Hello my dear readers.
Thank you as ever for taking the time to stop by and read my blog. I hope you are keeping well.
It would be remiss of me not to acknowledge what is going on in Ukraine. I think you wouldn’t be human if you weren’t moved by what we’ve been seeing. It’s currently Sunday as I write this and, no doubt, things will have developed further by the time this is published. I won’t dwell on it too much in this blog, but obviously our hearts and thoughts are with all who are affected by what is happening.
It can be a very natural thing to feel some guilt that we are carrying on whilst others are suffering. It’s because we care about others that we are touched by their plight. Compassion is healthy. What I feel isn’t healthy is to be locked into the news channels every hour of the day. This can result in our feeling overwhelmed, despondent and helpless. This is why I have entitled this week’s blog, ‘Taking time for you is healthy’.
There are many ways to do this which can really help us to switch off, even if just for a short while. If you have pets they can be a great source of mindfulness. Taking time to go for a walk in nature with dogs, observing their sheer joy when chasing a ball or fetching sticks, can be so uplifting. I don’t have dogs, but spending a little quiet time with my girl, Popsiecat, while she purrs and enjoys chin rubs is a priceless and calming activity. My boys, Ziggycat and Bowiecat, are a constant source of laughter. We know that laughter is good for the soul. Ziggy jumps higher than any cat I’ve ever known, and he also loves to play fetch. If he could talk, I think he’d identify as a dog! Bobo loves all the attention and, if he’s not getting it, he’ll start knocking things off the side table next to me. Phone, glasses, diary… they’ve all been flung onto the floor with great gusto in his attempts to get my attention! They’re such characters, the three of them.
One of my favourite ways of switching off is to have a long, hot bath. I have an array of different bathing goodies on my shelves to choose from. Sometimes Elemis, Korres, Neom and more, but a new favourite of mine is Sea Magik. Their bath salts are wonderful, and if you haven’t tried their haircare yet, I can highly recommend it, too. There’s something calming about water. Even a refreshing shower can be good when you don’t have much time. It’s just a little space for yourself where you can enjoy a bit of peace and maybe a few indulgent beauty treats.
It may sound funny to you if you haven’t done it since childhood, but colouring in is a fantastic way of focusing on the here and now, which is, essentially, what mindfulness is. There are many adult colouring books around… on second thought, rather than searching for ‘adult’ colouring books, look for mindful colouring books. Goodness knows what results might come up for the former!
Noticing changes in nature is something that can be very enjoyable, as many of you green-fingered folk will testify. Spring is certainly showing up. The sky is the most beautiful, crisp blue today without a single cloud. Daffodils are starting to pop up and my lovely neighbour, Fred, has a tree and I can just see blossoms beginning to emerge on it.
I’m a huge fan of the late, great children’s entertainer, Mister Rogers. What an incredible human being he was. He had a TV series called ‘Mister Rogers’ Neighbourhood’. He was brave and kind and never shied away from speaking about difficult topics to the children. Something which has stayed with me is Fred Rogers speaking about looking for the people who are doing good when something bad happens. It’s so true. Even if you are feeling helpless right now, rest assured there are charities and individuals who will be working hard to help those affected by war. We will be able to help, too. Even if all we can do is make a monetary donation, it’s providing vital help to those in need and supporting those who are facilitating practical help.
Please just remember that it’s ok to take time for you, for your wellbeing. Especially if you are caring for others. That old saying, “secure your own life jacket before helping others”, comes to mind. Another one, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”, is also true. Take time to recharge, re-energise and destress so you are better able to focus on things which need your clear head and energy.
Wow, I hadn’t intended this blog to take the direction it did… I was only going to pop on to tell you about a Today’s Special Value offer from Frank Usher! If you’ve made it this far, thanks for persevering with my stream of consciousness. Now for that Frank Usher offer I mentioned…

I smile when I think of the brand because I instantly think of the lovely guest, June Poster. What a wonderful, positive ray of sunshine June is. I know many of you agree, as we always receive such warm social messages when we are on air together.
Well, June is bringing us a gorgeous light knit jumper which has been made especially for us at QVC. It comes in an eye-catching animal print to transform your everyday wardrobe and features stud embellishments to add a touch of sparkle and glamour. We’re big fans of its loose fit, too, which is sure to have you feeling comfortable and confident as you flaunt your style.
The spring season can be rather temperamental when it comes to the weather – one minute there’s a chilly morning breeze in the air, the next you’re basking in the afternoon sun. This lightweight knit offers great versatility as an extra layer whenever you need it, and the vibrant print options embody the joy and brightness of the season beautifully.
There are five fabulous print options to choose from, currently only available at QVC. Blue Leopard, Monochrome Leopard and Natural Leopard are all timeless options – ideal if you prefer neutral colours. While Pink Leopard and Turquoise Snake should be on your radar if you’re looking for something a little more vibrant.

Boasting a long length and elegant V-neckline, this jumper features the flattering shape of many of Frank Usher’s most beloved styles. For an extra unique finish, this design takes things one step further with stud embellishment details that match the pattern of the animal print. All in all, a wardrobe must-have and the reason why this blog is posted a day earlier than usual!
Please take good care and I’ll see you soon on the telly or my social media. Oh, on that note, I’ve had to change my social media names on Instagram and Facebook from Catherine Huntley TV to Catherine Huntley Official, due to naughty people trying to impersonate me. The downside of our technological age! Just thought I’d let you know so you can be vigilant in case you see someone pretending to be me in order to ask you for bank or card details. Below are my official social handles:
Twitter – @TheHuntley
Facebook – Catherine Huntley Official
Instagram – @catherinehuntleyofficial
Love Catherine x
3 Responses
You are such a lovely person Catherine! We are all going through awful time at the moment and I also have a funeral to go to on Friday a young lad who took his own life so sad!! I will admit I am struggling at the moment but having QVC and all you lovely people really does help! You don’t have to spend it’s just nice to have the company!! Thank you xx
Hi Catherine you really are a lovely person! Reading your blog and watching you on tv is a release from what is not a good time in the world! I will admit I am struggling at the moment even more so as I have a funeral to attend tomorrow my best friends son took his own life! Watching QVC is escapism even if I don’t buy anything it’s nice to have the company! Thank you Catherine and QVC Jane xx
Hi Catherine
As always words fail me as you manage to sum up what we all are feeling. Mixed emotions of despair, heartbreak, guilt (at what we have) but we have to get on with life. My dog (having been proper poorly … to the tune of £1000!) gives me comfort and solace. You are a beautiful young woman 💕💕💕