I seem to be accruing a list of requests for various things to film on IGTV, but one that has popped up recently is my evening skin care routine so I thought, as it is Sleeptember, why not write a blog about it?! At first I didn’t really think I had much of a routine, but when I stopped to actually think about it, I realised how very set in stone it really is and as someone who tends to sleep very well, perhaps that’s a reminder to protect it, as it definitely works.

I’ve never been a night owl, I love going to bed and never get up in the morning without making it up ready for that evening. I did used to hate being the last one to head upstairs at the end of the day, don’t ask why, but it became a bit of a joke as I would leg it up ahead of Brian, so he could lock up! But with Mum living with us, everything has rather turned upside down so I was the last one up for a while as I had to get her all ready for bed and tucked up etc, but now that he’s nearly 16 and I’ve relinquished his bed time curfew (Whaaat??… I know!!) – it’s Myles that’s last!

So once I’m upstairs, I might have a lovely candle-lit bath or I might not, it depends on the time really. Brian is an absolute gem in so many ways, and regularly comes home with a new bath oil or a beautiful candle for me to add to my collection. I’m not a fan of lavender as a fragrance on its own, however, since discovering Neom, I don’t struggle to find relaxing blends any longer at all, and I’m a HUGE convert! They have absolutely beautiful products, pillow and room mists, candles, all sorts!

So let’s talk skincare ritual (I prefer the word ritual to routine, it feels more holistic and good for me!) I prefer not to take my make-up off with cream cleansers, as I find them cold on the skin and if we are talking rituals, this needs to be relaxing and enjoyable. So instead, I always use a make-up removing balm or oil, as they are usually room temperature and warm immediately in your hand to your body temperature, then glide on the skin and melt away the make-up without any need for scrubbing or battling. My favourite balm is the Elemis Cleansing Balm, which I always follow with a toner. On the oil front, I like to use Sarah Chapman make-up remover or Elemis Nourishing Omega Rich Cleansing Oil – I can’t say I have a favourite, they are all just brilliant at removing every scrap of make-up, and we all know I’m not shy in holding back on the eyeliner and mascara!!

Next, I might do a scrub but I’ve not really been hot on that until lately. Recently, I have noticed the texture of my skin beginning to change, so have become aware that I may need to up the ante on what I’m doing. Finally, I then go to my night time favourite, AD Skin Synergy Nourishing Night Treatment has been in my ritual for years now, I might try a new product for a while, or change it up every now and then for a few months break, but I come back to this time after time after time, and it never fails my skin!

Oh no, here’s the finale… its then teeth brushing time, my favourite bit, and I’m not exaggerating! Once I’m all done, I perch on the side of the bath and brush my teeth with my eyes closed – no word of a lie, I find this bit the ultimate wind down and switch off. I have used sonic toothbrushes for years now, my dentist always comments on how healthy my teeth and gums are, plus I just love the rhythm and feeling that it brings. Not being a night owl means I don’t tend to do many late shifts at QVC, but I have to say, I’m rather looking forward to launching the new Soniclean Ultra Sonic Toothbrush this week… I just hope I don’t roll over and fall asleep after demoing!
That’s all for now, I look forward to catching up with you on social media and hope you enjoy some great sleep tonight!!
Much love as always,
Pipa xx