So you know those last three blogs, where I have yapped and preached about positivity and taking each day as it comes and not sweating the small stuff? I’ve had to seriously engage in it myself because even though I’m super positive, life has been a tough gig for the last few weeks.
I’m not going to dwell or go into details but mum got rushed into hospital to undergo emergency major surgery and as we know, nobody can visit her or be at her bedside, so she’s had to brace it without her family in hospital for a few weeks through these scary times. We’ve bundled through being positive and supporting one another with the blind faith that my mum will be coming home feeling much better.
So really for me it’s been about keeping busy even though I didn’t feel motivated to do anything. I set out my plan in my head and stuck to it, times like this require routine and determination. Trust me, the last thing I really wanted to do was to wake up and do an exercise workout every morning but it was the best thing for my mentality.
I’ve always loved cooking and adore anything from Le Creuset, the quality of this cookware is incredible. When I heard we at QVC UK were going to be stocking the toughened non-stick frying pans, I just had to buy them. They arrived the other day and they are beautiful, perfectly weighted, huge, with a durable, six-layer construction. These pans are built to last a lifetime.

Now the ones I bought were a Today’s Special Value (TSV) that’s been and gone last month, but the good news is we’ve got a very similar set at a very similar price this week as a Big Deal. Take a look here. We’ll let you cook in them for up to 60 days before you make your mind up about whether to keep them too!

There’s also an Ultrasun Big Deal that lasts until the end of the week (Sunday at midnight), before next week’s Big Deals launch. It features the much-loved Tinted Face Fluid SPF 50+ and a 200ml Body Tan Activator SPF 30, plus an After Sun Tan Booster. This whole set is reduced from £62 to £38.98, is great for high-quality UVA and UVB protection and in my opinion, features the two best products in the Ultrasun range.

So that’s me for now, at home cooking or relaxing in the sun, reading a book, trying to stay sane!
Also, here’s a photo of Ted… because why not!

