After all the excitement of the Dannii Minogue launch, I needed to lay down in a darkened room for awhile! Well that’s not exactly what I’ve been doing during my annual leave staycation. I’ve managed to prune all my roses, sort out my wardrobe – again – and discover a fabulous new walk not far from me. I’ve also been working flat out on my book, and I think I’m on the home stretch now. I’ve become more like the key character in the story, constantly making notes on pieces of paper and in my phone. I’ve even started dictating bits when I’ve been out on my walk! I remember years ago reading all the Barbara Cartland novels when I was in my early teens and learning that she’d dictated all of them. I was such a romantic in those days, and loved the buildup and the eventual wedding that seemed to occur in every one of them.
Nowadays for entertainment I am addicted to thrillers and mysteries on the TV. Colin and I watched the heart-stopping new drama called Grace on Sunday – don’t watch it if you’re claustrophobic – but if you admire the writings of Peter James you will thoroughly enjoy it. Something else that is so clever is The Unforgotten. We are on episode four of a six parter and neither of us have a clue who did what. The writing is brilliant.

Today is my birthday. I know, because it’s popped up on my computer screen saying Alison Keenan 61st birthday today! : ) Seriously though, I’ve been spoilt rotten with beautiful cards, flowers, champagne, a stunning opal and sapphire ring from Colin, a coffee maker and hand-painted bottle light from my friend Jo (who also made me a huge chocolate cake!) an incredible curve candle from lovely Roz and Chris, walking gear from my sister and plants for the garden, and from the children, this lovely wooden framed plant propagator (pictured above) which I am thrilled with. The plan is to grow my seedlings in there and then hopefully later this year have a full size greenhouse built in the garden – well a lean-to greenhouse as I don’t think there’s room for a full sized one! My bird tables have been very heavily visited, and it was warm enough the other evening to light the fire pit – very smoky but nice just to sit outside as the sun set.

A week or so back I was able to visit Lucy and Honey in my social bubble and we went for a fabulous walk around this beautiful lake. The sun shone, the water was calm and we really enjoyed getting out there and drinking in the scenery. I hope you like the photos.

Honey will be six on May 6th and is so grown up now. She can read beautifully and her writing is excellent too. Such a clever little girl and so grown up… and yes time moves on so quickly. I know having read the comments from many of you that it has been a much longer time since you saw your loved ones and grandchildren. I very much hope that everything will change and soon. In the meantime try to stay strong and keep looking forwards. It’s all any of us can do.

Although I’ve been away from work I’ve still been buying things! Latest purchase was the Periea Compression Storage bags. I bought their storage boxes, but still have too many clothes filling my wardrobe that I don’t want to throw away, but I need to store. The bags are brilliant and because they’re smaller they are lighter and easy to manoeuvre. And you do get six of them! I’ve also ordered a Monsoon dress and on Thursday 18th March, there’s an hour of Monsoon with Kathy Tayler who we’re delighted to see back at work.
I’ll be back with you on the 20th March for Jewellery Day, and there’s to be another stunning TSV from Lola Rose. This time it’s a Double Strand Heart Necklace available in 3 interest-free instalments, and I’ll have an hour with lovely Niki Gewirtz at 8pm and then at 10pm Diamonique with Michelle Mone, finishing the day with an incredible collection of Luxury Jewellery at 11pm. Diamond and jewellery expert Laurie Wickwire will be with me for that. I do enjoy her extensive knowledge of the stones and settings and we share our love of beautiful things!
Before I go though, I did want to mention our resident beauty expert Ali Young, as you may not be aware that she has written a book “The Beauty Insider”. This hardback has been published by Penguin and is to be available from 3rd June but available on pre-order now. The quote from the Daily Mail on the front describes Ali as “The Most Powerful Woman in British Beauty”! What an accolade and so very well deserved! Any and all questions you wanted an answer to will be in this book, and it’s already a number one bestseller. Every success to her : )

That’s it for me, for now, and thanks again for your lovely comments on the previous blog. I do hope your find time to write to me when you have a moment and I will of course get back to you.
