Hello again.
I hope this finds you well and possibly having enjoyed the recent relaxation in lockdown. The weather has been kind to many of us – Olley and I benefited from chilly nights but beautiful, clear blue skies and sunshine when we got away in our motorhome.
We enjoyed a break together in Ross on Wye. We’re so lucky to have the van – it’s a brilliant way to travel safely as it’s completely self-contained with our own shower and loo, and of course we carry and cook our own food. In fact, the weather was good enough to use the barbecue and cook outside every day.
We’re now on our way home for me to head into work. Monday 9pm and all-day Tuesday will feature one of my favourite footwear brands Vionic as our Today’s Special Value, with an adjustable slider sandal in a choice of four versatile snake effect colours (the product number is 189087).

Designed with three zone comfort technology, which gives heel stability, arch support and cushioning throughout sole of the foot, I’ve found wearing shoes from Vionic really makes a difference to how comfortable my feet are. By encouraging correct foot alignment and posture, the footwear helps to reduce aches and stiffness, especially if you’re on the go all day.
If you’re searching for the perfect summer dress to wear with your new sandals, look no further than the WynneLayers Today’s Special Value, which launches at 9pm on Tuesday and features all day Wednesday (the product number is 186058). With an effortless maxi shape and beautiful fluid viscose fabric, it’s an easy throw on dress that can be dressed up with heels and jewellery for an evening out or teamed back with flats or trainers for a casual look.

It comes in a range of colours – play it safe with Cloud, Black or Light Heather Grey, add a soft pop of colour with Sage or Sea Blue or choose the brighter tone of Geranium. In regular or petite lengths and with a sheer-sleeved jacket in Chiffon Denim available to layer on top, it’s going to be hard not to go for it in a couple of colours!
I’ll also be bringing you lots of fashion in Morning Style at 10am on Wednesday as usual, but my big news is that I won’t be doing that for much longer because, after almost 21 years as a QVC presenter, I’ve decided to retire!
I’ve been thinking about it for a while now and decided last summer that it really is time that I hang up my earpiece and microphone and stop talking for a living.
My husband Olley is a bit older than me and hasn’t worked for a while now and I really want to spend more time with him rather than leave him at home while I’m at QVC. After 38 years of working in live television I want to concentrate on enjoying time with Olley and the rest of our family.

We love to travel and enjoy touring the UK and Europe in our motorhome – we’re also lucky enough to have had a house in Corfu for the last 20 years. We’ve only ever been able to stay there for two or three weeks at a time but now we can really settle there for a while. I also want to spend more time simply enjoying being at home and in our garden, seeing more of our three amazing children Bex, Charlie and Billy, and two gorgeous granddaughters.
There’s so much to look forward to. Billy, our youngest, is to marry the love of his life, Mel, on the second of June. She’s already part of our family but this will make it official and, although we will be limited by Covid restrictions, it’s going to be the most fabulous and happiest of days.

Also, I find I’m in a so much better mood if I’m outside in nature and fresh air. I benefit hugely from exercising outside and I’ll spend more time walking, swimming, gardening and rowing. Ali Keenan and I try to walk together regularly but it’s never often enough or for long enough to complete all we want to say to each other! Without work to interfere, I hope to see more of the dear friend I met at QVC almost 21 years ago, when we started at the same time.
It’s incredible to think that I began working at QVC the month before Billy started school and the month after I finish at QVC, he will be married!
Of course, it was long before that when my television career started. It was all rather surprising. Having gained a degree in Physiology and Biochemistry, I was working as a sports scientist developing a series of tests to measure functional fitness for athletes competing in different sports and disciplines.

I had enjoyed success myself as a modern pentathlete (horse riding, fencing, pistol shooting, swimming and cross country running), becoming World Champion when I was 19 in 1979. That really was the catalyst for a lifetime spent in the media rather than a science laboratory!

My sporting achievements led to me appearing on Question of Sport (I was on Emlyn Hughes’ team) and I was later asked by the same production team to present a live children’s sports show called Stopwatch. I retired from competing in sport in order to work on the show in 1983, and in 1986 I was spotted by the producer of BBC Holiday. The rest, as they say, is history!
At first, they only gave me activity holidays to report on, so anything that involved getting wet or muddy, jumping off cliffs or out of planes or just simply exhausting was my job. The first film I made was horse riding in the New Forest and I managed to fall off my horse before they’d even got the camera out of its bag!
I eventually got better and had the most wonderful opportunities to try so many different things. I’ve parachuted, surfed, carriage driven, scuba dived, piloted a plane and a glider, water-skied and white water rafted, mountain hiked, kayaked, motor raced, hot air ballooned, parascended, wind surfed, cycled and dog sledged my way around the world.

My role developed into being allowed to work on some more exotic locations and I travelled to the Seychelles, Bali and Alaska. I had a trip in a dugout canoe on a tributary to the Orinoco river in Venezuela (where I slept in a hammock in a mud hut and stood at the top of Angel Falls), I trekked through the jungle in Zaire to meet a family of silverback gorillas and I camped out in the Masai Mara surrounded by hyenas. I’ve skied in the Rocky Mountains, watched glaciers calve in Alaska and marvelled at Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone Park.

How lucky have I been!? I loved it all…
I was asked to join the TVam breakfast television team in 1989. I started on Good Morning Britain sitting beside the lovely Mike Morris and moved to present AfterNine before the birth of our first child Rebecca in the summer of 1991.
I stayed at TVam, fitting in being a mum and continuing to film for BBC Holiday as well until TVam lost the franchise bid to GMTV at the end of 1992. That’s when my then dressing roommate Lorraine Kelly took over the 9am show and six weeks later our second child, Charlie, was born. Our family was complete in 1995 when Billy was born, and as he approached school age I had an interview at QVC and got the job!

In many ways, it doesn’t feel anywhere near as long as twenty-one years since I started. Many of the faces that welcomed me then are still with us now… Julia, Jilly and Anne, Dale and Charlie were all presenting already and many behind the scenes then are still there now too.
The job has changed, of course. I didn’t write a blog at the beginning as there was no social media and the range and quality of what we bring you on air and the number and expertise of our guests have improved hugely.
But the essence of what we do, the connection we feel with you, our viewers, and the friendships I have made at work over the years are the same and the most important. I will miss the people I work with more than anything but I will stay in touch with as many as I can, their friendship is too precious to lose.
I have so many memories to cherish. I’m proud of the part I’ve played in the Morning Show becoming a regular show and have so enjoyed working alongside Simon Biagi (I even like the useless facts he shares at the start of the show – don’t worry, he’ll keep on bringing us those and I’ll just join you as part of the audience…)
I’ve also enjoyed helping to develop Morning Style and I’ve learned so much from our expert fashion stylist guests. I’ll still be buying more than I should from our fashion department!
