I hope all’s well…
I wanted to try and start off this blog with some cheery news and that has to be that spring has arrived in the UK. 🙂 In the south we’ve enjoyed some really beautiful weather this week and I hope you’ve been lucky with it too.
As regular readers will know, I love the great outdoors including my garden, but I’m not a fastidious or meticulous gardener. Whilst I marvel at the colourful spectacle and skill of show gardens, at home we try and achieve a more natural look. My wife Tracey loves to spend time planting up and re-arranging pots and planters usually with the help of Ellie and Toby, who get so excited when we’re working in “their” garden.
Although our garden is south facing we do have a lot of dappled shade from trees and consequently a big problem with moss. I mentioned this to our gardening expert Michael Perry and he suggested I give Richard Jackson’s Premium Moss Remover a try – it’s still available as our Gardening Pick of the Month at a great price and with no P&P. 🙂
I’ve included a short video showing the problem and would remind anyone still considering giving it a try that we are very close to the end of the month!
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I’ve been away from The Q this week enjoying a relaxing time at home in the garden, together with a few days in Dorset and West Sussex. I’m back in at 6pm this Saturday with Butler & Wilson jewellery and I haven’t worked with Simon for some time so it should be a fun show.
Later that evening at 9pm I’ll be launching a fabulous Today’s Special Value (TSV) from Ken Evans’ Plants2Gardens. Ken has been a busy lad this season and is excited to bring us a collection of ten Mini Fuchsias or “Fuchsitas”.

These compact fuchsias are the result of new breeding over the last couple of years and they’ll flower earlier than most other varieties, from May through to as late as October/November! In shades of pink, violet, red and whites, they’re ideal for hanging baskets and containers and grow hundreds of upward facing bi-coloured flowers all summer long.

I believe they’re also half-hardy so if you overwinter them in a greenhouse or conservatory/porch etc. they’ll come back year after year – nice one Ken. 🙂 And watch out for a fantastic saving compared to buying direct from Plants2Gardens! I hope you can join Ken, our gardening expert Michael Perry and I at 9pm Saturday for the pre-launch of this exciting collection.
If you’re looking for great gardening ideas and advice, flowers, plants, lighting, ornaments or furniture, then you’ll be pleased to hear that as well as Ken’s colourful TSV there will be a host of gardening shows throughout Sunday. Hopefully you can join us at some point throughout the day. 🙂
Until next time… stay well-protected and moss free!
Dale x