is an excellent mantra, thanks Georgina! Love Ali x
If you want to be happy, grab life with both hands and never let go!
If you want to be happy , be kind , that way you make others happy too , x
“If you want to be happy do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present, happiness is a state of mind” so glad to see you back on qvc Lots of love Karen xx
If you want to be happy…do not dwell on the past
Great to see you back Ali, safe and well. It’s a truly worrying time for everyone..I hope this enormous challenge will bring us all close and think more of each other..
“Happiness is for all to share” x
Very pleased to see you back at work this evening. As always a good selection of beautiful Diamonique. Take care and stay safe Alison.xxx
If you want to be happy keep your loved ones happy too.
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life , never make a pretty woman your wife
Nice to see you back on QVC
Very pleased to you back at work tonight. As always a lovely selection of Diamonique. Take care and stay safe. Alison.xxx
If you want to be happy keep your loved ones happy too.
If you want to be happy do things that make you happy by helping who you can in these very bad times at the
Love to you all there and stay safe x
If you want to be happy ….. be 🌈⭐❤
If you want to be happy keep the sun and the stars in your heart, beautiful world in your eyes and peace in your soul.
Wishes you a speedy recovery stay safe
If you want to be happy…..be happy on purpose!
Good to see you back, avid fan and luv diamonique.
Take care.
If you want to be happy …… embrace the the moment, love your children, partner, pets. Organise your home to perfection, who would have thought we would have enough time to do that! Love the time you have, many others can’t!
If you want to be happy share your love x
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. Happiness is a state of mind. 🤞🏻🙏
If you want to be happy then walk in the journey of happiness. Far away in away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead, the path to happiness.
I liked your sayings on the Diamonique show. Food for thought. I am glad that you are better in yourself.
Take care. Love Debraxxx
This is lovely Debra, thanks for entering the competition, love Ali x
If you want to be happy be grateful for what we have. Live for the now and not for tomorrow.
Lovely blog.You are such a lovely person and so positive especially when you have had so many health battles to fight…..if you want to be happy find the good in all things.it may not be easy to see,you may have to search,you may have to reflect,you may have to question you may loose hope,it may not be presented with beautiful wrapping or bow but when you find it you begin the search to keep finding it forever.
This is lovely! Thanks so much Caroline. I’ll try to read a few more out on tonight’s shows. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.
So nice to see you back presenting your Tuesday Diamonique Show and looking so well, Once again you have enticed to purchase some lovely jewellery. Take Care. If you want to be happy you have to treat people the way you yourself would like to Treated and try to do it with a smile, Happy Days.
Hi Ali, glad you’re on the mend….
If you want to be happy…. be kind, be kind,
be kind. 🥰
If you want to be happy, appreciate what you have, smile at the sun and smell the flowers on the breeze.
One of my favourite quotes:
“If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” ― Roy T. Bennett
So glad to see you back on our TV screens, Ali and looking so well!
Take care,
Liz 😘
If you want to be happy
Follow the rainbow and dream 🌈 x
Thanks for your thoughts.If you want to be happy share a smile with a stranger.😊
Hi Alison,
I have posted before using my ‘imagination’ but after watching you tonight on the Diamonique show when you talked about the competition, I think you are looking for the ‘correct’ answer to ‘If you want to be happy just be’
I would love to win this fantastic prize as missing my family (2 daughters & 2 granddaughters) due to lockdown, and this would cheer me up and I could take some time for ‘pampering’ myself 🙂
Fingers crossed from a fellow ‘breast cancer survivor’ 🙂
Hi Linda, yes, there was always the option to be creative, but to be fair I had to make it an existing quote 🙂 I’ll keep everything crossed for you and I’m glad to know that you are well. Please stay safe and healthy and I hope you are able to keep in touch with your family via all the other means of communicating. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy, pass a smile on.
Hi Ali
You’re looking AMAZING!
“If you want to be happy treat others how you would like yourself and your loved ones to be treated.”
This has been my mantra for many years.
Love & hugs
Marie xxx
Glad you’re feeling better & how lovely that you can have time interacting with your granddaughter that way. Thank goodness for modern technology at a time like this,my little granddaughters live in Madrid & I am so glad can chat to them via the Portal device as it makes it seems we’re not quite so far apart. All us Nanas are desperate for a cuddle,though!
