I had a week off and when I came back it’s full on Christmas at the Q! The trees are up, the sets have been changed and we are starting to see the big Christmas TSV offers from some of your favourite brands.
One of the TSV offers coming up soon is from a rather new brand – Rush. I was lucky enough to meet the two brothers who’d started Rush when they visited us from the US a couple of years ago. They were actually from the fashion business and as they were constantly on their phones and on the move, they needed a great way of keeping their smart phones topped up – so they invented the wireless charge system.

When I say wireless, it is simply that; a charger that has no wires to plug in. A simple idea but so very useful as one unit will charge everything. In our house my wife has an Android phone, as I do, but they are both USB, my daughter has the old-style Android phone with micro USB, I also have an iPad with lightening charge and there’s a few Amazon readers that need topping up too.
The Rush charger does them all and with no cables required! It has the power to fully charge a couple of phones or a tablet. It’s a great offer in time for Christmas and there are lots of people in the family who would like that one in their stocking!

Sad time seeing the end of summer – when the pool was packed away for winter! I must admit we didn’t get the chance to have one last swim in it, as the temperature really went down quickly, but my daughter and I drained it for a few days then scooped out the remaining water with a bucket before packing it up with the hope that the mice don’t eat it over the winter. Then, in spring… up it goes again.
It did leave the grass that was underneath brown and dead and although I have some Lawn Magic from Richard Jackson, I figured I would only just resurrect it before it was time to put the pool out again so… I just covered the brown patch with the trampoline!
All around us the world is making extraordinary changes every day at quite an alarming pace and we are trying to respond as quickly as we can at the Q. Hopefully we are bring you what you want and all the while trying to keep our team as safe and happy as possible.

This saw us all having to wear masks at work when not on air and luckily we seem to have found something a little more user friendly than some of the more traditional ones (as Catherine has modelled so beautifully!).
Until next time
Simon x
One Response
Poor Catherine, you couldn’t have picked a less flattering photo!! She’s such a pretty girl, bet she clobbers you for this!!! I will be buying the charger, solves multiple issues, one for all the teens in the family who for some reason never seem to be able to carry a charging cable with them on their travels then wail in despair as the battery icon goes flat!!!