I hope you’re all well and enjoying perhaps a little more freedom. I’m staying super careful and just keeping to myself at home and going on short walks… the short variety being all I can manage now, ha! This is going to be my last blog for a while because the time has come for my maternity leave to start. Funny, it’s come around quickly but at the same time I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever!
Before I go, I wanted to show you a couple of things that we’ve done in the house. Remember the photo of our brick-bare bathroom a few weeks ago? Well, it is mostly finished now with just a little bit of sealant and paint patching up to do, as well as sorting out the old door. I also really want to get a few more navy accents for the window side, as well as a nice blind. We are so so pleased with it and it feels like a hotel after nearly three years of living with a teeny tiny bathroom with no bath and very, very old decor etc. I am LOVING it and so relieved we managed to get it done before the baby arrived because there was dust EVERYWHERE! What do you think?

We have also been sorting the nursery, of course, which I can’t say is completely finished (carpet choosing and fitting is a little tricky in lockdown) but that’s okay because baby will, of course, have a crib in with us for the first few months and we’ll be using it mostly for changing etc. Also missing in this photo is a rocking chair that belonged to my Great Grandmother, which I am having painted and re-upholstered, hence the empty corner. I never even met my grandparents on my Mum’s side and Mum says she remembers rocking in it as a child when it was her grandmother’s, so it feels really special to have it in the nursery for my baby. If you follow me on social, I’ll share a photo when it’s all done and in place.

As you can see, we’ve gone for a woodland theme and I am so in love with the curtains in there. I’d like to add some more wall decorations with some art and maybe photos too, but there’s just been so much going on I’ve not managed it yet. It feels like a nice, calm space already though and I’m really happy with the transformation of this little room. I keep going in there just to have a little look.

There’s lots more little bits we are trying to get done in these last couple of weeks, sorting our new storage cupboards and making sure we have everything we need. The car seat is in the car ready, the pram’s been ordered and my hospital bag is all ready to go, well, mostly ready to go, I think. One QVC fave that’s gone in there is the FanU to try and help keep me cool. This hot sunny weather is never my fave but in pregnancy it’s even less enjoyable and, having been on the labour ward, I know it is SUPER hot, so want to be able to stay cool. I love the FanU and plan to utilise the lanyard that comes with it and keep a breeze aimed at my face.

I’d really like to take a moment before I go to say a massive thank you to you all for reading this blog and interacting here and on social media… it’s been hard not being able to come into QVC and being locked away for these last few months of pregnancy, but so many of you have sent me such lovely supportive messages and advice too. It’s really kept me going and I feel very lucky to have so many lovely QVC viewers to chat to. I promise to share a photo once baby is here and let you know if it’s a boy or a girl… all we know at the minute is it’s looking like a big one! I still sometimes find it a bit hard to believe that there will be an actual baby at the end of this… in just a couple of weeks perhaps! Yikes!

Please do keep in touch on social media… I will probably be a little quieter on there but will update every now and again I’m sure. Here’s where to find me:
Instagram: @kathryn_goldsmith
Twitter: @kathryngoldsmit
Facebook: /kathryngoldsmithpresenter
The cook-alongs are still all on Instagram, so if you fancy a bake or something different for dinner then please do have a look at those.
And in the meantime, spare a thought for Monty Dog, who has no idea his only child status is about to change in a big way! Ha! I’m actually looking forward to seeing his relationship with the little one develop… he was so good with our friend’s little boy and with the puppies when they were tiny and he seems to sense when he has to be careful. I grew up with dogs and I’m really excited for our baby to have that too. I guess my photo reel on my phone will now be half dog, half baby, instead of just Monty as it is now!