Ali x
36 Responses
Happy Birthday Alison it is mine today too I am a year ahead of you. Like you I have been blessed with beautiful cards, gifts and good wishes. We still have so much to be thankful for. Love Hilaryx
Dear Hilary, I hope you had a very happy birthday and and how lovely to know of another person who shares the same date. I’ve only ever met one person who has the same birthday. And you’re right, we have so much to be thankful for and things are definitely improving. take care, love Ali XX
Hi Alison, “Happy Birthday “ enjoy your day. The photos are stunning I love the reflections on the water and such a lovely picture of Honey, she looks quite tall for her age, as you commented the time has past so quickly, it doesn’t seem that long since she was born. Take care, Merchexx
Hello Merche, so glad you liked the photos – I was really pleased with them and so chuffed that my camera on my phone took such great shots. You’re right, honey is tall for her age and I’m sure she’ll be taller than either me or her mum. I hope you’re well, and enjoying the rather lovely sunshine we are lucky enough to have in the south. Love Ali XX
Hi Alison glad your having a nice time of and happy belated birthday to you. Honey looks so grown up as,does Willa shes five on the 17 th April can’t believe it. We are still waiting to move getting a bit tedious now will be glad when we get the date we have done so much packing so hopefully won’t be long. We have booked to go to Somerset for a,long weekend in August all of us, but Les and I are waiting to see what happens before we book a trip to Italy. We both had our Jab last Friday went in together as we are the same age had the Oxford one Les was ok but I didn’t feel very good through the night and the next day, my sister in law said she wasn’t good and was actually sick and couldn’t get out of bed, I suppose we will have to see how it goes,now theres a vaccine shortage our next one is 1st june. Oh well time for tea keep well look forward to seeing you back on the Q enjoy the rest of you time off. Best wishes love Loraine xxxx
Dear Loraine, I hope by the time you receive this you will have a moving date – so frustrating for you I’m sure to have to wait all this time, but it will happen. I can’t believe that Willa is going to be five in April – the years have just flown by! Somerset in August sounds delightful – but I like you would wait a while before you book a holiday abroad. I think things need to improve a little more on the continent before we are allowed to travel there. I too had Astrazeneca for my vaccine and it made me feel pretty rough for a day or so. The Pfizer one seems to be easier to tolerate. I hope you both remain well, and thanks for keeping in touch love Ali XX
Happy Birthday lovely, dear Ali – you certainly look great on it. How cute does Honey look too, bless her. I love her cats outfit shes wearing. Cant believe she will be 6 in May. I really loved Grace as i am a bit fan of Peter James, especially all the Roy Grace ones. Love Unforgotten too – is totally addictive. Looking forward to jewellery day. I have already treated myself to the Lola Rose TSV in the dalmatian jasper option which is a totally change for me as i usually go for the pink or blue stones. Cant wait to receive it. Have a lovely day. Lots of love xx
Dear Karen, thank you for your lovely birthday wishes. It seems a long time ago now as I’m rather late with these responses. It sounds as though you and I enjoy the same kind of drama – we have recorded the final part of Unforgotten and will watch it later this week. It has been an amazing series. Definitely on a par with Line of Duty! I hope you enjoyed jewellery day – we certainly enjoyed presenting it and there are some special Diamonique shows coming up in the next few months to which will be lovely. Take care and I hope you have some sunshine to enjoy love Ali XX
Happy Birthday Alison, hope you had a lovely day. You deserve to be spoilt. Cant wait to read your new book.
Love Karen xx
Hi Karen, thank you so much for your birthday wishes. I did indeed have a lovely day. I have been managing to write most days and I am on the final stretch for the book. Probably another five chapters to go and I’m done. I can’t quite believe I’ve got to the end! And I promise I’ll let you know if and when it gets published. Love Ali xx
Happy birthday Alison, glad you’ve had such a lovely day. I am also lucky to be able to see my grandchildren as I am in their childcare bubble (only one day a week). It has been wonderful to be able to maintain that contact through these tricky times which have been so lonely for so many people. Looking forward to seeing you on Jewellery Day – love Lola Rose! xxx
Thank you Cherry for the birthday wishes, and I’m so glad that you also are able to see your grandchildren. I really don’t think I would’ve coped very well had I’ve been unable to spend time with honey and Lucy over this last year, and my heart goes out to all those who are happy to wait. Hopefully not much longer now. Take care, and thank you for keeping in touch love Ali XX
Glad you had a lovely birthday and was spoiled rotten .