It’s not just the everyday work that I’ll remember – from tackling the overnight MoonWalk charity marathon with a group of QVC mates, to a trip to the Hong Kong Gemstone Exhibition and learning about the fine jewellery we sell, to making a film on the Queen Elizabeth cruise ship in Dubai when we were selling holiday cruises – there’s so much to cherish. It’s really all been about the people I’ve done everything with, and the teamwork.

The presenters are the face of QVC but we can only do our jobs because there are so many people working hard behind the scenes to make it happen. In a way, that’s true of life itself. It’s the connections that we make with people as we travel though our lives that enrich us more than anything.
My final Morning Style will be at 10am on May 5th when I’ll be joined by the new regular presenter – and I can assure you the show will be in the best of hands. And my very last appearance on air will be with Simon for the Morning Show on May 6th.
I hope you can join me one more time as I say my goodbyes – it’s going to be hard to not become emotional when I think about how long QVC has been such a big and important part of my life.
Thank you for being a part of the QVC family and experience that has sustained me for so long. I’ll try not to look back over my shoulder too often as I move into the next phase of my life but as Olley and I head off into the sunset together, there’ll always be a special place in my heart for QVC.
All the best to you all, do take care.
With love
Kathy xx
213 Responses
Oh Kathy!!!! I am so sad to hear you are leaving! 😢 We will miss you but I wish you much happiness for the next chapter of your life 🥂 and I do hope you will keep in touch on twitter, etc. to let us know what you are up to!
Hi kathy so sorry your leaving youv been great on qvc what an amazing life youv had…im gonna miss you on the morning have a great retiement with your family xx
Hello Kathy, I will miss seeing your cheery lovely smile on QVC! I also remember watching you on TV AM. I wish you all the happiness in the world as you Retire, you really deserve it! Just think you can go anywhere in your Motorhome and spend quality time with your family. Good Luck for the future. I will miss you so much. Hope everything goes well for your Son’s Wedding! Hope you relax a lot and enjoy your retirement. All the best. Love from Heather Gough Xxxx 🥰🌻🍾🥂
Thanks for all your good wishes, Heather. I’ll post a photo of Billy’s wedding – it will be smaller than hoped for but possibly more beautiful for it…
Best wishes
Kathy x
Thanks Diane, I’ve had a wonderful life so far, for which I’m very grateful, and plan to continue as long as I can!
Take care
Kathy x
I will miss seeing you on QVC prosenting on QVC on the morning show and style live Kathy good Luck with your retirement and we will miss you prosenting on QVC
Good luck in your retirement and look after yourself.
Kay Powell
QVC Customer for over 20 years love you lots xxxxxx
Kay Powell
Sorry you are leaving kathy always enjoyed your spot on qvc wont be the same best wishes what ever you do ❤️x
Hi Kay
Thanks for being such a loyal QVC customer for so long, and for your good wishes. All the best to you
Kathy x
Thanks Margaret, I wish you all the best for the future too.
Take care
Kathy x
So sorry that your leaving QVC Kathy have loved watching you over the years all the very best wishes for the future x
Thanks for your good wishes, Jen
All the best to you
Kathy x
Good luck and enjoy your retirement xxx
Thank you Julie, – I plan to!
Take care
Kathy x
Ive enjoyed watching you on tv kathy, back in gmtv
days, and in qvc, time for you to enjoy your retirement with yiur family,, all the best and best wishes xx
So sorry you have left QVC l will miss you. You are always truthful about the things that are sold without being airy fairy. I wish you and Olly very happy times in the future and enjoy your family luv Diana Boa xdiana boa
Hi Diana
Thanks for your kind comments- I’ve never been an airy fairy type!😂
I will certainly enjoy my family time now.
Take care and all the best
Kathy x
Hi Kathy Tayler
I Hope you are enjoying your early retirement at QVC? it is a shame you did not come back to breakfast tv on ITV because your friends such as Lorraine Kelly and Dr Hilary Jones are still working for ITV and it would be nice to see you on Lorraine Kelly’s own show on ITV talking about TV-AM , i have watch a few clips of you at tv-am on youtube and here is a clip of you that i uploaded a few years ago on the last ever tv-am
I hope you enjoy your retirement Kathy
Hi Lyn
Thanks for watching for so long, TVam was a long while ago!
All the best to you
Kathy x
Thanks, Lyn, for being a loyal viewer for so many years! Time passes more than you realise, doesn’t it?
All the best to you too
Take care
Kathy x
We will miss you Kathy, have a fabulous time with family … time is precious xxx I’ve grown up with you on TV I’m 46 now always when we watched you it felt like a friend speaking xxx
Hi Debs
What a lovely thing to say – I’m sure if we met we’d be friends…
Time is certainly precious and I hope to make the best of whatever I have in front of me.
All the best to you too
Kathy x
So glad I found this before you left. I’ll be tuning in to say goodbye, having been a viewer with QVC since the start.
What a life you’ve had! I had no idea… X
Hi Viv
I hope you managed to watch my final show, or the Facebook Live interview with Simon and my husband Olley. Thanks for watching QVC from the start – you’re truly one of the big family!
Take care
Kathy x
Enjoy your retirement, I retired a year ago and life even in lockdown has been great so much time to do things you love x
Hi Rose
I’m glad you’re enjoying your retirement so much, I’m sure I will too. I’ll have more time, and hopefully more energy too!
Take care
Kathy x
Enjoy kathy because no one knows what’s round the corner our retirement demencia has destroyed our retirement good health to you both xxx
Hi Yvonne,
I’m so sorry to hear you’re having to deal with dementia – it’s a cruel disease. Enjoy life the best you can, as I plan to do.
Take care
Kathy x
I hate to say it…..but I don’t love the new QVC Presenters (and I know I never will), as much I do the “original bunch”. I’ll miss you Kathy. I’ve made many a superb purchase on your presentation advice. Quite remarkably, you answered all the questions on an item that I had in my mind!! Have a wonderful life with Olley and your children in the future. From one of QVC’S Top 25 Reviewers, Teddibe4r. Xx
Hi Carolyn
Thanks for your kind words. Do please give Katy a chance on Morning Style – I know she’ll be fabulous! I’m so glad I helped answer your questions – after all, that was my job. But not any more, I’m already in Devon with Olley enjoying my new freedom!
All the best to you
Kathy x
Thanks Eileen. I’ll do my best to keep posting on Twitter, when there’s something worth saying!
Take care
Hi Eileen
Thanks for your comments – I’ll do my best to post on Twitter when I can to let you know what I’m doing.