Competition – If you want to be happy. Be.
Indeed we are Kim! Thanks for taking part in the competition love Ali x
Hello Ali, I am so glad you managed to get over “the bug” I was getting a bit concerned about you! But I was so pleased to see back on the telly! Colin is a good man, you lucky lady 🙂 Little Honey made me smile, I think it was the cockeyed glasses – she was so into her meditation, that she didn’t notice lol.
I think that “If you want to be happy, think positively and smile” Positivity and smiles are contagious!
Keep safe and well xxx
Lovely sentiment Tina, and so glad you enjoyed the blog and the photos. Love Ali x
If you want to be happy just be you!
Ali it was so nice to see you back, you’ve had a tipsy turvy time in your life just lately but your a fighter and still come up smiling. Stay safe and you have a lovely family around you so keep fighting and smiling. You always look so glamorous lv loads 🙏😘
If you want to be happy don’t dwell on what might have been but what will be x this may be wrong but it’s what I feel right now take care of yourself stay safe 🙏🙏
If you want to be happy, be yourself. Get well soon Alison, love and hugs xx😀💕
Hope you are feeling better. If you want to be happy – Look around you and see the beauty in the world. Celebrating my birthday in Lock-down today!
Happy Birthday Fiona! Love Ali x
If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
Never a truer sentiment in my opinion xx
Stay safe .
If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
Never a truer sentiment in my opinion xx
Stay safe .
If you want to be happy don’t dwell on the past.
If you want to be happy, be kind and love those that love you xx
If you want to be happy follow your dreams and live life to the full and don’t look back x
If you want to be happy in life………let the past go, dont waste time thinking about situations or people that you have no control over. Learn to appreciate even the smallest positive thing that happens to you in every day life and don’t become obsessed with what anyone else is doing or their latest purchase. Live in the now, not what has been or what has yet to come x
Hope you feel much better soon. I too am prone to chest infections and never made a connection to my radiotherapy for breast cancer. When I think back to before the treatment I don’t remember having any problems!
Take care lovely lady.
If you want to be happy don’t expect anything from anyone xx
Hi Alison, I love seeing you on QVC you have the happiest of dispositions. You smile and it makes us all cheer up and smile back. Glad to see your Instagram post show you’re feeling so much better💕. ‘ If you want to be happy think of others before yourself’ .
Doing for others brings great reward for both parties. Stay safe . Lynn x
If you want to be Happy ………Be – Lovely to see you back on air with QVC and looking well after this terrible virus – you are such an inspirational person and lift everyones spirits – as you said we will get thru this – and as I say to my children and grandchildren when things can be difficult – Onwards and Upwards as the saying goes – love to you Ali and all your family and Stay Safe xxxx.
Hi Alison. Glad u are feeling better!! Lovely blog as always!take care. If you want to be happy..be. Xx
If you want to be happy! Let go and breath x
Glad to hear your on the mend. If you want to be happy, look after yourself and each other it’s the simple things in life that truly matter.
If you want to be happy, be
If you want to be happy …..treat each day as a new beginning and hold on to your dreams.
Hi Ali! So pleased that you’re feeling so much better….you’ve certainly been through the mill one way or another! Look after yourself sweetie……and lf you want to be happy count your blessings each day and picture the smile of each family members face!! 🥰🥰 xx
“If you want to be happy, cherish those loved ones around you, never take them for granted and show them your love while you can. Life can often be too short and those memories will help you in difficult times”.
Best wishes xx
If you want to be happy, be kind.
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” “Happiness is a state of mind
Thank you to all presenters keeping you in my home with the lovely friendliness you offer to us always but especially at this time ❤️
If you want to be happy appreciate your family, friends and the simple pleasures in life. Listen to the birds singing and look at the flowers blooming xx
Hi ali glad your feeling better ❤ I think the quote is “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” Very true words need to start trying this myself ❤
to be happy be kind to others
glad you are recovering and good to see you back on the tv
If you want to be happy, be ❤️🌈💜
If you want to be happy… be kind to and treat others how you would like to be treated. Life is too short!
Stay safe everyone 😘 xx
If you want to be happy …………… be very thankful for what you have not for what you don’t have !