Hello there Kay and thanks for the birthday wishes love Ali xx
Happy birthday to you. My 61st was on 14 March and I know lovely Ruth Langsford’s was on the 17th. There seems to be so many Pisces around… Between lockdown and nursing hubby’s broken leg (he slipped on the ice), it was kind of a “weird” day, but I still had a wonderful day somehow.
Petit Filou I love your name! Very many happy returns belatedly for your birthday on the 14th. You’re right Ruth Langsford is just a day younger than me and we were both surprised to find that out one day when we were working together. So sorry your husband broke his leg but I’m certain with your nursing he is improving and will be up and around soon. Do keep in touch, love Ali XX
My birthday also is 18th Alison but it’s my 70th and although it feels so much older than being in the sixtys I feel very lucky to still be here. I had surgery followed by chemotherapy Christmas 2018 for ovarian cancer which has now gone🙏 So roll on life x
Dear Patricia I am so relieved for you that the cancer you had has now gone and you are fit and well. Many happy returns belatedly for your birthday on the 18th–70 years young – sounds good to me. Enjoy your life and please do keep in touch, love Ali XX
Happy Belated Birthday Ali – glad you had a lovely day! You are such a wonderful person and deserve to be spoilt rotten. I agree with you about Unforgotten and think it’s an excellent series. Looking forward to seeing you back on Jewellery Day and in particular the Lola Rose shows.
Love Tina xx
Dear Tina, Thank you for your birthday wishes and your kind words, very much appreciated. I just watched belatedly the last episode of Unforgotten and have to admit to shedding a tear or two. Such excellent writing and so sad that Cassie has been written out of the series! I hope you enjoyed Jewellery Day and the Lola Rose shows and thank you for keeping in touch. Love Ali xx
Happy Birthday Ali, so pleased you had a lovely day and managed to see Honey where have the almost 6 years gone.
Take care lovely Lady
Hi Linda, and thanks for your birthday wishes. I am so behind this month but lots going on with the family, I think that’s why time seems to pass so quickly. I hope that you and yours are well and I’m glad you enjoyed the blog. Love Ali xx
Hi Ali wishing you a belated happy Birthday,! Sounds like you were truly spoilt by your family and friends as I am sure you well and truly deserve. I love Honey’s cat coat I bet it is a talking point with her friends.
Sounds like you have been busy in the garden. It’s a pleasure when it is milder and the sun comes out. You can feel the heat in the greenhouse already.
I have also started on the shed!! Keith never bought things in ones or twos as a result we have at the very least 500 pots just in the shed! Sarah has got in touch with the allotment federation I am sure they will appreciate them. We will obviously keep some back.
I have my massage again at the hospice this week which is so relaxing and therapeutic. What a wonderful service they provide not only for their patients but for the bereaved too.
I would imagine Alison Youngs beauty book will be very popular and a reference for all of us to dip into. The accolade on the cover is praise indeed and the QVC viewers have been in receipt of her expertise for however long they have been viewing.
Jewellery Day sounds great I love Lola Rose. Let’s hope by the summer we can wear our pieces with summer dresses while at the same time being able to meet up with family and friends.
Thankyou again for asking about my hair problems. The hair loss has been less and I have a hair appointment before I go to London. At my daughters school where she works Panorama have been filming how covid has affected staff and children but Sarah said most of the staff were worried about their roots being shown on the TV!!
Take care lots of love from Julia xxx 🤗🤗
Hi Julia, lovely to hear from you as always, and I’m very glad to know that you’re feeling stronger and were able to tackle the shed. I am certain Keith would be proud of you and the allotment federation will also be very grateful to have those pots. I am now kicking myself for having thrown away all the little seed trays I had last year. Lucy has given me masses of seeds for lettuces etc. and I need to plant them out. Our local garden centre was flattened and is now being turned into a Lidl! I’ll have to find somewhere else to shop for them. So glad that your hair loss is less now and thanks exciting for your daughter’s school to be involved in a Panorama documentary. I’ve been resorting to dry shampoo and talcum powder for my roots! Two weeks to go before my hair appointment 🙂 Not long before you go to London – I bet you can’t wait. Love to you, Ali xx
Happy Belated Birthday Ali – glad you had a great day as you are such a wonderful person and deserve to be spoilt. I agree with you about Unforgotten being a great series. Love Lola Rose and hope to see you on Jewellery Day.