All the best to you
Kathy x
You were the very best presenter qvc ever admiss your lovely smile enjoy your retirement cathy
So sorry you are leaving you will be missed but I think you are doing the right thing as time with your lovely husband and family is a wonderful ❤ thing for you to do you are a lovely person enjoy your retirement xx
Ho Kathy how I will miss not seeing you on qvc I have got a little upset and tearful when I read your news I have always watched you as you are one of my favourite presenters but realize you can not do it forever. I hope you enjoy and have lots of lovely times away with Ollie and enjoy your time spent with your children and grandchildren as time goes so quickly. All my love to you and your family .Pauline xx
Hello Pauline
Thank you for your lovely words, I must admit to a tear or two on my last day too! You’re right about time going fast – I plan to try to slow it down a little and fit as much as I can into whatever healthy time I have in front of me.
All the best to you
Kathy x
I want to wish you well for the future Kathy. You’ve been amazing on QVC – one of the girls, as normal as the rest of us and natural. Much appreciated and you won’t be easily replaced. I can remember your sporting achievements as well – yes I am that old! I’m sure that your future will be just as interesting for you and your family and cheers to that! Enjoy xx
Dear Rosemary
I’m always happy when someone remembers me when I was an athlete – you must be almost as old as me!
I always feel normal, my parents made sure I kept my feet on the ground, and I’m definitely no good as an actress so what you saw on screen was just me!
All the best to you
Kathy x
Oh” my goodness Kathy! I heard on your Podcast and now just read your blog that you are leaving for a new wonderful life’s adventure!! We wish you all the good luck and happiness in your new freedom! but you will be missed!!
Thank you for entertaining us in your shows for the past 21 years! I remembered you joining QVC!! you have always made me smile!
Good luck, health and happiness to you and your Husband!
Liz xx
Hi Liz
Such lovely words. Thank you for watching me and QVC for so long, I’m so glad I made you smile.
Take care and all the best
Kathy x
Oh Kathy what a wonderful blog and I have just listened to your podcast too. I want to wish you all the best for your future, it sounds very exciting and as you say family is the most important part of our lives. So enjoy yours especially the two wonderful grandchildren, they grow up so quickly! I will miss you but wish you well. Take care. Love Debbie xx
Hi Debbie
Thanks for your kind words, I appreciate them. I can’t quite believe that Zoe is three already, and Eliora has just turned one year old! I’m looking forward to spending more time with them.
Take care
Kathy x
We will miss your down to earth character. Your style show I always record to listen to all the fashion ideas. I wish you the very best for your new adventures. Thanks for just being you x
Lovely words, Jennifer, thank you.
I wish you all the best
Kathy x
Kathy will miss you loads but good for you. I am sure you deserve to spend more time with your loved ones and they with you. You will have time to spend on yourself a luxury for any working mum and you deserve it. All the best happy travelling.
Thanks Lynda
Olley and I are already away in our motorhome, something we plan to do much more of. But I’m also looking forward to simply having more time at home, too.
I wish you all the best.
Kathy x
Kathy we will definitely miss you wishing a Happy retirement. You deserve it. And good luck for the future. Antoinette
Thanks Antoinette, good luck to you too.
Kathy x
Kathy, you will be missed on QVC and watching your Morning Style shows over the years has got me to wear colour so a big thank you. The next chapter in your life is going to be wonderful doing all the things you and Olly want to do and not have to rush back for work, spending time with your precious family will be good, watching your grandchildren grow up, have wonderful adventures and I hope your son Billie has a wonderful wedding, you take care and enjoy your retirement to the full x
Hi Theresa
It makes me very happy to think that we may have helped you find your style and enjoy fashion – that’s exactly what Morning Style is all about, thank you!
We’re certainly looking forward to Billy and Mel’s wedding day, and I have so much more in the future – I feel very fortunate.
Wishing you all the best
Take care
Kathy x
Sorry to see you are leaving QVC, you will be sorely missed !
I wish you a happy, healthy retirement and hope you enjoy your travels with Olley, and spend wonderful times with your children and grandchildren. Hope you have a great day at your sons wedding too.
QVC on a Wednesday will just not be the same without you, and the morning shows too.
Take care of yourself, and wishing you good luck, health and happiness, love Maxine xx
Kind words, Maxine, thank you.
Time for me to move on and be with my husband and family, but I’m grateful to you for watching my shows.
All the best to you,
Take care
Kathy x
Kathy I have enjoyed watching morning style with you over the years. I hope you and Olly have some lovely new adventures and enjoy seeing more of your family. Best wishes for the future xx
Hi Jane
Thanks for leaving your comments, and for watching.
All the best to you too.
Take care
Kathy x
Good Luck and Enjoy Your Travels Kathy , as Owners of a Motor Home Ourselves we understand how enjoyable time away is . My Husband was with me a few years ago when we met you , the other Ladies and Ali Ks Lovely Son at Salon Prive Syon Park . It was Freezing but you were all enjoying your day out .Have a Lovely last day at work and safe travels in the future , Happy Days , from Heather and Brian McMillan xx
Dear Heather,
What a lovely day we all had at the Salon Prive event. The weather doesn’t always stop you enjoying yourself, does it. Olley Andy are in Devon in our motorhome at the moment – it’s pouring with rain and blowing a Gale outside but we’re cosy inside. Maybe see you and Brian at a campsite sometime – do say hello!
All the best to you
Kathy x
What a long and interesting career you’ve had,I first saw you on the holiday show back in the day.
Thanks for all you’ve done for us viewers and hope you have a long and well deserved retirement x
Dear Paul, lovely words, thank you.
All the best to you
Kathy x
I have always enjoyed your presenting on QVC and wish you nothing but the best for the future, I think this Pandemic has made a lot of us older people look at their lives and think, No now is the time for me, to do what I want, be with my husband more, children and grandchildren, so I wish you and Olley a new adventure in your lives, and enjoyment in all you do.
Kathy so sad to hear you will be leaving, after years of QVC viewing, we feel as though the presenters are almost friends and we can so relate to them. I really looked forward to your style shows, especially with Glen Campbell, a great team. However I wish you and your family all the very best for the future and for your retirement ~ you will be missed.
Oh Kathy, what a lovely blog – but I’m so sad to hear that you are leaving. You’ve always been one of my favourite presenters. I love your fashion shows – always think you are totally honest and relate to ‘real women’ with busy lives. I do know where you’re coming from; my husband has also been retired for a while now and I’m going to do the same in July. It’s such a big decision, isn’t it? But I think this past year and half has made many of us re-evaluate things and decide that much as we enjoy our jobs, there is more to life than work.
I will watch as many of your remaining shows as I can and hope you and Olley enjoy your travels and family times in the future. New adventures await! Wishing you sunshine, smiles and happiness always. xxx
Kathy, you will be much missed on QVC. Thank you for the past 21 years. I wish you lots of fun in your motor home adventures and enjoy spending precious time with your loved ones.