Stay safe Alison x 💕 💕 💕
Hi Alison and everyone at qvc. Thanks for all the years of great products and genuine presentations. Please stay safe and well!!!! If you want to be happy……. Just smile!
Hi. Ali. Glad to see you’ve recovered well. My answer is:
If you want to be happy, make someone else happy.
Also, the yellow dress you’re wearing on the Style channel featuring shoes – is it a QVC item, please?
Thanks & take care
Star x
If you want to be happy do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.
Stay well and stay safe
Love your hair Ali
If you want to be happy…never take a day or anyone for granted.
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift that’s why it’s called the present.x
If you want to be happy be grateful for everything you have and be kind to others…xx
If you want to be happy surround yourself with family and friends who love you for being you!
If you want to be happy-just gather your thoughts
and try to write a song
Give the kids some spoons, and pots and pans
and let them ‘play’ along!
I’ve read your blogs-quietly from a distance for some time and have been struck by your positivity and, I guess happiness in both times of sadness-ill health, loss, but also in happier times-marriage, birth, family. And so, it seems appropriate for you, and for us all, that life will always be up and down, ebb and flow. You have shown me that,
‘If you want to be happy…accept, accept all the things you can control, but mostly all that you can’t, and find opportunity within the simplest of things to smile throughout it all 🙂 ‘
But the actual answer is:
If you want to be happy, be
Previous ramblings my own creation!
If you want to be happy celebrate this moment.
If you want to be happy, Love and be Loved. Xx
If you want to be happy
It’s so easy to be
Just always remember
That the best things are free
If you want to be happy be grateful for what you have, especially your health, enjoy family, nature and the little things in life, remember being kind costs nothing. Keep safe and keep smiling xx
Ali, pleased that you are feeling so much better now. Stay safe!
If you want to be happy….the smiles you give will be returned in abundance!
If you want to be happy just smile
When someone smiled at me today I started smiling too
“If you want to be happy, be happy with what you have” no more so than now.
Take care x
Hi Alison, it’s lovely to have you back on Q, you are a joy to watch.
If you want to be happy show yourself the same compassion and kindness you would show others. We are often too hard on ourselves.
Take care and stay safe. Xx
Glad to see you’re well.
If you want to be happy simplicity is key ❤
If you want to be happy enjoy the simple things In life. There’s so much to appreciate.
If you want to be happy “…make those you love happy and it will make your heart sing xx
If you want to be happy, be – Leo Tolstoy
So happy to see you back on QVC, and looking so well!
Look after yourself, Lovely Lady.
I hit 60 start of January, only the best born in 1960 😉
Keep well & safe
If you want to be happy….be…
That quote from Pearl Nelson sure gave me a giggle–‘if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.’ Another quote from a classic ‘three chords and the truth’ pure country song that always makes me laugh is…’All my exes live in Texas-that’s why I hang my hat in Tennessee.’ We need to have a few smiles during these hard times!
Hello Alison I love reading your blogs and you are looking lovely after your illness glad you are feeling better.
Love watching QVC during these uncertain times, it is a welcome relief from what is going on.
The answer is Be, Leo Tolstoy
Great to see you back looking so well.
If you want to be happy, make someone else happy.
Is the yellow dress you’re wearing on the Style Channel featuring shoes sold at QVC, if so, what are the details, please?
Take care.
Star x
if you want to be happy, be!
brilliant competiton and amazing prize!
If you want to be happy. Just be yourself….
… do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”
Sorry you were I’ll but glad you are feeling better and staying safe. Love your blog. Just what you need as a distraction as my twin has had a stroke and I feel useless as all I want to do I’d see her. Sorry for the bad news but the more I say it the more it is sinking in.
Take care
Mhari x
Hi Alison, it’s lovely to see you back looking well and happy!
I bet you get lots of entries and here’s mine. The answer to completing the quote is, “If you want to be happy, be”.
The meaning behind it is that we are all masters of our own destinies. We cannot control what others say or what others do, we can only be responsible for our own selves. I think in these crazy times, more than ever, taking time to be kind to ourselves and practise self kindness is important. I’m in the shielded group so I have been completely housebound for two weeks now; if it weren’t for my skin routine and my gardening alongside some mindfulness, I would have gone doolally!! Of course, my QVC shopping has increased exponentially too and the thrill of unwrapping the latest delivery (after thoroughly disinfecting it first of course!) is also what makes me happy. So I guess an alternative answer from me would be if you want to be happy, shop with QVC lol 😁
Please stay safe and well and thank you for making me and thousands of other happy xx
If you want to be happy be
if you want to be happy appreciate your family your health and your safety and love
If you want to be happy….. be happy with what you have and be excited about what you want.