Love Tina xx
Tina, bless you for your kind words 🙂 So glad you also enjoyed Unforgotten… I was certainly shocked and saddened by the last episode but am now determined to watch the first two series. I hope you enjoyed Jewellery Day. Love Ali xx
Happy Birthday Alison , I also had a birthday on the 2nd of March bit of a big one 75 but certainly don’t feel that age and all my clothes from QVC keep mr looking younger, We also watched Grace on Sunday night and like you are now watching Unforgotten we are.about the same as you into the series, I would like to thank all you presenters at QVC for giving us viewed so much to look forward to during lockdown down, Take care love Jean x
Hi there Jean – so many of us with March birthdays! Many happy returns for your 75th and delighted to know that you’re not feeling your age. And you’re right about having so much more choice when it comes to clothes from QVC. I’m loving the Monsoon and Phase Eight range and White Stuff is also a breath of fresh air. I’ll pass your kind words on to my colleagues when I see them. Lockdown has certainly changed the way we operate and put a fair few challenges our way, but it’s great to know that you’ve continued to enjoy the shows. Take care, love Ali xx
Happy Sunday morning Ali & belated birthday wishes. I can’t believe that it’s been over six months since I last wrote to you; Colin’s had a major health issue & he’s taken up most of my time & all of my hope for the last few months. The combination of grumpy patient, less than competent nurse & virtual house arrest has been a bleak one, however, we’ve turned a corner, welcomed the spring equinox & with a fair wind should be fine. Your photos are as fabulous as ever & Honey is gorgeous, as my lovely dad would say she’ll fetch the ducks off the water! Love, blue skies & sunshine. Jo x
Dear Jo, I am so glad to hear from you and had wondered on a number of occasions how things were…. I’m sorry to know that Colin has been poorly but I very much hope that he’s on the mend now. He’s lucky to have you to nurse him and I am certain you were more than competent. You manage your life so very well I am certain he was well cared for. I love your dad’s analogy and I’ll make sure to mention it to Honey next time I see her. Keep looking forward to those blue skies and sunshine. Love Ali xx
O love your blogs! You share so much of your life and family. I love that, not having any family of my own and having to shield all this time alone. Hasn’t Honey grown up, she,e so beautiful.
Dear Yvonne, so glad that you enjoy the blogs and it’s a pleasure to share my family news with you. I hope that although you don’t have family around you you’ve had some kind of support while you’ve been shielding? I know just how lonely it can be so it’s good to know that even in a small way, this form of contact is a positive. And yes, Honey is growing up so fast… Such a pretty child, just like her mum 🙂 Love Ali xx
Happy belated! My 50th was on the 19th too, quiet day with my lovely parents but hoping for a big party later in the year. Best birthday gift was a text asking me took my vaccine even if they sent it the day before . Love to you always keep safe and well x
Hello Lou, I do hope you’ve managed to book your vaccine without too much delay, and I’m glad you enjoyed your 50th birthday even if it was a bit quiet. I think it’s a great idea to postpone your party until later on this year… that’s my plan for m 60th and this last one too! Take care, and stay safe and well, with love, Ali xx
Hi aliso hope you and family are well iam still on furlogh from work in mcdonalds in aberdeen .if you dont mind me asking how is your son i think called sam i think you aid on one of your blogs he had aan accident .hope you dont mind me asking.
Enjoyed reading what you have been up to, happy belated birthday wishes sounds like you had some fab presents, your little grand daughter is growing up fast glad you have been able to see her and your daughter. I got that Lola Rose TSV in the Dalmatian Jasper it’s Lovly, I’m only just reading this now and we are in April. Look forward to your next blog, love to you and your family x