Ok, so it goes without saying that my kids will always be the loves of my life, but I’m talking about some other loves.
My ‘boyfriend’ (still feels strange to be saying that outside of my teen years), my Pixiecat and Popsiecat, and some of my fave QVC brands, too!
Let’s start with the boyfriend then… darling Jamie. We’ve been together for a little over a year now, but we’ve known each other for about fifteen as acquaintances from a larger friend group.

He hails from Scotland. I adore Scotland and even lived there for a while when my parents lived up in Lochinver. The Highlands are so soul-restoring and magnificent.
Jamie decided to surprise me on my last visit to Scotland, and I had no idea where we were going until we got there. It was in stunning Pitlochry.
As we are both vegans, he had found a completely vegan, environmentally friendly, unique place. It’s the UK’s first completely vegan hotel. It’s called Saorsa 1875.
No, we didn’t get any discounts or back handers for mentioning it… I just thought I’d share because I truly adored it and their ethos.
For every dinner they cook they plant a tree, all their toiletries are organic, and they source produce locally. It’s the brainchild of mother and son Sandra and Jack McLaren, who are utterly delightful!
I’ll let you do your own research on the hotel, food and so on, but I thought I’d mention that Sandra has another son who is in the British Armed forces. I discovered this when she admired the trilogy Poppy Collection brooch I designed with QVC to raise funds for The Royal British Legion and Poppy Scotland.
She said it was just what she’d been looking for, and asked where she could get it. She was due to go to London to see her son march past the cenotaph. Sadly, I knew it had already sold out so I asked her if I could make a gift of my brooch for that special occasion and in thanks of her son’s service.
She was very touched and accepted. I, luckily, had two of the gold version. One on my bag and one worn as a brooch. It made my day to do that for her and she, very kindly, gave us a very strong complimentary cocktail each! Her son, Jack, is quite the experienced cocktail maker!
Whilst in Scotland my bag was much admired, too! It’s the Kipling Today’s Special Value offer for today! I was lucky enough to trial it and I love it!

This ‘tan’ colour looked amazing with the backdrop of Pitlochry in autumnal glory. It’s a perfect size, too, and I love the little pouch inside.
I used that to house my passport, phone and purse as it had the extra security of the key fob securing it to the inside of the bag. Very handy when going through the airports.
I’ve always loved my Kipling accessories but even more so since becoming vegan and wanting alternatives to leather. Check it out on our homepage. It’s a fab deal.
Speaking of deals… one of our Big Deals for next week (Sunday to Sunday) is an orthopaedic Pet Bed from Silentnight. Regarded as one of the UK’s most trusted bed brands, Silentnight promise quality, handmade upholstered beds and mattresses which have passed regular and rigorous in-house testing.
With over 70 years’ experience, it’s their mission to help everyone find their perfect sleep solution… even pets!!

The contoured foam layer helps to support and distribute weight evenly to reduce pressure points and create a better sleeping environment. It has a plush inner cushion for comfort, and is covered in a durable outer fabric to withstand wear and tear, scratching and stains.
It also has a removable machine washable cover to help keep the bed clean and fresh. The high sides on the bed keep your pet cosy and secure, with a dropped front to allow easy access. There’s even a non-slip base to prevent movement.
Now, this is the honest to goodness truth… I’ve tried countless pet beds for my two but they usually prefer a cardboard box! I was even given another brand of pet bed for them to try from QVC some time ago but no, not for these two eccentrics!

Well, to be fair they got in the pet beds when I put them in some packaging (kind of like a bag around it) but would only stay in with the wrapping around it which looked awful! They’ll choose handbags and cardboard boxes over a pet bed any day.
I can honestly say I wasn’t holding out much hope they’d like these, but I agreed to give them a try. How WRONG was I? Pixie (who famously had her own cardboard box with her name written on it by my son) took to it immediately!

Popsiecat tried it and walked away, choosing Pixie’s now empty cardboard box… but, lo and behold, she gave it another try and now I can only get them to leave the beds with a shout of “foooooooodies!!!”
I am seriously amazed. Whatever it is, experience in bed-making or wizardry, these pet beds are a must! They look so stylish, too… far more so than an old cardboard box, ha ha!