If you want to be happy….be
Great to see you looking so well Ali,keep safe.
If you want to be happy smile,it really is contagious & God only knows we all could do with a smile on our face 😊
If you want to be happy, start within yourself
Glad to hear you’re feeling much better! These are scary times for us all.
If you want to be happy …. be grateful 🙏🏻
Take care everyone x
“If you want to be happy, make others happy”
If you want to be happy…….. , do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” “Happiness is a state of mind.
“If you want to be happy Stay home, self isolate and eat chocolate eggs 😀
Hi Ali,
It’s lovely to see you looking so well.
“If you want to be happy….be”. Or I love this one, “If you want to be happy…..tie it to a goal”
If you want to be happy “ make lots of cakes”
If you want to be happy be…..
Yourself, smile, appreciate the small things and always find a positive 🤩
If you want to be happy, eat chocolate 🍫
If you want to be happy, be happy. Live life, be brave, be bold, love those around you, love yourself. Enjoy every single moment as each is special, and irreplaceable, good or bad. Learn from experience. Treasure everything. Life is spectacular and unique! Enjoy every second!
Stay safe and well x
If you want to be happy….Be!
Official answer. I was just feeling creative 😬
Hi Alison, sorry that you have been so ill and that you have missed celebrating your big birthday. My friend also has a big birthday soon and have just had their holiday cancelled so she is feeling a bit down. If I won your fabulous competition I would share the prize with her.
Anyway to your quote If you want to be happy treat each day as a gift, celebrate little things like birdsong and be kind to yourself and others, remember we are all individuals and happiness is whatever YOU want.
Hi Alison, “if you want to be happy” stop comparing yourself to other people And believe in yourself.
“If you want to be happy Stay home self isolate and eat chocolate eggs😊
Be strong as my NHS
If you want to be happy, start each day with a grateful heart. I also know the poem which ends “Happiness is a state of mind”. So good to hear your feeling better, you made me laugh when you said you had delayed being 60 till you’ve had your party. In our family we had a 50th, an upcoming 60th of my sister who also became a grandma to a beautiful boy called Theo, but alas cannot see him, so we are also going to celebrate all those when we can. I also had 2 friends who the saturday after lickdown had their weddings cancelled, and now some family who came cannit go back to their homes for now, but in the end if we all do what’s asked of us, we will see the end of this awful virus one day. How your granddaughter Honey has grown, I guess you miss seeing her, I know I miss seeing mine, she has now left school as she could not take her exams, say’s it feels strange as she cannot move on, but as I told her it wont last forever. Hope you and your family stay safe and well, take care x
Glad you are on the mend Ali, take care. If you want to be happy…. live for today, tomorrow will take care of itself <3
Hello Alison,
I look forward to reading your blog. Thank you
If you want to be happy, be…….Leo Tolstoy
If you want to be happy, be…!
If you want to be happy be grateful for all that life brings you
If you want to be happy….. live the life you want to live not the life you’re expected to live, do more of what you love, get rid of the negative and see the positive in everything that you do. Happiness is inside of all of us, not anyone or anything can put it there but sometimes you just need someone or something to help you find it 😘
If you want to be happy, be kind to others
If you want to be happy, be kind to others
If you want to be happy….SMILE at yourself and at others. A smile can be contagious, pass it on…
Hi Ali,
Glad you are better now. I think your quote is ….if you want to be happy, just be.
My Nan used to say “ expect nowt and you’ll never be disappointed “ . I suppose that’s much the same thing really. Keep well. Xxxx
If you want to be happy look up to the stars and make a wish. Dreams do come true.
If you want to be happy cherish the simple things in life. There is so much to appreciate.
I hope this quote finds you and yours happy and well Alison x
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” “Happiness is a state of mind.
If you want to be 😃 happy…………….. watch QVC🙈🙈
If you want to be happy, be present, be grateful and be kind.