I’ll hopefully be back on your screens before the end of the year but we’ll see how things go obviously! I have missed QVC so, so much in many ways, but here’s to life’s next big adventure. Please all take care of yourselves and I hope you have the chance to see loved ones soon if you haven’t already. And, as I say, please keep in touch on social too.
Thanks again and I’ll see you on the other side!
Kathryn x
54 Responses
Enjoy the next part of your adventure into Motherhood Kathryn, its truely wonderful.
I will be watching out for your status on Facebook for plenty of updates on baby munchkin.
I will continue to bake your cake recipes until you have time to start the mixer to show and bake another.
Best Wishes.
Thanks so much Lisa and so glad you’ve been trying the recipes 🙂
Kathryn just want to wish you all the very best for the arrival of your little one you will make a great mum .Absolutely love the nursery and your new bathroom take care and look forward to your news when baby comes. Love Pauline.x
Thank you very much Pauline 🙂 x
Hi kathryn,
All the very best with your new baby and new chapter of life! How exciting but very strange too. You’ll never forget this time. I hope it goes well and take care. You look great by the way!x
Thank you so much Susan 🙂 x
Kathryn you can get nauticle items from Dunhelm. The babies room is beautiful look forward to seeing some photos
Good luck to you and your hubby
Thank you Ann 🙂 x
Keep safe and well Kathryn good luck with the little one we miss you too x x x
Thank you Amanda 🙂 x
You look positively glowing Kathryn. What a beautiful nursery, loving the woodland theme, very serene. The bathroom looks stunning, one word of advice, wash your navy towels a couple of times before use, we made that mistake a couple of years ago, during the mad morning rush we both turned up at breakfast with blue faces!!!! We had a good giggle about it though. Good luck on the birth of your baby. X
Thank you for your kind comments Wendy and yes the same thing happened with our new blue towels!! Have washed them a few times but all the white bits of the bathroom have a fine layer of blue fluff…as do we! Haha! X
Hope everything goes ok. We miss you on QVC. Take care of yourself. Nursery looks lovely and bathroom very stylish
Thank you for such kind comments Anne x
Hi Kathryn.
Your bathroom looks gorgeous! I love the tiles, really different colour that works so well.
The baby’s room is just lovely. There’s no better feeling than of seeing your first-borns brand-new bedroom and imagining them sleeping in there. Ahhh…
With you mentioning the labour ward I thought I would offer you a recommendation…Have you thought about the birthing pool? I had my first son in one at the hospital and it was so calm and relaxing. I had music on and was cooler with being in water. It really was a lovely experience and very calming for the baby aswell.
I wish you the very best of luck with your new baby. ( I think it’s a boy 😉).
See you back on air soon
Love, Lisa X
Thank you for such kind comments and advice Lisa. I will be using the pool room in labour ward hopefully…fingers crossed noone else is there when I go in!! X
Wishing you all the very best for your exciting time.life will be very different but very special. Looking forward and waiting for the news
Hi Kathryn
The bathroom and nursery look amazing, good luck, take care and enjoy motherhood it is the most fantastic time. Looking forward to the pictures.
Thank you very much Jayne x
Hi lovely Kathryn great blog as ever. Miss you on QVC. Wow the bathroom looks fabulous as does the baby’s room. Really lovely. Thinking back to maternity leave – enjoy your last few weeks of rest. Put your feet up as much as possible, especially in this heat. Keep an open mind on the birth – they come when they are ready – the first baby often being late! Then enjoy being spoilt after the birth. You look fantastic and really glowing and i wish you all the best for the birth. You will make a lovely mother. Sending love and best wishes to both you and your husband and Monty of course!! xx
Oh such lovely comments Karen, thank you 🙂 feet are firmly up in this heat and I’m in front of the fan! X
Hi Kathryn. Thank you for your blog. Wishing you all the best. Enjoy all the rest you can get before baby comes along. Your bathroom and nursery looks beautiful. Antoinette
Thank you for such lovely comments and well wishes Antoinette x
y ou take care of yourself and baby i know what is like to be pregnant in the hot weather. the bathroom in beautiful . the nursery is so lovely. all my love. take care. val
Thank you so much for such kind comments Valerie 🙂 x
Kathryn you do look absolutely radiant. Wishing you all the very best for the next chapter in your life. It’s been lovely reading or watching your cook alongs. I’ve loved making the recipes. The Raspberry cake with lemon drizzle is a winner. Making the cookies today. Take care, not long now xx🥰