Best wishes for a happy and healthy retirement. x
Wishing you a long, happy, healthy retirement.
Wow you have done so much with your life so far,and many new adventures to come.I’m a career to my58 year old Brother,but I so enjoy hearing from others on there adventures.Enjoy your family and garden but most importantly time for yourself,Good Luck.
Have a wonderful time with family and friends,enjoy your retirement,good luck.
All The Best Kathy to You & Your Family! Enjoy Your Travels were ever they take you!! Wishing You Health,Wealth & Lots of Happiness for The Future 🤗xxx
Kathy, you have inspired many women with your career and now you’re blazing a trail again. I think there will be many people who have come through lockdown still employed, but who have realised that they can live without the daily grind and still have a wonderful time. Maybe one of the upsides of Covid will be that some people will be able to stay “stopped”. I’m two years into a work-free life and wouldn’t have it any other way. Enjoy reconnecting, throwing away your diary, and waking up with your first thought being “what shall I do today”, rather than “what do I have to do today”. It’s a whole different world. You’ll love it. Best, SheMag
Oh Kathy – I am so sad and sorry to see you go!!!
Everything you have presented you have turned into magic. Be it the Holiday programme, After Nine on TVam and now QVC.
You are one of the nicest and most natural presenters ever to grace our screens.
Wishing you every happiness with your family in the years ahead – QVC will never be the same again!!!
Kind regards
So sorry that you are leaving qvc but wish you a long and happy retirement. Take care x
Good luck with your next adventure .
You will be missed
Bon voyage !
Stay safe and well❤️
Good luck Kathy you have earned your retirement xxxx
You’ll be greatly missed ! Here’s wishing you a long and happy retirement thats full of love, laughter and adventure ! Xx
Hi Kathy. So sad to hear you are leaving. It’s been a joy to watch you and introduce me to QVC when we went digital. I am sure you will be missed by not only your colleagues but by the many viewers who have watched you over the years. I wish you and your husband a very happy retirement. You have some amazing memories to look back on and now, many more. The very best to you all.
Oh my gosh, I can’t believe u are leaving after all this time. There seems to be so much change recently at QVC. I’m only just getting over the fact that Claire Sutton has also left & we haven’t seen Jill Frank’s for a good couple of months now. Wat on earth is going on! But I’m wishing u all the best wishes in ur retirement & being able to have the time & freedom to be able to spend more good, quality time with ur husband & family,XXX.
So sorry to read you are leaving, I was so pleased when you returned after your Covid virus, but I can totally understand. In these times we must make the most of our loved ones and make every moment count, and make many more good memories. Enjoy being a Nan with your lovely Granddaughters, also your Sons wedding. You and Ollie will have the time of your lives, doing things together. I will really miss you, you are a really genuinely lovely person, I love the way you talk about your family, you can tell in your voice how dear they all are to you.
Good luck in your new venture, love to you all xx
Hello Kathy, I’ve just seen you on QVC with Simon. I was surprised to hear that you’ve decided to hang up your microphone at QVC, however, I wish you all the very best in your new chapter and spending more time with your family. I decided to do exactly the same at the end of March this year. I had worked for Anglian Water for nearly 30 years. I’m hoping to do something completely different for a few hours per week, however, at the moment, I’m keeping busy in the garden, having a major clear out in the house and looking after one of my granddaughter’s on a Friday. We have one grandson and 2 granddaughter’s. Health and family are everything; we need to cherish them both. All the very best to you. You’ll be missed. Take care, stay safe. Bev xx
Hi Kathy so sad to see that another of our great presenters is leaving QVC but I wish both you and Olly a long and happy retirement. Enjoy the extra time that you will have with your children and grandchildren. All the very best for the future. Love Molly Dawson Xx
Good luck in the next chapter of your life Kathy and thank you for brightening our days. I have watched you from your first day at QVC and will miss your cheery face and professionalism. Enjoy your retirement. x
Will really miss you kathy ,love watching morning style when your presenting it.You always give good advice.Enjoy your retirement with your lovely husband and your family xx
Dear Kathy, I feel we have been through life’s transitions at similar times since first watching you on TV am . Now there are new goals to achieve at a more leisurely and enjoyable pace. It would be lovely if you ever had the inclination to continue some blogs or updates on a social platform as they are always a good read. Wishing you everything that you wish for yourself .Take care xx
What an amazing full life you have had Kathy! I wish you all the happiness going forward able to spend quality time with your family 🥂☀️
Dear Kath, I am so very sad to learn you are leaving QVC I too have learned so much about fashion from your shows, I totally understand your reason’s for your retirement but it doesn’t mean that I will be very sorry not to see you on QVC I sincerely wish you every happiness in your retirement and enjoy your family and your wonderful stays on Corfu with Olley, I know you took a while to recover from Covid so you can now relax and prepare for your sons wedding. Take care and enjoy your retirement Kath so we’ll deserved you can’t be replaced on Kathy’s style that show is you bye Kathy.
Love Ljnda
Aww, will be sorry to see you go but you deserve it!.
I hope that you and Olley enjoy a long, happy and healthy retirement xx
Good luck on your retirement Kathy you will be missed on the Morning show enjoy the next chapter in your life will miss your blog and tips on Fashion takecare xxx
I’m so sad you are leaving kathy but you have a new life in front of you I retired last year and love it I’m sure you will to all the very best xx
Will miss you Kathy one of my favourite presenters on QVC you are irreplaceable.Have a happy retirement. Xx
Hi Kathy just heard your leaving QVC…… I really wish you a very happy retirement……. Have fun!!! Take care and enjoy your next adventure!!!!! Xx
Wishing you lots of fun days that are filled with love and happiness as you leave QVC to spend more time with your husband and family. I’m sure there will be many more adventures and lots of opportunities to make many more happy memories.
What a career! Time to retire and enjoy yourself. I,’ll miss your lovely smiling face but wish you all the best for the future. Hope the wedding goes well. Lots of love to you and your family .
Sad to see your lovely smiling face go. But Ollie will be able to have more of you and your grandchildren.
Keep well and enjoy retirement xxx
Oh no Kathy! I’m so sad to hear you are leaving. I remember you joining QVC and have always liked your style of presenting. Seems you had quite a life before too. Wishing you a long and happy retirement with your husband and family. Will miss you x
Very sad to hear that you are leaving QVC Kathy. You’ve always seemed like a person we could all call a friend. You will love your well earned retirement and having more time with your husband and children. Very best wishes to you all
Hi Kathy
QVC is losing its best presenter. Wishing you all the best for the future.
Wishing you the very best for the future Cathy. X
Oh Kathy so sorry u will be leaving QVC in May. I wish you all the very best for the future and spending time with your friends and family.