If you want to be happy – practise compassion.
Something I think we could all be doing with practising, especially now. I am a Care at Home Assistant and have seen some awful attitude being expressed towards some different key workers since lockdown started. Hope to see this changing soon.
Glad you’re doing well.
Stay Safe Everyone xx
Hi Alison and Happy Birthday 🌹🍸🎂
If you want to be happy…. be happy with what you have excited about what you want and achieve all that your heart dreams of whilst keeping yourself and your loved ones safe and smiling. 💖😊
If you want to be happy accept yourself, be content in your own company but look forward to holding close your loved ones when the time comes.
If you want to be happy, live, laugh, love. Xx💕
If you want to be happy…be around people that love you.
Looking forward to your diamonique Tuesday’s to be back xxxx
If you want to be happy share a smile with others and they will have no choice but to smile back xx
Sorry to hear that you have been unwell Alison but good to know that you are feeling better. We are also missing some important occasions and big birthdays but holding on to the fact that we will all celebrate together once this is over.
If you want to be happy, be.
I think the answer is
“If you want to be happy, BE.
As my partner tells me, “You are what you are, you have what you have and you have one life, live it. Be happy.
He is so annoyingly right 😁
Glad you are feeling better.
If you want to be happy …. show love
If you want to be happy… be kind and loving 🥰
If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present, by Roy Bennett. Or, there’s, If you want to be happy, practice compassion, by the Dalai Lama. Both beautiful quotes. I wish you a speedy recovery. All the best, Af x
Or, there’s also, If you want to be happy, be. By Leo Tolstoy. That’s a great one. Short and simple. 🙂 Xx
Lovely to see you back Ali❤️ My answer is-Aspire to be your best and always do good and always be kind.
If you want to be happy, Aspire to be your best, and always do good, and always be kind.
If you want to be happy for the rest of your life never make pretty woman your wife.
Obviously that doesn’t apply in real life. I hope you get to celebrate your birthday in style when this virus is under control (mine is at end of August and wanted Tea at the Ritz to celebrate turning 60)
If you want to be happy cherish the small things in life and be grateful for every day.
If you want to be happy……be kind to others
Lovely to see you back Alyson, well done. Such a pleasure to watch you on QVC, youare such a happy kindly Lady. glad to see you looking well again:). If you want to be Happy- CLAP YOUR HANDS and embrace Life. take good care, Joni x
If you want to be happy,Be
Lovely to see you back and looking great after being so unwell.
If you want to be happy be kind.
If you want to be happy appreciate each other.
If you want to be happy, take this time to smell the roses
My household has been through covid so we are taking each day as it comes. My birthday was on 16 March and we were all poorly – now feeling so much better and thankful x
If you want to be happy , share your smile daily.x
I believe the answer is: be.
Thank you to you and everyone at QVC for remaining so cheerful and positive. You all certainly bring a smile to my face every day. Stay well.
Adrianne xx
If you want to be happy, look to yourself, don’t depend on others to provide your happiness.
If you want to be happy, take this time to smell the roses.
My household has been through covid these last few weeks so we are taking each day as it comes. My birthday is on 16 March too so I thought about you too. We were all poorly but now recovering slowly and feel thankful
Love your shows Ali…..
If you want to be happy, two things, prioritise the happiness of others and sing like no one’s watching! ,😍
Hi Ali
I don’t think my original comment posted. Must be tech gremlins in my phone 😲.
You’re looking AMAZING!
“If you want to be happy treat others how you would like yourself and your loved ones to be treated.”
This has been my mantra for many years.
Love & hugs
Marie xxx
Wishing you, your family and everyone at QVC a Happy Easter. Stay safe.
My guess would be….
If you want to be happy….BE!!!
Hi Alison
Keep on keeping us all company 🙂 xx
If you want to be happy, be.
If you want to be happy love, be loved and try to smile through all those difficult times
If you want to be happy do not dwell on the past or worry about the future but live in the present!
It’s lovely to hear you are on the mend, with myself, my husband and my son all being NHS workers sadly that isn’t the experience of all with this virus.
Positivity and coming together will get us all through these difficult times ❤️
if you want to be happy …be silly
If you want to be happy, BE
by Leo Tolstoy
A very appropriate message for us all… thanks for the reminder of it