Sorry forgot to say about your bathroom. Its beautiful, very boutique hotel. At the end of the day you will be able to totally relax in the bath while the baby is sleeping. Take care xx ❤
Thank you Toni for such lovely comments and I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying making the recipes. X
Your bathroom looks lovely and bedroom for the little one hope everything goes well for u and hubby x
Thank you very much linda x
The very best of luck Kathryn….you’re going to make truly super special mummy!! ❤❤❤❤
What a lovely thing to say! Thank you Hilary x
Hi Kathryn,you have done amazing job with your home ,it is beautiful,enjoy every minutes rest now before baby,as you will be happily very busy when he or she arrives ,wishing you both all the best .
Thank you so much Margaret and I’m definitely taking your advice and resting lots now! X
Hello lovely, I just wanted to say how beautifully finished your bathroom is and what an incredible job you’ve done with the nursery too! They both look fabulous and you should be very proud for having made such a transformation. Wonderful too because it’s all set and ready before your baby arrives. Such an exciting and special time ahead for you all as a family and I’m sure Monty will be equally happy to share the love. Take care and I’ll keep in touch with you on DM and social. Big hug and love from Ali xx
Oh lovely Ali, thank you so much and yes please let’s keep in touch…you’ve been such a lovely support from afar! Hope you’re feeling better too. Sending lots of love to you xxx
Hello Kathryn just wanted to say good luck for your happy event. You remind me of how I looked when I was expecting my children . They were average weights of 8 lb 3oz and 7lb 10 oz . You can’t tell by the size of your bump.
Bathroom looks great by the way. Take care luv jilltx
Thanks very much Jill. X
Just a quick word to wish you both the best for your impending parenthood. Take a rest while you can. Take care
Thank you so much Karen 🙂 x
Hi Kathryn,
Wow what a lovely bathroom, I would love mine to look as fab!
Enjoy your you time with hubby and Monty before little one comes along, which won’t be long now.
Looking forward to hearing the magical news, girl or boy, weight and name.
Love Janet X
Thank you very much Janet…definitely trying ti make the most of the time just us for now x
Hi Kathryn your pictures of your bathroom and nursery look professional and many best wishes to you and your newborn .take care x and stay safe
Thank you very much Jennifer x
hi there, it is good to see you looking so we3ll. miss you lots on QVC. Your bathroom looks super and so does baby’s room. take care and look after yourself
Thank you so much for your kind cimments 🙂 x
Hi Kathryn.
I always grew up with dogs and then my children always had a dog.It is good for them as they learn to respect animals at a young age.I can’t imagine a home without a dog they are so much company.Good luck for the birth and look forward to seeing you back on QVC when the time comes.
I completely agree Vera! A house without a dog just isn’t a home for me. And thank you for the well wishes x
hi kathryn, good luck with the baby, i think it’s a boy! have you got names ready or are you still deciding. i never wanted children but have lots of fur babies which i adore.
Thank you Sam. Lots of people guessing boy! Can’t waot to find out. We’ve had names for ages, mainly because we are quite fussy…there’s only one boys name we both really like and a couple of girls ones but we definitely have a favourite. X
Hello Katherine,
I wish you all the best for the next part of your chapter in your lives.
I would like to say I enjoy your blog, on QVC.
I think you are having a little girl.
I hope Monty is keeping you company and enjoy the next part of both your lives, stay safe and keep well.
Love Rose xxx
Hello Kathryn from the Vale of Glamorgan! i’ve not written a blog in the many many years as a member of QVC but you have sparked my memory back to the time i was first pregnant etc it is a busy time preparing but such a wonderful time.You really look radiant in the photo’s i wish you such joy! when you see your baby,there’s literally nothing like it, your nursery looks perfect and such wonderful memories will be created there my Son is nearly 50 now and has three beautiful children making me a very happy grandmother who loves to love ! remember ?everything you experience is all in a wonderful cause what a very lucky little babe to be loved and wanted so much, what an adventure your both beginning very best wishes
Congratulations to both of you on your new arrival. She is absolutely beautiful as expected.
Great choice of name.
I hope everything went well as expected.
Take care and enjoy her both of you and make sure you rest.
Love Rose xx