I dont watch as much as I once did, you are one of the best presenters on QVC.
Lots of love for a fantastic future.
Hi Kathy,
I’m so sad to hear that you are leaving qvc but wish you all the best for your future and retirement. You are one of the most down to earth, easy people to watch and I imagine you are the most lovely friend to have. Ali K is very lucky! You deserve such a happy retirement and I am so pleased you are recovering from covid. You have achieved so much from your sporting life to your presenting life. You have so much to live for so go and enjoy your children and grandchildren and maybe let us see a photo of your lovely son’s wedding! Take care and good luck x
Hi Kathy. I’ll miss watching you on QVC and reading your news. I remember seeing you quite a few years ago. I was on my honeymoon and we had arrived at our overnight stay at a game park in Tanzania. My husband was dealing with the check in details and I was busy trying to get away from a very inquisitive baboon!! This truck appeared, the back tarpaulin opened and out you jumped! Travelling on your holiday programme. Happy days.
Enjoy your retirement. It’s well deserved.
Denise. xxx
You will be sadly missed but enjoy your time with your family lots of good times ahead
So sorry to hear you are leaving but wish you much happiness in your journey ahead with you husband and lovely family.Since lockdown i have watched Morning style every week-so many ideas and fashion details i have learnt from you.You will certainly be missed.Every luck for the future and enjoy those grandchildren-they grow up so quickly
Much love Cheryl
As airport security say to me every time they see my suitcase ” My God woman you’ve packed a lot In”!!
Wishing you well in your new ventures, thanks for your time at Qvc. I used to love it when I knew you weren’t keen on something, you would let the CO presenter chatter on then say ‘mmm quite, so moving on… ‘ very funny!! Best wishes for a happy and healthy life to you and your family. xx
Just one of the many shedding a tear. Thank you for your lovely shows – it was like watching
a friend. Wishing you both a very long, healthy & happy retirement. May all your travels be
Good luck Kathy, sorry you are leaving but happy for you.
Sadly QVC lose all the good presenters and hang on to all the others.
Best wishes for the future.
I am sorry to hear you are leaving qvc. I have always enjoyed your presenting style. Much happiness is wished for the future with your family. Love Hilary
Hi lovely Kathy, have enjoyed watching you since the early breakfast telly days. What an interesting life you have had. I dont blame you taking retirement to spend time with your husband and your family. One thing the last year has taught us is treasure every moment and those dear to you. I wish you all the best for the future and plenty of happy days travelling in your van. Lots of love xx
Sorry to not be seeing you on QVC, but wish you a very happy retirement and all your new adventures.
Kathy sorry to see your leaving but a new adventure is just about to begin. Best wishes
Wishing you good health and happiness in the next phase of your life. Enjoy your travels and your family. X
Kathy such emotional times but how amazing you can move onto to enjoy more time with the people you love and cherish. Your down to earth presentation has been a joy but change will bring up so many opportunities.
Have a wonderful retirement!
Hi Kathy, can’t believe you’re leaving QVC! I will miss you presenting the morning show. I wish you a wonderful, happy and a healthy retirement, make the most of your beautiful hubby ,children and grandchildren. Hope all goes well for your Son’s wedding.
Love Margaret.xx
Sorry to hear ur going qvc will miss u and ur cheery smiles enjoy ur retirement and ur holidays with ollie and ur lovely family and take time for urself and enjoy ur grand children too x
Hi Kathy.
I’ve loved your Wednesday shows. ‘Taped’ them so I could watch after work. I’ve always enjoyed your fashion ethos.
We’ve all recently ‘relearnt’ to appreciate our life so you crack on and enjoy! You’ll be missed & fondly remembered but it’s now time for you & your hubby. Have a grand adventure!
Oh Kathy, was sad to read that you will be leaving QVC. Will miss you, you are one of the best and most natural presenters on QVC, I’ve loved you on the morning shows with Simon, and the fashion shows too. I wish you all the luck and happiness on your retirement with your lovely husband, and of course you will be able to see more of your grandchildren too. Life is all about family and I think the last year has made us take stock of our lives, realising we must live for the moment. You have had a wonderful life, lots of adventures and lovely places to visit. Am sure Corfu will be calling you and your lovely camper van will take you to pastures new. I wish you and your hubby much joy and happiness for the future, enjoy whatever it brings. Good luck and enjoy the next chapter of your life!xx
Oh Kathy, so sorry to hear you are leaving QVC, I will miss your smiling face and knowledge about fashion……but family must always come first.
Being a similar age to me I feel you really understand what it’s like going through another big change in life.
I know you haven’t been very well recently and wondered if that had any influence on your decision to retire……if it did I can’t say I blame you.
With my best wishes for a long and happy and healthy retirement……Hazel xx
, I watched QVC for for 20+years I’ve always loved your down to earth presenting and will miss the sound of a recognisable voice in the background as I am doing my chores round the house.
Kathy” I wish you good luck with the next chapter in your life with Ollie fun, happiness and heath
Good by you will be missed xxx
Oh Kathy I am so happy for you, but I am also sad that you are leaving. I have followed your career on tv all the way back to the 80’s. And I was so thrilled to see you on QVC. It has been a great pleasure watching all of your presentations. And I will miss you. But I wish you all the very best for your retirement. Take care xx
What a shame you are going but if you want to be with your family that is so important. Thank you and have a lovely retirement. Jean wust. Xxx 😘💕💓😘💜
Retirement how wonderful… Qvc vs Corfu I know what I’d pick… One of my favorite places on earth is San stefanos NW side. Relax and enjoy x
Cathy it won’t be the same without you Your beautiful smile. It won’t be the same without you. Enjoy your time with Olli and get much happiness together. We love you Crathie God bless andbe happy.
Congratulations Kathy on your retirement very well deserved.
Always a pleasure to watch you on QVC a stylish presenter and pleasing personality and so cool 😚 shows you enjoy your job I will miss your shows.
Enjoy your family time and future travels.
My word what an amazing career I enjoyed reading your amazing news reel well done lovely lady.
Best wishes for the future
June from Liverpool Xx
So sad to hear your leaving qvc.Just loved watching you .Your such an inspiration Have a lovely retirement.
I can honestly say I haven’t seen your morning show, I’m a night owl. I have enjoyed seeing you on QVC and remember you in your life before. What a lovely be and full life. With not going out I treat the people on QVC as my family. I wish you well in your retirement and enjoy life with your family. Sending you hugs on your new journey. Take care. Love Phyllis xx
Kathy, it’s been a joy watching you on QVC and sound like you’ve have a great life so far. Go forth and enjoy your retirement with your family, you have earned it. X
So sorry to hear you are leaving, it always been lovely to watch you as a fan and customer of QVC and so sad .