One final MAJOR thing to tell you about is the forthcoming Dyson TSV for Saturday. Well, we never thought it would happen. We’ve been asking for years if we could have a Dyson Supersonic Hairdryer as a Today’s Special Value, but the answer was always no… until now!!
Finally it’s happening! I bought mine a couple of years back and I love it. My best friend, Steven, had wanted one for years and finally has one and couldn’t love it more!
The great thing is you can buy it now ahead of the rush, and what’s more, if you do you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win £2000 worth of Dyson products!!!!
If, like me, you already own the hairdryer, you can still enter the draw by buying any Dyson product! I can vouch for the air wrap, the fan and the vacuums. I’ve been the biggest Dyson junkie for years! Good luck, and let me know if you win!
I look forward to catching up again soon, and don’t forget you can join me on my other social channels for more regular updates.
Lots of love,
13 Responses
What a lovely blog and well done you donating your lovely poppy broach I lost my dad 3 years ago and he served 23 years I bought your lovely single one as the other had sold out and I’m like you I bought my dog a stress bed he wouldn’t go near it I thought I’d give it to mittens my cat but oh no he only likes cardboard box’s well they are both male what more can I say we’ll all the best take care it’s great to see you so happy Caz xx
Hi Catherine. After reading your blog I would just like to say that was a very very kind thing for you to do giving your brooch to the lady at the hotel what a lovely thing for you to do, I bet it made her day. Would also just like to say my daughter her partner and 3 children are all vegan also and have been for many years, my daughter says it’s one of the best things she had ever done with her family. I look forward to your next blog Catherine x
Catherine, this the first time I have communicated with anyone on QVC. I have watched you for years and laughed at your quirkiness and become fond of you, in a motherly way….I am 65! I picked up on another presenter’s comment that you now ‘taken’. That prompted me to look at your blog in a quiet moment that I don’t often have. I was so pleased to see that you found have happiness with your boyfriend. I truly wish you well…..Clairex
Hello Catherine, thank you for your lovely blog. First of all I am so happy for you and lovely Jamie. You both look so happy and it shows. I always look forward to reading your blogs. Keep smiling, I am wishing you and Jamie all the happiness in the world. God bless. Antoinette
Loving Pixie’s little (or rather, big!) eyes! X
glad you enjoyed Pitlochry Catherine. I’m from there and its beautiful. . Did you visit The Housr of Bruar in Blair Athol.. youd LOVE there ..Drinks in the Old Mill.. if not next time your up ..
glad you enjoyed Pitlochry Catherine. I’m from there and its beautiful. . Did you visit The House of Bruar in Blair Atholl? . you’d LOVE it there 👍😁..Drinks in the Old Mill..? if not next time your up ..x
Hi Katherine could you please tell me what make of tan boots u wore yesterday on air.saturday the 23rd thanks
Hi Catherine I have watched you for a good few years now and feel I have a lot in common with you, cats, poppies and I am trying to become a vegan, my son and granddaughter are also. I live in Scotland not far from Pitlochry. My heart belongs to Scotland. I have a great interest in WW1 I am a member of the Western Front Association, I have had the great honor to lay a wreath at our local memorial. Your kindness to the hotel owner brought tears to my eyes. Wishing you and your ‘ boy friend ‘ many years of happiness.
You look fabulous in that photograph Catherine, like a model.Love your outfit. So thoughtful of you to give your brooch away.Your cats are super cute! Might have to try those beds for my 3 cats,they too seem to prefer cardboard boxes and bags! xxx
Hi Catherine I always love watching you and how honest you are. I’m so pleased you have found a lovely man to spend time with and hope this is the one. Take care
Hi Catherine
You are a lovely lady and you seem to have an inner glow in your pictures. I wish you much love and happiness.
Wishing you all the best.
What a lovely presenter. Have watched QVC for a while now and also bought some nice things. Catherine always comes across as completely genuine. Love her cat pictures too. Thanks for the great entertainment.