Josh has broken his elbow!

I’m so sorry I’ve left it so long again, after telling you last time I was back in the game! Fail! Truth is, life just got on top of me there for a bit, the kitchen renovation dragged on, and the house was in chaos. I’m no good when the home is untidy and disorganised, it throws my mood out of whack.

Then I had some holiday leave I needed to take, and then Josh broke his elbow – argh! And the school closed down because of Covid – double argh! So I went into myself a bit. But I’m working hard to shift my mood. I’m eating better and looking into gut health and its correlation to mood. This means I’m trying to eat a lot more fish and organic meat and veggies. Plus nuts, flaxseeds etc.

I’m a self-confessed lazy moo! So actual food prep and not just dialling the local take-out is tricky for me, but I’m trying!

Supplements are a great way to help your body if you know you’re not going to be able to eat as well as you should. We have some great brands on the Q. Dr Seaweed’s Weed and Wonderful – if you’re looking for something to help with thyroid function their Organic Scottish Seaweed is great. Tonik Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules are great for the immune system and energy. Naked Pharmacy have a four month supply of vitamin D which we all need right now.

There are loads more great brands and options on our website, have a look. The great thing is that with our 60-day money back guarantee, if you’re not noticing a change simply return.

I’ve also been trying out some therapies. Such as the hyperbaric chamber! This is where you sit for 45 mins in a chamber that’s pressurised and delivering 80% oxygen, really great to energise and heal your body.

And I’ve been trying out some Cryotherapy where you go in a chamber (it’s like a fridge!) for 3 minutes at -120 degrees! It’s sooooo weird, I get claustrophobic so I ask them to leave the blind open which means it’s not on my face, I can’t imagine doing that! This is supposed to kick-start the body and make you feel more energised. You then stand in red light for about 30 mins which the body loves for healing too.

Something that’s definitely helping to shift my mood is the fact that the kitchen is finished! Hooray!! Still some painting to do but we are in and loving the space!

Scott has taken the kids up north to see his dad so I had some time for me and managed to see one of my dearest friends for lunch and some cocktails … the lovely Mr Rowe! It was so nice to hang out and be stupid! We have been friends for 20 years now and we are still as badly behaved now as we were in our 20s! We will never learn!

Before they left, the kids and I found a new park – Painshill Park! Wow what a place! This used to be a rich man’s garden! It’s massive and filled with all kinds of wonderful things to see, including a crystal grotto!

As you can see Josh is wearing his cast, that comes off soon. I hope his scar isn’t too bad and that its properly mended. I’m so nervous! He fell outside the house and broke his elbow! His sister says he fell over her foot, he says she tripped him! Ahhh the joy of sibling love! Anyway, he’s been super brave, it was horrible to see him in so much pain.

This is his X-ray. They pulled those pins out! While he was awake! I insisted on gas and air for him, poor little thing. 10 days left to go though and it comes off so he can enjoy the summer.

We have a new fashion brand at the Q, Finery – I’m obsessed! I’ve just ordered this dress and this one too. LOVE!!! I have their jumpsuit in both colours, it’s on Waitlist now but put your name down!

We are approaching the 100-episode milestone of the Inside QVC podcast!!

Recently, to mark Diamonique Month, Will caught up with jewellery expert Lee Clark who shared some interesting stories of his life before TV presenting and why he loves Diamonique. You can listen here.

And this week, Will spoke to Ciate London founder Charlotte Knight on the steps she took to build up her beauty brand. It’s a fascinating insight into a cosmetics brand that is still quite new to our QVC community. Listen here.

Next week, Will catches up with one of our guest presenters from the Kitchen department, Thomas Frake who shares his story of winning Masterchef 2020. Then, as we move into August we’ll be celebrating our 100th episode with our very own Pipa Gordon joining Will to reminisce on her 20 years as a QVC presenter.

We have special episodes dedicated to the QVC Beauty Awards and one of QVC’s charity partners, The Trussell Trust. We’ll also be introducing you to the newest members of our presenter team, Annaliese Dayes & Ophelia Dennis!

You can find the Inside QVC podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts by searching for “Inside QVC” or you can listen via our Stories podcasts page on the QVC website.

Thanks for reading my blog… once again apologies for taking so long to write it! Fingers crossed no more child breakages and normal service can resume!

Much love to you all

Alex xx

PS. Do give me a follow on social – Instagram and Twitter.

11 Responses

  1. Hi Alex, your kitchen looks amazing! But I’m sure it’s been a very stressful time. Poor Josh – my sister broke her elbow when we were kids and I remember how painful it was for her. Glad he’s on the mend. Hope all your de-stress therapies are working and you are feeling more like yourself now. xxx

  2. Hi Alex Loving your kitchen The huge doors are a real feature. And the floor. My colours. I know your still doing bits for a while. I think the space is what we all want in a kitchen and I can see this is going to be a real blessing when the Children are getting older. Doing homework.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Alex
    Your new kitchen is stunning!! You have had a really tough time of it over the last 8 or 9 months, what with one thing and another and it has all been very stressful. Now you must start to look after you, because YOU are a very special person. You are a good mum, a good partner and a good QVC presenter. I love your shows and you always make me smile. I’m sending you a big hug and lots of love. Sue x

  4. Hi Alex. Always look forward to reading your blog as you are so open and honest.
    We sound similar people in a lot of ways, especially the stressing out over the house being upside down.
    I recommend St John’s Wort to try. It really does help with low mood and anxiety and helps you to let things go more.
    Your kitchen looks amazing! Well worth the wait, I’m sure.
    Look after yourself, Alex. Remember that all emotions are temporary and will pass.
    Love and light,

    1. Thank you for your kind words lisa. I had forgotten about at John’s wort – that is a good one, I think you have to be careful about going in the sun while you’re taking it but I might have imagined that! Lots of love to you ☺️ Xx

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