You have a lovely family and I wish you all the best for the future, love xxx
Its always been a pleasure seeing you on my TV Kathy, I cant remember a time when you weren’t there. Ive grown up with you in my life.
As one door closes so does another door open. Im excited for you to start a new chapter in your life and more importantly, its with the people you love most. Thank you for time you have shared with us.
Take care, stay safe, be happy.
Love and light always.
Hi Kathy. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching you on QVC throughout your time on the show and you have been one of my favourite presenters – so warm, relatable, graceful and with a wonderful smile. You’ve packed in so much in your different careers and I wish you all the very best in the next chapter of your life. Have lots of fun.
Love from Lorna 💖x
Oh no, I will really miss you on QVC. I have watched you throughout you tv career and before. I really relate to you fashion sense.and will really miss morning style. I wish you look for the future in you retirement , enjoying your motorhome. QVC wont seem the same without you.
I will miss you so much, you brighten my day so often, you’ve been an inspiration in so many ways for many years. I wish you and your family the very best, enjoy your retirement, you have so much to look forward too, have a brilliant time! You always come across on screen as a warm, kind, lovely lady.
Love and hugs to an amazing lady!
Happy Retirement Kathy. Enjoy what is ahead for you family, holidays and life in general.
As others have said you come across as a warm caring person and I can vouch for that.Some years back when QVC was in Battersea I was invited to attend an event bringing my daughter along as a guest. You came in at the end and spoke with my Abigail who is autistic she was thrilled as you are her favourite presenter. She also wrote to you and you graciously write back admiring her handwriting and sending photos of presenters. We still have that letter . I find it hard to believe that you have worked soo long at QVC. Take care and good luck for the future
By kathy i love your natural laugh and ability to connect with viewers tbrough TV
Happy Retirement
Your family look beautiful lucky you , you’ve certainly earned your retirement 🥰
It has always been such a treat watching and learning from you on the shows you do. Particularly Morning Style. And with Glen, what an beatable team! No-one else compares. You have an honesty that shines through, helpful and interesting. I am in your peer group, watched you on all your TV programmes, had my children at similar times to you. I have always admired you and respected your work. I am so sorry you and your husband have been ill with the dreaded C19 I wondered why you were absent. It was dreadful without you! I will miss you very, very much. Enjoy Billy’s wedding. Enjoy the next adventure of your life, with your husband. The best is yet to come. Wishing you love, peace and joy. XXX
I typed unbeatable!!!! Sorry for typo
Will miss you of the screen. Relate to your fashion style,and your relaxing presenting. Enjoy your retirement, and your right to spend more time with your family. I’m retiring at the end of July also after 30 years.Good luck for the future.
Happy for you Kathy. You will be missed lovley lady x
Enjoy your next adventure kathy. Live life filled with fun and laughter x
So sad (for us) that you’re leaving.
Love your presentations, particularly as we’re similar age, size and with very similar taste in colours and styles.
Will miss you but enjoy your retirement with your family
Enjoy your retirement with your lovely family. X
From one Readinggirl to another good luck go for anything after the last year good on you and Ollie.
Hi Kathy.I have followed you throughout your long & successful career but in particular your QVC Presenting. You have been my favourite presenter & I will miss seeing you very much. I wish you a long & happy retirement, enjoy your journeys in your “van ! “ & most of all your time with your lovely Family. Thank you for all the pleasure you have given me over the years.
Much love & good wishes June xxxxxx💕💕
I am sorry to see you leave you will be greatly missed you definitely a favourite of most people and these messages will confirm this good luck in you’re retirement enjoying more time with you’re growing family
You will be very much missed enjoy your new life with your family you are truly blessed lovely person xx
Wishing you all the best for your future adventures with your family and a well deserved retirement from QVC presenting. You will be missed as you are such a charming and natural presenter . Take care and enjoy yourself. Lots of love xx
Sorry to see you go but wish you a long, happy & healthy retirement. 🙂
Enjoy the rest of your lovely life ,,prob having COVID also made the decision to leave QVC easier .Recovery tho is wonderful .Have a lovely time home and abroad x
Thank you Kathy for being a breathe of fresh air on QVC, you feel like our best friend and are so genuine and natural. I send you my best wishes for the next chapter of your life which I’m sure you are excited about. Enjoy your expanding family and the extra time that you and Olley will have now to do all those things that you have always wanted to do. Will miss your smiling face on screen. Sending love xx
Good luck Kathy for the future and on your adventures with hubby in your motor home. You will be very much missed at QVC and with the viewers but life is to short and you have more than earned your retirement.
Who knows we may cross paths with you as you journey across Britain on your adventures. Stay safe. Lots of love to you and Oilly. Xx
Sorry to see you go Kathy, but enjoy your retirement xx
I hope you have a wonderful retirement, it will be lovely to go off travelling and doing all the things you want to do without having to fit in around work. You will be missed greatly on QVC you are one of my favourite presenters your sunny personality shines brightly always.
Take Care and have a great retirement.xx
Hi Kathy, so sorry you are leaving QVC. I would like to wish you a very happy retirement, and many many happy years enjoying the good times to come with all your family.
You may not remember but many years ago our paths did cross when you were doing some filming at Safeway head office in a Hayes, I was on reception at the time.
May you and your husband and family all stay safe and well. Xx
Hi Kathy I’ve been a customer with QVC almost from the start and enjoy every minute, so sorry you’re leaving and wish you and yours all the very best for the future xx
Hi Kathy, I was so sorry to see your retiring , I will really miss your Morning Show
without you. Your such a lovely, down to earth person and i’m sure you will be well
missed by many viewers as well as your lovely friends at QVC
But after all that Kathy I would like to wish you, Ollie and your family all the
very best and enjoy every second of your retirement.
Dear Kathy
Thank you for the last 21 years at QVC, I have always enjoyed your shows and will miss seeing you each week. I hope that you can finally be rid of Covid and enjoy your retirement fulfilling your ambitions for travelling and family life. You will be greatly missed.
Good bye & good luck Kathy. I hope you enjoy retirement and that this is the beginning of your next adventure : )
Will miss you but am thrilled to hear that Morning Style lives on!
Enjoy!! Big hugs Joanna xxx
All the very best to you and olley on your next adventure in your life I will miss you on morning style loved you on qvc like many of the presenters you are like friends not just people on tv . So once again good luck you will be missed 💐🥰
Hi Kathy.
Wishing you a long and fulfilling retirement. You’ve always been one of the most natural of presenters, and you’ll be greatly missed not only at QVC but by millions of viewers around the country.
Good luck and take care.