Until next time, stay positive and be grateful, we never know what’s around the corner.
21 Responses
Ah bless you Chloe so sorry to hear about your poor mum. What a worrying time for you all. I wish her well and hope she is safely home soon. Lovely pic of the three of you. As for Ted – OMG cute and so adorable. Where would you be without him! Bless him! Sending you best wishes and a big hug xx
Bless you Chloe. You would never know that there was anything on your mind. You are such a bundle of joy and a real tonic – you should be available on the NHS 🙂 Thinking lots of positive thoughts for you and your mum. Hope you get to see her very soon lots of love and hugs Mandy xxx
Look at you with freckles! They’re so lovely that they’ve made me feel better about mine!
Gah, mothers! Mine was rushed to hospital with appendicitis (at 80! I ask you!) two days after my dad had had to have emergency heart surgery. Ooh, and two days before Christmas. Eighteen months later all is well, although I was so traumatised at the time I remember being almost entirely numb. You’re right. Routine works. All will be well. Remember your sign…the one which says this, too, will pass. Much love. And to Teddy,too, because, why not?!
Hi Chloe,
First of all I’m so sorry to hear about your beloved mum. I know lots of us know what it’s like to not be able to visit vulnerable loved ones but when major surgery is involved that’s very different. I’m glad you have your partner and beautiful Ted. You’re very good keeping a routine and keeping busy. I know lots of us would find it difficult. You’re brilliant. I hope she recovers soon. The nhs will look after her. Keep well x
Chloe, I’m writing on here again instead of going back to older blog coz don’t know if you see them. I’m still surprised you have a skin disease coz I honestly think you look so bronzed! And you’re welcome. I saw shemag has a sun allergy too and just wonder how you cope coz I have very reactive skin too and find it hard to shelter. Any tips? Wonder are they the same conditions x
Hi, Susan. I have something called polymorphic light eruption. Ever since I was a kid, just a couple of minutes in the sun would lead to blistering and burning, and I used to scratch myself raw with prickly heat. You’ve seen my reviews so you know that factor 50 ultrasun sorted me out completely. One application and I can stay in direct sunlight literally all day. I can garden, sunbathe, the lot. Until about 10 years ago I had to spend every spring and summer day inside, or go out wrapped up like a Victorian maiden! Give it a try. With Qvc you have all summer to try it, then send it back if it doesn’t help you, but it changed my life forever. Very best of luck, SheMag x
Oh Chloe, how worrying and scary for you – and your mum. Especially when no-one can be with her. Do hope she will be on the mend very sorry. Love and best wishes to you both x
Such a beautiful dog! X
Love Teddy cutie baby. Would love those pans but only me to cook for The cooking wore of 12 years ago when my husband passed away. I am amazed the thins I eat today.
Hi Chloe,
So sorry to hear about your Mum, it must have been so hard for you not being able to visit her. I do hope she has recovered or is recovering. I love your positive attitude.
Must have been so hard for you and your family as life is really hard for everyone at the moment, without having extra worry.
I will look out for the Le Creuset set, I have some of their dishes they are great for cooking.
Oh Ted I love him, have since you had him as a pup, your pets are always there for you no matter what, I would be lost without my dogs.
You take care and hope Mum is okay.
Love Jean xx
Sorry to hear about your mum, I’m sitting stressing because I can’t touch my elderly parents, but to have one of them Ill and unable to see them, well I’ve no words. I hope she gets better real soon.
Just a quick reply. I do sincerely hope your mum is on the mend. If it’s any consolation we “mum’s” are made of pretty tough stuff so I’m sure she is fighting to get better every step of the way. Don’t lose your positivity it’s more important now than ever. Remember all of your QVC family, care about you too and will be thinking of you going through this trying time. Take care, you are a breath of fresh air. Denise
Chloe very best wishes to your mum for a full recovery. Surreal times which are hopefully getting better. I watch you regularly on and and your energy and sunny smile are contageous. Always positive! Things can only get better as the song goes.take care x
Hello Chloe…..sorry to hear about your Mum, I really hope she is ok and that she will be coming home soon. These are awful times when family are unable to visit hospitals to see family, and as you rightly say you never know whats round the corner…but on a lighter note; just look at little Ted OMG he is soooo adorable and I think he maybe wants his tummy rubbing !!!! Take care Chloe and take care of your Mum and give lots of love to little Ted from me.
So sorry to hear about your Mum, much love and Best Wishes to you and your family. Thank you for the pic of Teddy. Take Care, xxxxx
Hi Chloe, or as me and mum call you, our real life angel. You always bring us lots of joy and sunshine on our tv and through your wonderful blogs. Have you ever thought of writing a book ? I think you’d be an awesome writer ! I’am so sorry about what’s happened with your mum, but glad to hear she’s doing better. You and your family are always in our prayers. You’re a tough cookie and I’ll bet your mum is too !!! She’ll be fighting fit before you know it ! I think you are even more wonderful for sharing publicly about a tough time and showing that it’s ok to not always feel ok. You are such a beacon of hope and positivity for my family (and I’m sure many others ) With mum being disabled, grandma is very frail and myself I’ve been poorly for a year now, we always look forward to all of your shows. As well as showing and explaining all of the great products that QVC have to offer us, (which also health wise have really helped my family) you engage with everyone at home, and we learn things, and you lift our spirits ! I’am sending you a card via moon pig to thank you personally for everything. I last wrote a comment in may to your blog and you were very kind to me and my mum and grandma. (We’re in Blackpool at the seaside!) I haven’t been well enough to comment since but I’m doing better and today I was watching you and you mentioned about your mum and I quickly read your newest blog and had to leave a (very long) comment (sorry it’s long ! ) But also thank you for being such a ball of fun and positivity. It really does make our day to see your shows ! Today you had us in stitches when you were selling a drawstring makeup bag and said that it was important to always tuck your flap in 😀 Hahaha Many thanks for all the laughs and for lifting us up all the time (especially on the dark days) Lots of love to our real life angel from Elise, mum (Vivien) and grandma (Dot) in Blackpool xxx
Hi Chloe you are my favourite presenter you have soooo much energy you brighten my day 🤗hope your mum is getting better and stronger everyday!! Please can you tell me your skin routine as you look so radiant.thank you for lifting my spirits in this awful time . Kind regards June
Dear Chloe, so sorry to hear your mum had to go to hospital I hope she is getting on better now, you look very much like her. Teddy is adorable and looks a lot of fun. Take care and look after yourself. Carol N x
Hello Chloe so sorry to hear that your Mam is unwell . Hopefully all will be back on track and she is on the mend with a very positive result, please keep your own spirited nature up and onwards i send you kindest regards Teddy will support in all this pets are wonderful, in this strange time we are all living in things can only in prove for all xx Pamela
Hi Chloe
I am sitting watching you on air at the moment, you are just a ray of sunshine and brighten up my day,so Thank you for that.Please can you tell me where you buy your blouses from as you always look so good
and stylish.keep up the good work QVC wouldn’t be the same without yo
Take care and stay safe.
Linda H xx
Dear chole on your remark about conkers you put them around the house in small dishes about 5 to each dish and put them at every windowsill and any where else you want l have been doing this for years and it works,l do hope your mum is recovering well now lots of love and blessings.😇 💜 💜 xx Barbaraharris