Well, hopefully everything in the garden is coming up roses and at the moment, I think more so now then ever, we are really appreciating our outdoor spaces more than ever before. QVC have hopefully played a huge part in getting your garden summer ready. We really do make it as easy as possible to get great results and take the guesswork out of knowing what or what not to choose.

For example take a look at our Gardening Pick of the Month: the Thompson & Morgan Thunbergia Collection 3 x 9cm Pots and Barrel Tower Planter.
An incredible offer on a fantastic climber that will give you a whole column of colour from July until October and we even provide the pot too!
Something else that QVC are great for is weeding out (pardon the pun) the amount of tools you need.
Grumpy Gardner (love the name) is renowned for bringing us versatile tool to take the grumpy out of gardening and get the job done in half the time. There are several fantastic tools by Grumpy Gardener on our website, the Wonder Shovel being one of my all time favourites, as it has a serrated edge on one side and is so much lighter than any usual shovel making it a breeze to use.
But don’t miss our Today’s Special Value coming up with Grumpy Gardener. The multi-headed Rake Broom is the ultimate in versatile gardening tools that you just don’t want to miss, and really make light work out of the laborious task of keeping not only your decking and paving swept but also your grass too.
See it in action ‘live on air’ all day this Monday, and find out how to get those boring gardening jobs tackled in next to no time. No more Grumpy Gardeners and more time to relax and enjoy our outdoor living!
Jilly x