Graham x
What a wonderful life you have had. Sorry you are leaving I really enjoy your Morning Style shows but good luck in your new adventures.xx
Sorry to hear you will no longer be on QVC but very happy for you on your retirement. Enjoy every minute and see as much as you can. I will miss your blogs but do hope you have a healthy retirement so you can spend time with your lovely family. Enjoy your wedding, shame we wont get to see your photos. Take care much love Karen xx
Wow Kathy you have had a fantastic career now it’s time to move on to a new chapter Enjoy stay safe, I will miss your lovely cheerful smilexxx
So sorry your leaving, morning style wont be the same x
All the best, love and happiness in your new chapter x
Hi Kathy,
Sorry to hear you are leaving. I’ve been with QVC practically from the start & also remember you as an athlete. Have a wonderful retirement & lots of adventures. You will be greatly missed x
Kathy you will be sorely missed. I only started watching QVC when I retired in 2004 and have always enjoyed watching your presentations. I wish you a wonderful retirement ( which I highly recommend) and hope you manage to do most of what you aim to.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Hello Kathy,
To one of the loveliest & most professional presenters on QVC .. I along with many others will miss your sunny & warm presence & your wonderful style programme…
Enjoy family time & I wish you the best of times…
Maria Xx
Well you have certainly achieved a lot over the years x it’s time to reflect and make the most of life and family x I’m sure u and hubby will have a ball and mot having to think about duties of work enjoy every moment of your extended family time is precious and memories too x have a fab day at the wedding x enjoy all the lovely holidays together x take care x stay safe x lots of warm wishes and love to u all xx ❤
Enjoy your retirement Kathy you have been a joy to watch over the years
Dear Kathy,
Sorry to hear you’re leaving, but I hope you enjoy a wonderful retirement.
Best wishes for the future. XX
Hi Kathy so sad that you’re leaving. Your beautiful face lights up the screen and you will be so missed. What an incredible career you have had, fascinating to read of all your amazing accomplishments. Wishing you every happiness and huge blessings with your family as you move on to this new exciting chapter of your life xx
Good Luck in your retirement and all best wishes for the future. Will miss you greatly on QVC . ENJOY all you do in the future.x
Lovely Kathy, I’d like to wish you a very happy retirement and to say how much I’ve enjoyed seeing you on our TV screens over the years. It’s always a bit sad when much loved QVC presenters move on – it’s been great for me to feel part of the QVC family for many years. However, as a retired person myself, I can fully understand that you want to have more time to spend with your husband and family – you deserve it. I hope you enjoy very many happy, healthy, liberating times at home and abroad. Very best wishes.
Hi Kathy I remember your GMT’s days,sorry you’re leaving,enjoy retirement with your hubby and family.
Stay safe and well.
Wishing you the happiest of retirements, Kathy! Will miss you on air. I remember you in most of your television incarnations. Now enjoy the time with your family.
Hi Kathy I would like to wish you a very happy retirement and many many more happy years with your family. All the best
Hi Kathy, thank you so much for your years at qvc, you will be so missed. Exciting times ahead for you and your family, new adventures ahead and memories to make. Enjoy every minute, you deserve your time. I’m nearly 63 and so looking forward to being able to retire and do all the things there is never time for. Take care xx
You will be so missed Kathy! You are a lovely lady and I wish you a very happy retirement, XXX
Hi there Kathy. I am so sorry to hear of your retirement, but that is my selfish feeling coming to the surface. I have watched you for many years. I watched Stopwatch every week, I remember Emlyn Hughes as I wrote a few penpal letters to him. I also remember you starting on the settee for the morning breakfast show, as that was the year I had our first Son, so would watch you and the other presenters, making news more accessible.
It was lovely watching you again on QVC. You made it all look so easy. I will miss watching you on my screen, but I wish you and all of your family, the very best of wishes for your retirement. I hope you and Olly have more adventures to find and conquer yet more new things to do. Will be watching your last days, probably fighting the emotions with you. Love Julie xx
Best wishes for the future. I remember you starting and have loved watching you over the years. It will be a sad day.x
All the best kathy on your retirement, we will miss you your lovely smile and calming chats. Time is right to enjoy your time with your family godbless And takecare 🌹❤
Sorry to see you go to Kathy.Will miss your genuine smile.I often used you as a model when you wore whatever fashion was on.Enjoy your retirement with your family💐
Kathy I for one will sadly miss you, you’ve been an outstanding presenter.
You smile is infectious your such a wonderful lady.
Well what a wonderful life you have lived, such exciting things you have done!!!
I take my hat off to you your one exceptional person who has lived life to the full.
Good luck on this new journey your taking in your life, enjoy retirement which I’m sure you will.
Don’t forget to pop back in to Qvc & give us all a hello & a smile, which you do all the time anyway.
Once again good luck & farewell,
Love Linda Xxx
You will be greatly missed on QVC, but my goodness what a life you have had so far. Best wishes for your future with your lovely family. Lots of love to you all. X
Oh Cathy so sad to hear your leaving after all these years. I’ve been a member as long as you’ve worked for QVC. You certainly have had the most amazing career and adventures. The word wonderwoman comes to mind. I want to wish you all the very best as you start your new journey with moving on and I’m sure their will be many adventures ahead. Have a wonderful day at the wedding and once again good luck in the years ahead. You’ll certainly be missed by members and co workers alike.
Wishing you and your family the very best for the future. Enjoy your retirement! 💐
Kathy wishing you everything you and your family wish for yourselves ,may be we might see you in your camper as we to enjoy out and about in our van good luck and enjoy.
Dearest Kathy, I will miss your cheerful, happy presence on QVC. You have been a favourite presenter for the 21 years I too have been watching QVC. I wish you all you wish for yourself for your retirement.
So sad to hear you are leaving us. I, like many will miss you dearly. Your smiling face, help and advice have helped thousands of us. You have been a true professional yet always felt you are one of us. We can all relate to you. Yet I am so happy for you to be able to spend time with your lovely family. I wish you all the best and thank you for the incredible memories.
What a fascinating blog! You have had an amazing life so far Kathy, and I’m sure there are many more great times in store for you and your family (starting with the wedding!). I wish you lots of luck and happiness as you step into your future. We will all miss your lovely smile and cheerfulness on QVC.
Dear Kathy,
I will miss your cheery personality but life is always changing for us all and I wish you every happiness as your new adventures begin. Enjoy all that lies ahead for you, your family and friends. Happy beginnings x
Kathy, you will be greatly missed. Your genuine smile has brightened many a morning, and your presenting style is so natural. It’s scary to read your blog and realise I can remember every event you mention! Retirement is another chapter and great!! I envy you your house in Corfu. It’s a beautiful place. I look forward to watching you today and tomorrow. Good luck as you start this new exciting chapter.
I will miss you on QVC, I love the way you present programs, you have a natural talent and integrity which makes watching you relaxing fun and very enjoyable.
I wish you well in your retirement because you deserve it.
