Well, I think last weekend I spent the best £2 in a long time. Worth every penny was my tray of chips with salt and vinegar! I simply longed for some chips on the beach… I had this huge desire… out of nowhere.
So I hopped in the car with my two best friends (yep, my Cairn Terriers) and nipped to the coast. I found a fabulous Fish and Chip shop on the sea front, and they served up the perfect portion of chips… under the watchful eye of my dogs!
But it’s okay, they were well taken care of with a few treats I had in my pocket. Plus, we enjoyed some wonderful views and plenty of sea air. It was then back to watch the footy and catch up on the tennis. What a sporting time of year this is proving to be. Loving it!
Well, with all this excitement, I think I need a bit of a lie down! (Ok, agreed, this is a bit of a tenuous link.) We have the most fantastic Sealy Today’s Special Value offer on Saturday, launching this Friday 9th July with me at 9pm.

It’s an incredible offer with brilliant specifications. And the great news, you’re able to order it nice and early, ahead of the launch, right now. All the details can be found here.

Another great deal to watch out for is the L’Occitane Today’s Special Value offer, this coming Sunday as well.

Right, I must dash… I’m yearning for some more chips… but, I need to wait, just a little while longer… but, how long!?
Take care and see you soon.
Charlie x
2 Responses
Hi Charlie
Your trip to the coast with your gorgeous Cairn Terriers to eat chips sounds like the perfect outing 🙂 I too am a fan of chips from a Fish and Chip shop and you can’t beat tucking in to some while enjoying being by the sea with your best friends. I hope they enjoyed their outing too (and their treats of course) – I don’t think you need to wait to treat yourself to more chips – enjoy 🍟 😀
With best wishes
Jules x
Nothing better than chips on the beach with your four legged besties 🐾🐾 as my terrier is almost 14 I let her indulge in a little bit of cod or sausage…🤗🐾🤗.. Good times x