Dear Kathy, thank you for being honest with us viewers. I have always loved your shows and have trusted your comments especially about clothes. I will miss you but wish you good health and happiness in your well earned and deserved retirement. Love from Brigit xxx
You do right to retire Lovely family enjoy your life Life is to short Suffering with Corona will I guess let you know that Good luck in all you do Kathy You will be missed at QVC
Sorry to see you go Kathy been with you all the way on qvc been with qvc from first show hope you have a lovely retirement and enjoy your time with your family big hugs you take care Godbless Eileen 💐💐💐💐❤️
Kathy, watching you just now on your last style show, looking amazing as always doll,
I wish all the best on your retirement, and your next adventure with your lovely husband and family,
you will be missed big time,
I will be watching tomorrow for your last show,
I’m sure their will be a few tears, and a few laughs along the way of your memories at QVC
Thank you for all the years of being part of the QVC family,
Oh kathy you have had such a lot of amazing life experiences and now for even more. Thankyou for your wonderful shows. Your positive , encouraging down to earth style of presenting and most of all your kind, friendly personality. Happy retirement Kathy with lots of love and the very best of good wishes for you and your family.💐🌞🍾👏🖐
Well this certainly is the end of an era Kathy. With all the great presenters on qvc you are definitely my favourite. Your happy, honest and down to earth character shines through. Thank you.
I do hope you have a very long, healthy and happy retirement. Take care.
Kathy, I just felt I had to put fingers to keyboard to wish you a long and happy retirement with Olley and the rest of your family. I shall miss you on the Morning Show and, of course, your signature show, Morning Style and your blogs which were always interesting. What shall I do? How we will know how Billy’s wedding goes and what you’ll be wearing? We’ll miss your wonderful smile in the mornings, your positivity and to quote someone else, we all felt you were our friend. So, once again, I wish you all the best for the future.
Although the news of you retiring is very sad and the Morning style shows will be very different it’s lovely to hear that you are going to have time for yourself and your family. From your blog you’ve had an amazing life and done things that many of us will never get to do but now it’s time to relax, well as best as you can, your plans sounds very exciting. I hope that through your friends, Ali K who you are BFF’s with, we will still hear about your adventures.
Have a wonderful and long retirement, you’ve earned it.
Happy retirement Kathy. Morning style has always been my favourite show on QVC. Have always enjoyed your informative style but not too much hard sell! You got it just right. Will miss you but wish you a happy & healthy future.
Hi Kathy
I have just read today that you are leaving. You have been a joy to watch, professional, beautiful and a true lovely person. Your personality shines when you are on screen, you keep it real.
I hope you enjoy your newest adventure and take a well earned, deserved rest. Corfu and other places await with your campervan the world is your oyster. Be happy, be safe and take care. xx Will miss your sunny smile 🙂
Dear Kathy, Sending you Happy Retirement Wishes and also such fun for all the adventures that await. I have always enjoyed your shows and thank you for inspiring me to have some confidence, when I really had none. I have appreciated all the advice over the years. Take care Kathy always – Love Kate xxx
Good Luck Kathy , Have a lovely retirement 💐 🍾🥂🎉
Congratulations on your retirement Kathy well earned watched you for all of your career at qvc and before hope you and ollie and your family have many years of Happy adventures together you will be missed bon voyage take care xx
Hi kathy all the best for your retirement innthe future and also your family i remember watching you on blankety blank the funny excellent brilliant late les dawson.how did you get on with him.
Oh Kathy l was so tears eyed today watching the morning show and then your Facebook live With Olley and Simon. Bless Simon he held it together so well then finally he seemed to lose it.
You have been like a dear friend and big sister all rolled into one you asked the questions we were all thinking. I feel like l know you. Kathy you have been amazing Morning Style has taught me so much and given me confidence to mix fabrics, brands and colours. You and Simon were a perfect match for the morning show and bounced perfectly of each other. You will be more missed than you will ever know. I wish you, Olley and your lovely family wonderful holidays and time together to cherish and love one another. Please do keep in touch when you can. Loads of love Diane xxx
QVCwont be the same without you…..your so genuine….enjoy your retirement….
Dear Kathy, wishing you all of life’s good things, and a long and happy retirement.
Best wishes Kathy and good luck with all future projects and adventures! X
Kathy you have been an inspiration in your early years up to the present day. Your qvc family and audience will certainly miss you. Your family will benefit enormously having you to themselves. I retired in April after working 48years for the bank.I had a 7 year break in between to raise our 2 sons and worked for a further 38yrs part time!. My husband and I have a touring caravan and we have made some brilliant friends along the way. We are blessed with 2 grandsons and 2 grand miniature daschunds. Here’s to the next chapter in all our lives x x x
Enjoy your well deserved retirement Kathy. I retired last May at 60 and have not looked back and have no regrets!!
Enjoy your retirement Kathy – I will miss you on Morning Style . You are always genuine, honest and friendly 🙂
Make the most of every moment – sending love and good wishes to you and your family xx
All the very best to you on your retirement. You will be missed. Enjoy the time with your lovely family. You are so lucky to have a home in beautiful Corfu to enjoy too. Love Sue Radford x
Oh Kathy, I am so sad to see you go. You have certainly achieved so much in your life and you should be very proud of yourself. I as well as many of the QVC viewers are going to miss your smile. I remember you from the beginning as I have been with QVC right from the beginning, it is amazing how the time flies. Take care of yourself and may God Be With You in everything you do 🙏 with All My Love Yasemin ❤️❤️❤️❤️
So sorry to see you go, this is the first time I have ever made a comment but just wanted to say you will be missed. I love your Morning Style hours you were always honest and explained really well the quality and features of the items.
I hope you will enjoy your well deserved retirement.
I was there when you won the Modern Pentathlon World Championship – I was at every event, including the lunch with Princess Anne at the shooting at Dartford. My late husband’s company, Norwich Union, sponsored the event, but I had previously worked at the CCPR, and the Sports Council. I remember you well, and I was delighted when I first joined QVC to find you were one of the presenters. You were always my favourite. You asked the questions I would have, and never went over the top, as some of the presenters do. You will be greatly missed. I well understand your reasons for leaving. I too had a husband quite a bit older than myself, and you have to think about that when it comes to thinking about retirement – you want as many leisure years together as you can. You don’t know what’s round the corner. Good luck for the future. Enjoy – particularly the wedding!
Happy retirement Kathy you always said the truth when you talked about clothes and I’m sure you will be missed by your colleagues take care
Hi Kathy
I didnt know this site existed until today and I have been with QVC UK virtually from the beginning. I was thrilled to see you had joined QVC and watched you because I knew of your sporting achievements. The other day I said to myself where is Kathy Taylor? I now know you wanted to spend more time with your husband and how lovely is that.
Best wishes to you in all that you do in the future.